Attendees: Tina Hertzog, Michelle Clyne, Julie Durando, Rose Moehring, Sherri Nelson, Mark Schalock, Linda McDowell, Sam Morgan

Reasons To Measure

  • Measuring use for proof of learning for CEU's etc.
  • Measures of learning for effectiveness
  • Measures for APR

Redo of end of module survey - thoughts

GEPRA Quality, Use, Relevance

What to Measure? What do you need?


  • Who is in the modules - what their characteristics, professional roles
  • Populations - who are we serving who are we missing
  • Who wants what type of CEU
  • How many people are completing - completion rates on modules - what are the completion rates?
  • original intent of participants - browsing v. completion
  • Registration form questions critical to set up and understanding of why for participants
  • Level of support and hosting


  • Time measures
  • Time in modules (6 credit hours per module is what states are offering)
  • Proof of completion and the number of hours it takes to do so
  • Engagement time - Moodle enagement time, intelliboard module engagement time
  • Comments from chat Linda McDowell: Question for Tina or others needing time to give credit: Total module engagement time, not a breakdown of time within each module (per activities)?

Tina Hertzog: Participant preference is engagment time per activity, which is what the "Training Session" moodle report provided, since we no longer have that option, we provide the full module engagement time.

Linda McDowell: For CEUs are you wanting the time per activities, Tina?

Tina Hertzog: That would be preferred. There is a great report in Moodle for learner comprehensive activity report. If we could add engagement time per activity into that report, that

  • Successful completion of assignments - ND/SD uses rubric.
  • Completion of module

Effectiveness and learning

SD/ND uses Hartman scales as well and tracks people across modues

Surveys - change in knowledge post survey of change

Written statements and storied - qualitative

succesful completion of assignments

Pre mid post survey (Tina)


  • Participant numbers

IL uses timed agenda, pretest postest, module assignments, Hartman’s scale of DB teacher efficacy as

pre/post, SEA had requested but not requiring now child change (joyfulness, joint attention, communicative expression)(observational by participant)

Ways To Measure

End of Module Survey

Change survey to more outcome driven, as well as usability

Moodle stats/Intelliboard/Google Analytics

Surveys in Modules

IL embeded SEA questions, and project questions into a survey into the modules - some questions across all modules, some specific to the particular module but not anymore now

VA - GEPRA, satisfaction, change in instruction, change in child - same survey for all modules