Committee of Management
Position Description
OH&S Officer
(Occupational Health & Safety)
Position Objective:
Like any business, all kindergartens and childcare centres in Australia must adhere to OH&S legislation. Workplace health and safety is covered in Victoria by 2 pieces of legislation:
- The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004; and
- The Accident Compensation Action 1985 (Amended 2007)
Everyone involved in the kinder has a role to play in regards to safety – committee, employees, contractors and parents. The owners of the kinder building (the council) have legal OH&S obligations, relating to the maintenance of safety.
The OH&S Officer assists and supports:
- in maintaining a high standard of health, safety and risk management processes.
- in conjunction with the Committee of Management and staff, maintains a high priority to ensure the safety of employees and any others who attend the kindergarten.
- the Committee in ensuring the children attending the kindergarten are in an environment that is healthy and safe.
- In consultation with the staff and Committee review OH&S policies and procedures.
- Co-ordinate the provision of OH&S information and training for staff and committee as required
- In conjunction with the staff, completion workplace inspections
- Provide opportunity for staff consultation in the provision of health and safety
- Promote discussion of issues through having OH&S as an agenda item at each monthly Committee meeting
- Maintenance of an ongoing OH&S action plan
- Oversee completion of safety records and documentation where necessary
- Oversee the safe use and storage of chemicals
- Ensure staff are completing and filing daily safety checks (staff are required to scan the indoor and outdoor environment on a daily basis for any potential hazards)
- Complete a workplace hazard assessment with a staff member once per term and update the OH&S improvement plan, raising any new items at monthly Committee meetings
- Communicate maintenance to Maintenance Officer
- Report on current and ongoing safety issues at month Committee meetings
- Review Safety Policy Annually
- Liaise with staff to organise Emergency Management Plan drills once per term
- Regularly review chemicals being used and stored in the kinder and maintain a register of chemical data sheets
- Compete hazard assessments as safety issues arise, bringing them to the attention of the Committee and staff and ensuring that such issues are seen through to resolution.
- Review OH&S training needs annually and make recommendations to the Committee
- Ensure President is informed of any serious injuries, incidents or near misses resulting from OH&S matters.
This is not an executive role, but the OH&S Officer is a full voting member of the Committee.