
Official Newsletter of the Lost Arrow Archery Club

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin * USA

*Established: August 16, 1956 *

Spring 2016

Club News:

Enclosed is the 2016-17 Membership form. If you renew your membership by mail, your membership card willbe validated

and mailed back to you. If you renew your membership in person at the clubhouse, your cardmust be validated by a Board

Member and presented with proper payment. The Board voted to keep the dues and feesthe same for one more year, there

will be no increase inthe soda or beer prices. Commit to bringing at least one new memberinto the club this year, this will keep

us from having to raise membership fees!! Our annual Big Buck contest measuring event was held on January 23rd. We sharedsome

good hunting stories and measured antlers for those that brought in “bone”. There were 23people in thisyear’s contest and had

3entries to measure. The big winner was Randy Vadnais, with a nice 10 pointthat was scored 142 3/8.

Remember: You are going to be asked to select a “work force category”on a voluntarybasis to help with duties and projects

for the club. PARTICIPATION IS NOT MANDATORY – BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED. If you don’t select a category, one will be

assigned to you. We hope you can find a fewhours throughoutthe season to pitch in. Regular email reminders will be sent our

prior to eachwork party outlining the tasks that need attention. The club turns 60 this year! An “Open House” is planned for August.

You can email comments and suggestionto usat:.

3D League News:

3-DLeague will begin May 2nd and run through July 25th. Get your 2 person team together early. Deadline to sign upfor league is

May 18th. Membership dues and league fees remain the same a last year. Roger will spend$2000+ on target inserts and on new

3D targets for this year, including a new MOOSE! Remember: Range finders are allowed! NEW: You can choose between Trophies

or Club Credit for this year’s top awards! We have added newmetal shooting towers to offer somenewshooting

anglesand somenew “lost arrow” opportunities…YES, the bug sprayer will be back!! Results will be posted in theclubhouse weekly.

Tournament News:

This year’s dates are: 3-D Extreme, April 02 - 03,Bob’s Bonus Bonanza, April16 - 17,Mid-State 3-D Classic, May14 - 15,

and the Central Wisconsin Shoot, June 18 -19. This year, ourannual“Coon Shoot & Campout” is on August 6st. CONTINUED

THIS YEAR,every clubmember thatshoots in our tournaments, one entry per event, will be entered in a drawing for ½ dozen

arrows donatedby Dutch’s Trading Post. Tournament results will be posted on our website after each event.

Dates to Remember:

March 26th30th, 1st work party and setup for the 3-D Extreme, Saturday at 8:00am, Wednesday at 4:00pm.

April02nd – 03rd, 3-D Extreme Shoot. Just extreme fun!

April 09th13th, 2nd work party and setup for Bob’s Bonus Bonanza, Saturday at 8:00am, Wednesday at 4:00pm.

April 16th -17th, Bob’s Bonus Bonanza. Targets out to 80 & 100 yards for the bonus!

May 2nd – July 25th, 3-D League. Fees same as last year, $50 adult and $10 age 17 and under…what a deal! Range finders allowed!

May07th11th, 3rd work party and setup for the Mid-State 3-D, Saturday at 8:00am, Wednesday at 4:00pm.

May14th – 15th, Mid-State 3-D Classic. Always a favorite!

June11th15th, 4th work party and setup for the Central Wisconsin event, Saturday at 8:00am, Wednesday at 4:00pm.

June18th– 19th, Central Wisconsin Shoot. Marked yardage and range finders allowed.

August 6th, “Coon Shoot & Campout”. “Shooting under the stars”… bring your camper or tent and come join the fun.

August 1st– 28th, Broadhead Practice Range. $20 fee includes “Big Buck Contest” entry for annual members.

August29th, Annual Fish Fry and year-end clean-up party, 4:00pm followed by dinner.

Other News:

Ask a friend to shoot as a guest with you on a league night!! Just $5.00 for a shoot-a-long... why not encourage them

to join the club! Remember, the beer and soda is always cold and the food is always good…Stay for one or two

after you shoot…as always, thanksforsupporting your club!!

Archery, the Traditional “Sport of Kings”

President: Scott Inda (1st term) – 920 602-3721

Past President: Noah Lawson – 920 517-0609 Board of Directors:

Vice President: Austin Good – 920 979-7099 Kevin Harmsen – 920 579-0790 (2014-16) Tom Mischo – 920 979-7439 (2015-17)

Treasurer: Randy Vadnais – 920 960-3499 Jonah Lawson – 920 517-1306 (2015-17) Scott Vadnais – 920 948-3576 (2015-17)

Secretary: Noah Lawson – 920 517-0609 Ryan Newton – 920 517-8463 (2014-16) Jeff Zuelsdorf – 920 251-1815 (2014-16)