Ohio Boy’s USA Gymnastics State Meeting

March 22,2003

Meeting called to order by Ron Ferris at 8:45 pm on March 22,2003

I. Roll Call

State Chairman: Ron Ferris

State Vice-Chairman: Mike Serra

State Secretary: Chris Tollon

Club Coaches:

Josh OToole

Thomas Slack

Toby Karnehm

Dara Grant

Kenneth Kawanishi

Keith Pettit

Don Sellman

Eddie McGee

Norm Stulz

John Spellis

Youssef Mourad

Sean Sawyer

Greg Ganim

II. Minutes

Motion to accept the minutes as they are presented on the Web Site.

Motion: Keith Pettit

Second: Kenneth Kawanishi

Passed: Unanimous

III. Report from Chairman

Ron spoke on how the elected Officers needed to fulfill their responsibilities. He felt that he was taking on too much by himself.

IV. Report from Vice-Chairman

No report.

V. Report from Secretary

Chris reminds everyone to check the Ohio Web Site frequently. For it is the only means of information to the general membership.

IV. Financial Reports

Motion not to accept the financial report due to some discrepancies (missing head tax for some meets , and the state meet awards ) on the report it self.

Motion: Josh O’Toole

Second: Chris Tollon

Passed: Unanimous

VII. Regional Report

Mike pointed out that everyone should have received a packet in the mail. Also all the information on the Regional Meet is on the Ohio Web page. Including meet site, times , and hotel information. Mike also gave a run down on how the meet would be run, and equipment.

VIII. National Report

JO Nationals will be held in Savannah, Georgia and is May 8-11, 2003.

World Championships will be held in Anaheim, California.

IX. Committee Reports

State Championship Site Selection Committee

No report.

X. State Calendar

Summer meeting will be hosted at Buckeye Gymnastics on July 20th, 2003. Time TBA.

XI. Election of Officers

Keith Pettit nominated Ron Ferris for State Chairman.

Ron Ferris nominated Mike Serra for Vice-Chairman.

Ron Ferris nominated Toby Karnehm for Secretary.

Ron Ferris nominated Keith Pettit for Championship Committee at-large-member.

Motion to accept slate by acclamation.

Motion: Mike Serra

Second: Sean Sawyer

Passed: Unanimous

XII. New Business

No new business

Motion to adjourn meeting.

Motion: Chris Tollon

Second: Mike Serra

Passed: Unanimous

Meeting adjourned at 10:00

Respectfully submitted by Chris Tollon.