Old Bolingbroke Village Hall Committee

Old Bolingbroke Village Hall Committee




Present: Gina Harmsworth, Keith Harmsworth, Sandra Dawson, John Rose, Roy Hallam, June Scarff, Lyn Cullum, Andrew Cullum

  1. Apologies.

John Dennett, Marion Brennand, David Makins

  1. Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting held on 4 April 2011 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

  1. Chairman’s Report

The Plant Fair and the Christmas Craft Fair have been the largest fund raisers. Thanks to all those who helped and particularly Sandra and Roy.

John and Sandra attended a fund raising course. The tiles have been finished in the cloakroom areas. New signage has appeared – Hazardous substances, 1st Aid and Emergency Exit.

We agreed to sponsor the Newsletter. Thanks to Lyn for doing it and all our admin work.

We have had the tree saga, and the PC considering the renegotiation of our lease. Our relationship with the PC is not as good as it was a few years ago, but we should not forget the strong support we have had from Marion, David and of course Sandra.

We have had regular Cleaning Days where internal and external work has been accomplished, even though we have had difficulty in recruiting extra volunteers.

The most important development has been the drawing up of plans and specs for the storage extension. After revision these have been passed by the Planning Dept. and quotations are shortly expected from 3 or 4 builders. Now we hope to be able to complete our Grant Application Forms.

Though the bank account is healthy, between income and expenditure there is only a surplus of £300 odd. Perhaps we will need to find ways of increasing income or cutting costs.

Finally I cannot thank you all enough for all your continued support for the VH. Without your efforts the Hall might not be in such a healthy decorative or financial state. Thank you all once again.

Cont’d ……/2

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  1. Treasurer’s Report

Roy reported Jan – March balance 29/03/12 was £5811.53. Maintenance accounted for a large part of expenditure at over £2,000. We still await confirmation of our exemption from rates. EON has reduced our payments to £23 per month. Annual accounts approved and filed under Minutes of meeting 19/01/12. The Chairman thanked the Treasurer for his consistent hard work.

  1. Election of Officers for 2011-2012

The officers for 2011-2012 resigned en-bloc. Committee was elected as follows:

Chairman Andrew Cullum, Vice Chair Keith Harmsworth, Secretary Lyn Cullum, Treasurer Roy Hallam, Bookings Gina Harmsworth, Committee Members John Dennett, Sandra Dawson, John Rose, June Scarff and probably Marion Brennand.

Roy to carry on as Treasurer although he expects to be unavailable at the end of the year. Sandra to approach Andy Gore with a view to taking over the accounts then.

The Meeting closed at 8.00 pm. There followed coffee and a Committee Meeting.