Oklahoma Union Public Schools
Oklahoma Union Hall of Fame
Recognize alumni, staff, administration, board of education members, and community members for their considerable contributions to Oklahoma Union public schools and to the consolidated school districts of Alluwe, Delaware, Lenapah, and Wann.
Award Dates
Honorees will be recognized two times during the school year. One will take place during the fall sports season and will be presented during halftime of last a home high school football game. One will take place during the winter sports season and will be presented between games of last home high school basketball game.
Award eligibility
The fall honoree/honorees’ will be selected from staff, administration, alumni, and community members that graduated from Oklahoma Union public schools, were employed by Oklahoma Union public schools, or community members that made a significant contribution to Oklahoma Union public schools. Honorees must have been graduated at least 15 years and school employees must not have been employed at Oklahoma Union schools within last 5 years.
The winter honoree/honorees’ will be selected from communities that make up the Oklahoma Union school district. These honorees’ could have made outstanding contributions to those consolidated districts before the formation of Oklahoma Union public schools. Honorees must have graduated, were employed by school district, or a community member from communities that make up Oklahoma Union school district.
Individuals must be a person of good standing, performed with excellence, and have been a positive influence in the Oklahoma Union community and society.
An entire team or individual from athletic team, FFA judging team, Band, Academic team, etc can be nominated.
Post high school achievements of an individual (career success, community service, awards, etc.) can be considered.
Outstanding academic, extracurricular activity awards and recognition, post high school careers, or service to Oklahoma Union schools, to community and state is main focus of award.
Selection Process
Nomination can be made by community members and alumni of Oklahoma Union, Alluwe, Delaware, Lenapah, and Wann school districts. Applications must be received at least three weeks before award dates. Applications must be delivered to Oklahoma Union public schools and will be accepted by Oklahoma Union Hall of Fame committee. The committee will review applications and make selections for both award dates. Mail all applications to Superintendents Office, Oklahoma Union Hall of Fame, RR 1 Box 377-7, South Coffeyville, Oklahoma , 74072
The hall of fame committee will be made up of 6 members. Members of committee will serve a term of six years. A new member will be appointed by remaining committee members each year. The member that term is expiring can be reappointed by majority vote of remaining membership. Membership of the hall of fame committee will consist of alumni, community members, and business owners of the Oklahoma Union school district or the consolidated districts of Alluwe, Delaware, Lenapah, and Wann.
The hall of fame committee will meet twice a year to select the honorees and decide number of inductees at each ceremony, one to three is recommended.
The Oklahoma Union athletic director will be responsible for the ceremony, securing plaques, and providing news release to appropriate publications.
Oklahoma Union public schools will be responsible for expenses of ceremony.
Oklahoma Union Hall of Fame
Nomination Form
Name/Group of Nominee______
School Attended______Graduation Year______
Criteria for being selected to the Hall of Fame include:
- High School awards and honors
- Post high school achievements and career
- Community service
- Contributions made to Oklahoma Union Schools or consolidated districts.
Please attach narrative of why nominee is deserving of selection into Oklahoma Union Hall of Fame.
Adoption9/14/2016Page 1