Collector Car Council of Colorado, Inc.

Dedicated to the preservation of automotive history 800-224-6918 (New)

President: Dick Thompson, Mile High Cobra Club 303-699-4819

1st Vice Pres: Tom Mansfield, Looking Glass Corvette 720-344-7143

2nd Vice Pres: Samantha Baker, Chassis Lassies 303-726-2826

Secretary: Dick Fritz, MG Car Club 303-774-9710

Treasurer: Tom Kay, Front Range Mustang Club 303-451-9296

Legislative information: Leo J. Boyle 303-321-6611

Colorado Collector Car News: Greg Akiyama 303-680-8298

Political Committee Liaison: Ted Rossi 303-618-3935

Minutes of Meeting, 6 April 2016

The meeting was held at the Falcon Police Station, 7850 Goddard St. in Colorado Springs.

The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm by President Dick Thompson. Dick thanked the southern Colorado members for hosting this meeting. Officers in attendance were Dick Thompson, president; Tom Mansfield, 1st vice president; Samantha Baker, 2nd vice president; Dick Fritz, secretary; and Tom Kay, treasurer. 26 member clubs were represented. Guests and new representatives were introduced. New reps are reminded to check with Dick Thompson to obtain name tags.

Guests included members of the Southern Colorado MOPAR club which has applied for membership in CCCC. After description of the club and its activities, approval of the application was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously. Welcome!

Legislation: Leo Boyle reported that CCCC testified at the hearing for House Bill 16-1293 which would add an “Insurance Loss” brand to vehicle titles if the vehicle has been appraised as a total loss by an insurance company. As with the salvage title bill two years ago, CCCC sought and obtained an amendment that the branding not apply to vehicles qualified as a collector’s items or street rods as these vehicles may be appreciating rather than depreciating.

Leo also discussed House Bill 16-1342 that originally dealt with establishing a state data base to record disposition of branded-title (e.g. Salvage) vehicles but now has been amended to severely restrict sales of any vehicles by private sellers. There was very short notice of the hearing for this bill.

Several representatives are urging that the CCCC pursue legislation to authorize use of a single license plate on vehicles that were built with no provision for mounting a front license. We are seeking (through SEMA) information on bills on this subject from other states in order to plan how to present this in Colorado.

Political Committee: Ted Rossi distributed the donation cards for contributions. The committee must report exact names and addresses of donors. Dick Thompson, Leo Boyle, and Ted Rossi can attend club meetings to explain the PAC. Contributions to candidates “favorably inclined to our interests” will not be made until after the primaries in June. To answer the question of why we are undertaking this now, we recognize that term limits will remove legislators we have counted on as friends of the hobby.

EPA Regulation regarding motorsports modifications: SEMA regards this regulation as overstepping history of acceptance of motorsports activities and requests that that segment of the regulation due to be released in July be eliminated. A bill has been introduced in the US House of Representatives identified as “Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2016” (H.R. 4715, RPM Act of 2016) and SEMA urges enthusiasts to contact their representatives of support this bill. We urge all car enthusiasts in Colorado to join the SEMA Action Network ( to be informed on this and other hobby threats around the country.

Minutes of the March 2nd meeting were approved unanimously.

Lincoln Tech Hot Rod Car Show: The weather cooperated and there was a very successful car show at Lincoln Tech on April 2nd. The approximately 800 cars included a dozen representing CCCC. CCCC expects hold our October 5th meeting at Lincoln Tech and there will be a tour of the facilities.

Front Range Airport Warbird Show, Car Show, and Swap Meet (May 28): Preliminary entries indicate that there will be 30 WW II era aircraft, one F-16, and 600 cars for the car show on hand. Swap meet entries are yet to appear, and we need to get vendors signed up. To get things moving, clubs are urged to reserve a space. Vendor booths are $35 and car corral spaces will be $20.

Cruiz’n Havana: [June 11]: Dick Thompson described special displays (Mecum Auction, FRR NASCAR race car, American National Insurance, etc.) which will be at sites. Aurora police will be on hand and students from Lincoln Tech will assist with traffic control at the four sites. Again, the winner of the poker run (5 cards) will win a five-day ocean cruise and second place will win a tool chest. Clubs need to provide 2 or 3 persons per site, 2 hours per shift. Volunteers and clubs need to sign on (contact Samantha Baker, , 303-726-2826) with ad copy for the program and shirt sizes for each worker. Volunteers are invited to a VIP dinner on Friday, June 10, at the Havana Machine Shop meeting room, 840 S. Havana, Aurora.

Upcoming club events were described.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 4 May 2016, at Front Range Airport. If this has to be changed, a special notice will be issued.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Dick Fritz, secretary