Subject: History

Grade Level: Nine

Topic: Counter-Reformation

(50 Minutes)

Ohio Academic Content Standards

Standard: History

OH.SS.7.1.B.5 >Describe the impact of new ideas and institutions on European life including: The significance of printing with moveable type; Major achievements in art, architecture & literature during the Renaissance; The Reformation.


1)  Explain the significance of the many Protestant sects that developed as a result of the Counter-Reformation

2)  Summarize the reforms that were made in the Catholic Church during the Counter-Reformation.

3)  Explain the religious and social effects of the Counter-Reformation.

4)  Identify two conflicts of the Counter-Reformation.


·  Opening

o  Students will view the video clip on the Counter-Reformation taken from United Streaming titled “Christianity During the Renaissance: The Reformation” (1 min. 44 sec.)

o  Discuss key points: Martin Luther, 95 Theses, reason for discontent with the Catholic Church.

·  Strategies

o  Interactive Lecture with PowerPoint (25 Minutes)

§  Students will be given a “Bubble Sheet Oraganizer” that will assist them in organizing their notes from the lecture.

§  The first part of the lecture will require students to identify pictures of Martin Luther, Church where 95 Theses were nailed, and the printing press. These pictures will then be used to highlight the key points of the video clip.

§  Throughout the lesson I will be asking students questions over the section and have them identify key terms throughout the section.

·  Example questions: Who founded the Jesuits?; Define “indulgences; Anti-Semitism is a prejudice against what group and what impact did it have on society?

·  The lecture will address the following key points:

1)  Many Protestant sects developed

2)  Church leaders reformed the church

3)  Religious intolerance and anti-semitism increased

4)  Religious conflicts spread across Europe.

o  On a bubble sheet drawn on the board, have students come up to the board and write what each put around each bubble and why. Review the ideas that each student addresses on the “Bubble Sheet Organizer” (key points from above) (10 Minutes)

·  Closing

o  Article titled “Catholics, Lutherans settle 500-year-old debate on salvation”.

o  Have students read and answer questions based on the content in the article related to the Counter-Reformation.

o  Students will be asked to share their responses to the article and list three ideas they learned from the lesson.

o  10 Minutes

Instructional Material and Technology

o  I used United Streaming and a primary source, that being the article.

o  I included a PowerPoint presentation in my lecture.

Assessment of Objectives

o  Students will be assessed by their responses to the article and the three ideas they list.