Old Lyme Rowing Association

Old Lyme Rowing Association

Minutes for Board Meeting of Monday, November 4, 2013, 7pm

Attendees: Candace Fuchs, Greg Hack, John Laundon, Louis Zubek, Chris McCawley, Tanya Patten, Bill Plage, Kristy Dorsey, Isabelle Foster

Absent: Heather Stone, Deb Heminway, Lori Kolar, Karen Wilczewski, Graham Richartz, Hannah Paynter

Lori Kolar has announced her resignation from the board

1.  Approval of the Minutes from the meeting of September 23, 2013.

2.  Treasurer’s report, including:

·  Bank balances $47,000

·  Additional income from fall juniors $3525

·  Recent expenditures, including deposit ($4000) for purchase of new Hudson S 5.21 4+ for junior girls/ masters women (November delivery expected).

·  Owe Hudson $16,000 when we take delivery of the boat at the end of November

·  4+ (Go Fast) was grounded, this cost has not been included in current accounting. Need to determine if this will be an insurance claim or if OLRA will pay

·  Would Paul fix it ? John Laundon to get a quote on repairs from Dave Dickison

·  If a heated space were provided, restoration could be performed on several boats including the Go Fast (4+) and Stotesbury Gold (2X)

·  When the trailer goes to Vespoli, Matrix 26 with foot stretchers that bolt through the hull should be upgraded to modern tracks

·  Tax filings: under way, there may be a tax liability from time when we were not a 501C3

3.  News and updates:

·  Update on STEAP grant award and developing plans for boathouse

o  Award has been certified

o  Forms have been posted on the town website to apply for membership to the building committee.

o  Docks replacement will require the approval of the building committee, and may be possible to have them by next spring

o  Relationship with Town /School/OLRA is being clarified, and a sublease or some other mechanism may be created for OLRA.

o  The STEAP grant was given to the Town, not the school

o  Skip Sibley will serve as liaison from Board of Selectman

Fall juniors program update. A survey has been distributed to collect feedback on the program. To date, only 11 responses, so we will postpone the update until next meeting

4.  Masters update (Kristy and Bill). Coach Jenn Meuse has offered to run a winter training program for masters----follow up to learn of plans. Tues/Thurs night at USCGA. Saturday mornings possibly at Healthy Addictions. Suggested that they could use Valley Shore YMCA or LOLHS. No information available on a start date. Post meeting update: Kristy has been put in touch with Jen and Matt at Valley Shore YMCA

5.  Considerations for winter training program for juniors. Planning to use LOLHS, but not as a LOLHS program. Approved by the Athletic Director. Limit is 25. John thinks they are already at the limit. Participants range from a variety of towns. Using circuits, track, P90X.

6.  SET DATES to convene

a.  Fundraising Committee: John Laundon, Tanya, Deb, Candace; Candace to send email information to Tanya DONE

b.  Fruit sale cancelled because effort is high, vendors are inflexible and income is minimal

c.  Boat Purchase Committee:

i.  Last Spring we bought the used Hudson 4+(“Class of 1993”) for the boys from Connecticut College to serve an immediate need.

ii. Boat was bought for $12.5K and was in very good condition. While ConnCollege told us the boat is a MW boat, the plate states avg rower weight 190 lb, so it is really not ideal for HS boys.

iii.  Louis Zubek recommends trading the boat in for another boat.

iv.  Unknown whether Hudson would take it in trade ?

v. Greg Hack thinks we can get $10K for it. Add another $10K to buy a new boat for the boys.

vi.  Agree to sell Hudson 4+. Post it on Row2K, and see if we have any interest; cited the risk that we could be short a 4+ in March, if it sells and we don’t have a replacement

vii.  Watch Row2K for midweight 4+. Post meeting note: 2007 lightly used Vespoli mid-weight 4+ has been identified for sale at Columbia for $12K

d.  What do we need ? 2X/2-

e.  Boat Buying Committee: Heather Stone, John Laundon, Bill Plage, Louis Zubek, Kristie Dorsey, Greg Hack, Paul Fuchs

7.  Other new business. Upcoming meetings: December 16 2013, Jan 27 2014.

8.  OLRA Annual Meeting date tentatively set for Monday Jan 20.

Respectfully Submitted,

Candace Fuchs
