“The Heart of a WARRIOR!”
This handbook is not intended as a legal document, but rather is an attempt to provide students with guidelines. These guidelines will provide for the maximum operational efficiency of our school. This booklet is not all-inclusive in that it does not contain a complete list of policies and procedures of Okarche Public Schools. The complete book of policies and procedures is located in the Superintendent’s office, 632 West Oklahoma Avenue, Okarche, OK.
The Okarche Public School district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, handicap or veteran status.
Okarche Public School is committed to providinga thorough education to its students, giving them the tools needed to enable them to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners. Our standards incorporate the ethical and moral expectations of the community, enabling studentsto become a positive influence on society. Because of the education background furnished, ourstudents have the basis to accomplish whateverthey set their sights on.
Shawn Vogt – President
Heather Nance – Vice President
Beth Schieber – Clerk
Stephanie Jeffrey – Deputy Clerk
Craig Baustert – Parliamentarian
Rob Friesen – Superintendent
Rob Friesen – JH/HS Principal
David Vallerand– Elementary Principal
Keri Rother – Pre-Kindergarten
Marianne Austin -- Kindergarten
Wendi Carter – First Grade
Rachelle Friesen – Second Grade
Tiffany Wittrock – Second Grade
April Taylor – Third Grade
Stephanie Harper – Fourth Grade
Janis Hudson – Fifth Grade
Janet Schroeder – Sixth Grade
Ann Hufnagel – Elem Librarian
Natalie Benson – Computer/Psychology
Larry Black – Social Studies
Booker Blakley – Mathematics/Softball
Michelle Ellington – JH Math/Science
Halli Ford – Special Ed/Reading (HS)
Traci Fuller - Library/English/Yearbook/Reading
Sue Hull – Science
Brandi Krittenbrink - FACS
Travis Long – Science/Baseball
Julie Meder – Vocational Agriculture
Haley Mitchel – English/GirlsBasketball
Cherie Myers – Girls Basketball
G.W. Parham – Counselor/Social Studies
Jim Schwarz – Mathematics
Linda Simmons – Spanish
Brandon Treece – Social Studies/Baseball
Aaron West – Elem PE/Soc Stud/Boys Bball
Ray West – Elem PE/Boys Basketball
Lyndal Westmoreland – Speech/English
Adam Wilczek- Technology Education
Rachel Wiczek - Special Ed/Reading (Elem)
Michelle Beard - HS Secretary
Larry Black– Maintenance
Melissa Crider - Elem Secretary
Cindy Davis - Janitorial
Gerad Endres – Food Services
Susie Endres – Food Services
Benny Fuller – Maintenance/Bus Driver
Deanna Gilles – Aide/Paraprofessional
Stephanie Mingus - Aide
Michelle Overton – Aide
Tasha Reherman - Supt. Secretary
Dana Rodgers - Janitorial
Randi Rother – Early Childhood Secretary
Brandi Weeres – Cafeteria Manager
Schools are required by state law to keep an accurate record of attendance and reasons for absence. Students should not miss school except for illness, doctor or dental appointment, or an emergency. Students will not be excused from school once they arrive unless the parent calls for them. By state law, students must be counted absent for any reason other than missing for school activities.
Regular attendance is expected in order to receive a proper education. If the principal or teacher determines attendance is irregular, excessive or interfering with academic progress a conference with the parents will be necessary. Students are expected to attend school. Parents should make every effort to encourage students to attend. Each site will enlist the assistance of DHS and the district attorney in an effort to assure regular attendance. A student will be marked absent according to the rules of the State Board of Education. Absences are recorded by half days.
The following regulations will govern all absences, tardies, and make-up work associated with said attendance issues:
- Students will be limited to a maximum of seven (7) absences in any one calendar semester. A calendar semester is defined as the first day of school in a semester to the end of said semester. The grading semester will be revised at the beginning of each school year.
- Any student accumulating over seven (7) absences in any one calendar semester will face the potential to receive zero credit for that class as per state law. The student will have the opportunity to go before the attendance review committee in order to receive credit. Students absent for a school related activity will acquire their assignments before leaving and are responsible for the completion of these assignments upon their return to class. School related absences will be excused.
- Absences that apply to the maximum allowable will determined on a class period-by-class period basis at the junior high and high school and determined by attendance over 50% of the day at the elementary school.
- Whether absences are supported or not by a note from parents/guardians, the absences will be counted toward the maximum number of allowable absences in a grading semester.
- Students guilty of an unexcused absence deemed by the principal to be truancy will be subject to disciplinary action and will not be allowed to make up any classroom assignments for the class period or day involved.
- When students return to school after being absent, they should bring a note signed by their parents/guardians that include the date(s) absent and the reason for the absence; or the parent/guardian should call the respective site office outlining the same information. Absences documented by parent/guardian notes or phone contacts will count toward the maximum allowable. All notes or phone calls must be turned in or completed within one day after the student returns to school.
- Students are responsible for making arrangements for all make-up work when absent. Said arrangements must be made on the first day the student returns back to school.
- Make-up work will be allowed under the following guidelines and conditions: to receive full credit on a make-up assignment, a student will have one (1) day for each day absent to make up work with the maximum of five (5) days beginning on the day the student returns to school. If the work is not made up by the day required, then ten (10) percent will be deducted for each day late, up to and including the third day. After the third day, the student will not be allowed to make up the work for credit. Students will not be permitted to make up work missed due to an unexcused absence.
- Tardies will be defined as being late to school or a class period or checking out of last period before 3:15 p.m.
- State statutes for mandatory attendance will continue to be followed as outlined in the student handbook.
- TRUANCY – A student is considered truant when he/she leaves school without permission from the office or if he/she remains away from school. Cutting class for just one hour will be considered truancy, even though the student may not have left the school grounds. Consequences of truancy can result in detention, Saturday School, and/or out of school suspension.
The maximum number of absences for activities, whether sponsored by the school or outside agency/organization, which removes any student from the classroom shall be ten (10) for any one class period of each school year. Excluded from this number are state and national levels of school sponsored contests. State and national contests are those for which a student must earn the right to compete. A copy of the 10-day policy is in each principal’s office.
Parents are encouraged to make doctor and dental appointments before or after school whenever possible. When this cannot be accomplished, parents are to notify the school of the appointment and its time and location.
- Please be on time for bus stops.
- Drivers will have the same control over pupils while riding on buses as teachers have while the pupils are in school. Drivers are asked to report violators to the principal’s office and fill out a school bus incident report.
- Conduct on buses should be very good, as misconduct might draw the attention of the driver and cause an accident. For your own safety and protection, you are required to remain seated and to refrain from scuffling.
- Pop or milk will not be taken on buses.
- Buses will not stop for students to load or unload in town, except at the school’s designated place.
- Parents should call their bus driver early in the morning if their children are not riding that day.
Athletics, Vocational Agriculture, and Technology Education classes will be held at the old high school. A shuttle bus will be provided for our students totransport them to and from these classes on an hourly basis. Students will not be allowed to drive to these classes during the regular school day unless it is for 7th period. A shuttle bus will still be provided 7th period for those students who do not have a vehicle. NO student will be allowed to ride with another student in their vehicle without written permission from a parent or guardian.
Backpacks shall be placed in the locker at the beginning of first period and remain the duration of the school day.
It shall be the policy of the Okarche Public School during the current school term that the campus shall be “closed” for students in kindergarten through the eighth grade. A student in any of these grades will not be allowed to leave the campus during school hours except when picked up by his or her parent and checked out through the principal’s office. Junior and Senior students will be allowed to drive into town with written permission from their parent/guardian. Students in the 9th and 10th grade may walk to town if so desired. Students in the 11th and 12th grade may receive special permission to drive into town for lunch. This permission will be granted under strict guidelines and a permission form from the student’s parent/guardian will be required before this is allowed. Any student that violates any of the provisions set forth in the agreement will have these privileges revoked for the remainder of the school year. Students are encouraged to avail themselves of the economical and nutritious meals at the school cafeteria at noon. Students may, however, bring their lunch to be eaten on designated school premises.
We have one basic rule of conduct; Do the right thing! We desire that all students accept the responsibility of self-discipline and respect. Students are to conduct themselves as young ladies and gentlemen at all times.
When a student demonstrates that he/she cannot conduct himself/herself in a positive manner and infringes upon the rights of others to enjoy the freedom of self-discipline, he/she must face the consequences of disciplinary action. Such alternatives as detention, corporal punishment, in-house detention, and suspension are available to those students who find it difficult to conform to school policies.
Okarche Public Schools disciplinary policies are outlined in the Board approved disciplinary plan.
The Board of Education believes that the majority of the students in the public schools recognizes their own individuality and has no need to express themselves by extreme dress or grooming styles. Appropriate dress and personal grooming by each student for all school activities should reflect the high standards of the school and community. The only requirements the Board of Education insists upon are that student’s dress and grooming shall not lead school officials to reasonably believe that such dress or grooming will disrupt, interfere with, or detract from schoolactivities, or create a health or other hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others.
- In accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulations shall establish a dress and grooming code for the public school system.
- Generally, students should regard neatness and cleanliness in grooming and clothing as important. Dress or grooming which is in any way disruptive to the operation of the school will not be permitted.
- Principals, in conjunction with sponsors, coaches, or other persons in charge of extra-curricular activities, may regulate dress and grooming of students who participate in a particular activity.
- The following are specifically prohibited:
- Cutoffs, tank tops, or muscle shirts, except in gym and times designated by the school district.
- Shirts or blouses that do not overlap their skirts or trousers when arms are extended upward over the head.
- Writing or pictures on shirts or patches that suggest obscenity, vulgarity, advertise or advocate alcohol, drugs, or other illegal or inappropriate products or activities or that have double meanings relating to the above.
- Skirts, dresses, or shorts when arms are extended to the sides of the body and the fingertips extend past the fabric. Tempo shorts should have compression shorts underneath at all times.
- Tights/Yoga pants should be worn as an accessory, and not as main article of clothing.
- Indoor wearing of hats, caps, or head bands.
- Revealing or sexually provocative clothing, clothing of extreme style may not be worn.
- Due to distractions, students will not be allowed to wear jewelry in their eyebrows, tongue, lips, stomach, etc. Normal wear of jewelry is acceptable.
- Any clothing with holes above the knee.
- If a student’s dress or grooming is objectionable under the above provisions, the principal shall request the student to make appropriate corrections. If the student declines, the principal shall notify the student’s parents or legal guardian and request that person to make the necessary correction. If both the student and parent or legal guardian refuses, the principal shall take appropriate disciplinary action.
- Students who violate provisions of the dress code and who refuse to correct the violation may be disciplined by removal or exclusion from extracurricular activities. In extreme cases, students may be suspended until the violation is corrected.
- Shorts may be worn year-round, but must conform to the above regulations. Students in violation of the shorts requirements will be given a “strike”. After receiving 3 strikes, that particular student will not be allowed to wear shorts the remainder of the year.
- Sleeveless shirts are permissible as long as the shirt extends to the point where the arm joins the shoulder and not more than 1 ½ inch below the arm pit.
- Parents and eligible students have the following rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Okarche School policy. The right to…
- Inspect and review student educational records.
- Request amendments of student’s educational records to ensure that such records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy and/or other rights.
- Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that the ACT and these policies authorize disclosure without consent.
- File with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint under SS 99.64 concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of the ACT and these policies.
- Obtain a copy of the policies adopted under SS 99.6, upon request.
- Policies adopted under this Act may be obtained from the Director of Special Services at 263-7300.
- Persons who have a primary or home language other than English may contact the Director of Special Services and request an interpreter so they may thoroughly understand their rights under this Act and policy.
Teachers will be available for student or parent conferences during scheduled conference periods and from 7:50 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. daily.
Any field trip should only be considered in light of the intrinsic learning experience relevant to the particular study in which the class is currently engaged.
- A student must have a 2.5 grade point average to participate.
- Organizations that finance their own trip will be permitted one trip per year out-of-state. Students from these organizations will be subject to the above rules.
- Teachers or organizational sponsors who desire to take out-of-state trips will be required to have such request in writing with one copy going to the principal and one copy to the president of the school board by September 15 for first semester activities, and November 15 for second semester activities.
- Should several trips be requested during any one semester, it will be the decision of the board of education as to the number of trips that will be permitted.
In keeping with appropriate levels of civic pride and state law, Okarche Public Schools will appropriately conduct daily flag salutes and provide at least a “minute” of silence each school day. This exercise will allow students the opportunity to honor our country and engage in a moment of silence as they see fit.
- Definitions
1.Discrimination complaint: A written complaint alleging any policy procedure or practice which discriminates on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or qualified handicap.
2.Student grievant:A student of the Okarche School District who submits a complaint alleging discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, or qualified handicap.
- Employee grievant: An employee of the Okarche School District who submits a complaint alleging discrimination based on race color, national origin, religion, sex, age, qualified handicap, or veteran.
- Title IX and 504 coordinator: The person (s) designated coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out responsibilities under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other State and Federal laws addressing equal education opportunity. The Title IX/504 coordinator is responsible for processing complaints and serves as moderator and recorder during hearings.
- Respondent: The person alleged to be responsible for the violation alleged in a complaint. The term may be used to designate persons with responsibility for a particular action or those persons with supervisory responsibility for procedures and policies in those areas covered in the complaint.
- Day: Day means a working day; the calculation of days in complaint processing shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
- Pre-filing procedures
- Prior to the filing of a written complaint, the student or employee is encouraged to visit with the Respondent, and reasonable effort should be made to resolve the problem or complaint.
- Filing and Processing Discrimination Complaints
Grievant—submits written complaint to Title IX/504 coordinator stating name, nature and date of alleged violation; names of persons responsible (where known) and requested action. Complaint must be submitted within 30 days of alleged violation. Complaint forms are available in school office or other designated area.