Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon was organized to be a Run To Rememberfor those who died, those who survived, and those whose lives were changed forever, in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995. It is usually held on the last Sunday of April each year.

It is the main fundraiser supporting the Memorial Marathon Museum. It usually raises in the neighborhood of 1 million dollars each year. There have been around 24,000 to 25,000 plus entrants in all the races each year.

The in-kind contribution of the Amateur Radio community is about $50,000+ in volunteer time and equipment each year.

About 80 – 90 +Amateur radio operators are needed each year to cover the entire course with Public Safety Communications. We have operators shadowing the race director at the Startand Finish lines , operators at each of 4 relay locations, at each of 12 Med tents on the course, Net controls for the whole race, SAG vehicle operation, water and Ice trucks, an Incident Command trailer, in each of the SAG and Water/Ice vehicles, in the MASH medical tent at the finish line, in the lead vehicle for the full and half marathons , operators at the “kids Corral at the end of the kids race, radio observers along the “last mile”, and operatorsat the Regional Emergency Operations Center in OKC, and any other assignments that may be needed. There is also a radio operator (with radio) running the race and acting as a course observer.

The day usually begins at about 0600 with on-site check in and most everyone should be back home (locally) by 1500 hours. It is a very rewarding experience, seeing and assisting with runners from all over the world.

There is a Pre-Brief held within the last 2 weeks before the event where T Shirts, credential packets (for those in downtown area) frequency cards, and other necessary information is given out.

Most radio operators, normally will need a good mobile/base unit with external antenna (preferred), but an HT with and external antenna and spare battery packs or external power supply will also work, and as with all events be flexible and able to adapt to weather (hot, cold, rain, hail, wind, etc.) and to follow the communications plan set up for the Marathonby the Public Safety Communications Chairman.

Registration is on-line, and the URL is available on each local radio club web site.
