Collector Car Council of Colorado, Inc.

President: Dick Thompson, Mile High Cobra Club 303-699-4819

1st Vice President: Gary Canady, Pontiac Oakland Club Intl. 303-886-7923

2nd Vice President: Mel Bacon, Rocky Mtn. Packards 303-659-9345

Secretary: Dick Fritz, MG Car Club 303-774-9710

Treasurer: Tom Kay, Front Range Mustang Club 303-451-9296

Minutes of Meeting, 3 August 2011

The meeting was held at Front Range Airport, 5200 Front Range Parkway, Watkins, Colorado.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Dick Thompson, at 7:23 pm. Officers present were Dick Thompson, president; Gary Canady, 1st vice president; Dick Fritz, secretary; and Tom Kay, treasurer. 40 member clubs were represented.

Prior to the meeting, Ken Lawson provided a BBQ meal on behalf of Front Range Airport. He then described the August 20th Car Show, Vintage Aircraft Fly-In, Prostate screening (PSA blood test), and the CCCC Swap Meet which will be added this year. Ken was thanked for hosting this event and this meeting.

Swap Meet: Gary Canady and Dick Thompson outlined plans and preparations for the swap meet at Front Range Airport on August 20th. The swap area will be at the west end of the aircraft parking area (all aircraft will be moved out) parallel to the East-West runway. Vendor move in will be after noon on Friday, Aug.19. Buyers can enter at 8 am on Saturday. The airport provides a free pancake breakfast at 8 am, and vendors will receive a free voucher for lunch. We are still seeking additional vendors; swap spaces are $35 and car corral spaces are $15.

Swap Workers: Night security will be provided by retired Colorado State Patrolmen, augmented by AMC club members. The Model A Ford club will handle parking and traffic control, Sat. 7 am to 3 pm. Front Range Mustang and SACK clubs will help with post event cleanup. Bill Hunter will head up space marking on Friday morning, but he could use more help. Golf carts will be managed by Gary Canady to avoid costly damage that happened last year and were an unexpected expense. Workers are to check in at the CCCC trailer. We still could use more workers (contact Gary at 303-886-7933) and more vendors (contact Phil Scott at 303-972-3575). Clubs are urged to consider getting a vendor space to sell surplus parts and promote membership.

Legislative issues: Harold Naber described the meeting held with Maren Rubino and others at the Department of Revenue to explore concerns of collector car owners. He noted that not every issue requires a legislative solution and in many cases regulatory policy changes can accomplish the desired objective. The suggestion that car dealers do VIN certification for vehicles over 50 years of age cannot be done. The bonding requirement with the Rebuilder Certificate of Title (CRS 42-6-108.5) will remain but be based on valuation before restoration. The problem of VIN identification when the VIN may have been the engine number, subsequently changed, but a VIN stamped on the frame and now not visible is needed to confirm a sale is unresolved. The proposal to change the eligibility for Collector Series back to 25 years and older was discussed. The emissions-policy person with DoR recommended that we come up with a set of “qualifiers” that could be used to determine eligibility. Ideas presented included having collector car insurance, belonging to a car club, the vehicle must be garaged, use (mileage) restrictions, and passing an initial emission test (if in the AIR locales). If anyone has additional ideas, please pass them along to Harold ( or 719-495-4372).

Several persons have questioned whether the requirement for having a front license plate could be eliminated. We suspect that law enforcement agencies would strongly object to removal. In the meantime, vehicles without the legitimate front license have been ticketed when parked at a meter on the street. Be aware.

Minutes of the July meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Kay provided the following balances as of the end of July:


Operating Account: $3951.62

Govt.Relations Account: 4843.00

Swap Meet Account: 12137.85

Swap Meet Pre-reg.: 345.00

Cruise account: 13761.60

Accounts total= $ 35039.07 (in checking account)


Pre-paid swap Meet deposits 345.00

NET WORTH = $34694.07

The Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented.

Membership: Currently there are 61 member clubs in the CCCC. Renewals for 2011 have not been received from the Colorado Motorsports Council, Rocky Mountain Model A, High Plains Nash Club, and Poudre Valley AACA. The Colorado Nova Club is a prospective member.

Colfax Cruise (Sept.24th): Dick Thompson reviewed the status of the September cruise. Volunteers (individuals and clubs) are needed to staff the six sites, and an email is being sent out with sign-up sheets and T-shirt requests. Notify the secretary () or call Dick Thompson (303-929-5533) if you have not received the forms. The VIP dinner for site workers will be held Sept.23rd at AdenBrook Park, Kipling and Exposition in Lakewood. Dick would like to have a committee meeting at McCoy’s restaurant in Denver on Thursday, August 25th at 6:30 pm.

South Park Car Collection dispersal sale: The late James Gardner had acquired several hundred vehicles that his widow now wishes to sell. The collection is near Como, Colorado. The vehicles can be seen on the site . Dick Thompson will go there on August 15th if anyone wants to join him.

Council and Club Liability Insurance: The Council has liability insurance (third party liability) with Hagerty’s for the events we sponsor and which protect officers and organizers. It is assumed that many if not most clubs have similar policies for their events, but there is the possibility of adding clubs to the council’s policy. The tentative cost is $1.50 per club member.

Rambler Ranch tour: Reminder: The Chassis Lassies club has arranged for a tour of the Rambler Ranch near Elizabeth on Sunday September 25th. Please advise Janice Jensen () how many from your club would like to attend not later than September 1st.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 7, 7:30 pm, at the Falcon Police Station, Colorado Springs Colorado. Address is 7850 Goddard St. which is just south of Interstate 25 exit 150.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Richard Fritz, secretary

Addendum: August - September events

Aug. 4-7: Vettes On The Rockies, Breckenridge, LGCA, 303-841-9408,

Aug.6: Horsefeathers Car Show, Greeley, Early Mustang Club, 303-369-1912,

Aug. 13: All Mopar Show, Centennial CO,

Aug. 20: Aircraft & Car Show, CCCC Swap Meet, Front Range Airport, Watkins CO. Swap Meet: 303-972-3575;, 303-261-9100. BE THERE.

Aug. 26-28: Yesteryear Farm Show, antique autos & trucks, Longmont Dougherty Museum, 303-776-5171

Sept. 7: CCCC meeting, Colorado Springs, Falcon Police Station.

Sept. 11: All Ford Picnic, Sheridan High School, 3201 W.Oxford Ave., Sheridan. Tom Webb 303-789-3956, .

Sept. 11: Track day at High Plains Raceway. .

Sept.17-18: Colorado English Motoring Conclave, Arvada. 303-477-0189.

Sept. 23: CCCC Colfax Cruise VIP dinner at AdenBrook Park, Lakewood.

Sept.24: CCCC Colfax Cruise and Poker Run, Dick Thompson (303-929-5533) or Mel Bacon (303-659-9345).

Sept. 25: Rambler Ranch Tour, Chassis Lassies, .

Addendum 2: Colorado Collector Car News, August 2011

The latest CCCN features a report and photos from the ColoRODans 41st Annual Rod Festival held July 29-31 in Longmont. Also included is a discussion about the Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA blood test) that will be offered free at the Front Range Airport Car Show, Aircraft Fly-In, and CCCC Swap Meet on August 20th. To receive the Colorado Collector Car News, contact the editor, Greg Akiyama, at .