Darby Creek PTO Meeting Minutes
Name of Organization: Darby Creek PTO
Meeting Location: McVey Innovative Learning Center
Date and Time: February 10, 2014 6:59-8:30 pm
Number Present: Exec Members __4___ Teachers __3___ Parents __5__ Guests __3__ Total 15__
Attendance: Carrie Drovdlic, Veronica Ridenour, Cindy Teske, Michelle Woodham, Melanie Ault, Debbie Coram, Megan Troyer, Amy Buscemi, Jeff Decker, Billy Giacomelli, Anne Pforsich, Anita Sluzele.
Guests: Bill Johnson (American Red Cross), Scott Morrison (ILC representative), Amber Suba (Market Day Representative).
Meeting called to order at 6:59 pm by Carrie Drovdlic.
Treasurer’s Report:
· Carrie presented the report in Lisa’s absence through January 31st, 2014.
· Technology fund has been updated to include the iPad and cart purchase for $9580. iPads and cart are scheduled to arrive to the school next week.
· Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report was made by Debbie Coram, seconded by Megan Troyer. Report approved.
Secretary’s Report: January 13, 2014 minutes were passed out for review. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Melanie Ault, seconded by Mr. Giacomelli. Report approved.
Principal’s Report:
· Increased security system approved for DCE – HD cameras for outside of building, two internal cameras for hallways inside building, and walkie system in the office with direct contact to the Hilliard Police.
· Scholastic math and reading inventory scheduled for this month for grades 2nd through 5th.
· No school on Friday and Monday.
Teacher’s Report – Specials Teachers
· Music – Mr. Giacomelli reported that the 5th grade play has been rescheduled for March 20th at 2:30 and 7:00 pm. Arnett Howard has been confirmed for the last day of school at DCE (5/30/14).
· Art – Mrs. Buscemi reported on the 4th grade adopt a school (Malawi, Africa) project. The fourth graders have created African inspired art and will be selling for a fundraiser for the Malawi adopt a school project at conference night this week. Annual Art Show is scheduled for May 18th at 1:00-3:00 pm.
· Physical Education – Mr. Decker reported on current activities including “wacky Olympics”, involvement of OSU students in classes/activities, and upcoming events. Field day is scheduled for May 23rd. Discussion regarding potential activities for Field Day and required funds.
ISPTO Report: Debbie Coram presented the update from the meeting at Darby High School last week. Discussion included media and technology. Questions and answers were related to technology and its effects on schools, students, families, etc.
Upcoming Events:
v 2/12 - Conference Late Night AND Spirit Night at Flyers Pizza & Top Flight Catering
v 2/14-2/17 - No School Conference Comp day and President’s Day
v 2/21 - Family Fun Night / Winter Wonderland 5:30 – 7:30
v 3/5 - Late Start #4
v 3/7 - Reports Cards available on-line through Home Access
v 3/10 - PTO Meeting
v 3/11 - Spring pictures for any parents interested at 7:00 pm AND 5th Grade musical
v 3/13 - Spirit Night at Skyline Chili
v 3/19 - Blood Drive for the American Red Cross at 3:30-8:30 pm and Wellness Activity at 4:00-8:00 pm
New Business
Blood Drive –
· Bill Johnson from the American Red Cross presented with Mrs. Teske about the upcoming Blood Drive scheduled for Wednesday 3/19/2014 at 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the gym at DCE. Online registration with the Red Cross will be available via SignUpGenius.com. Students will be educated via a Red Cross Video with Bill Johnson and will be asked to spread the word and talk with their parents to encourage donations. Parent volunteers will be needed at the registration table and snack table at the time of the event. Donating 1 pint of blood will yield 1 pint of custard.
McVey Innovative Learning Center –
· Scott Morrison, innovation coach at the ILC, provided an overview of the programs offered at the center, as well as a tour of the facility. The concept of the ILC is to offer something new and different to students. Approximately 700 students visit the center daily for 90-minutes to take a variety of elective courses. There are 4 networks:
1. College Jump Start – allows students to take 32-34 credit hours toward college credit. There are 150-200 students currently enrolled in this program.
2. Imagination Network – includes programs related to television and music production.
3. Personal Success Network (HOPE) – credit recovery for students who are behind in their curriculum. These include online programs with 2 coaches.
4. Young Professionals – is geared toward students looking for a specific career. These careers include education, business, medicine, etc. Also, a career mentorship program includes a 9-12 week mentorship in the student’s area of interest (similar to a post-college fellowship program) where the student is able to spend time with a professional in a real life setting.
Summer programs will include archery, art, dance, etc. The center is geared toward students in grades 7 – 12. Any student can come accompanied by a parent to use the resources at the ILC.
Market Day –
· Anita Sluzele and Amber Suba, representative from Market Day presented fundraiser opportunities for schools including:
1. Bonus Days – single event pie and cookie sale (March, Oct., Dec.)
2. Life Style Brochure – multiple household and kitchen items in catalog
3. Sweet and Savory – pizza and cookies fund raiser
4. Cookie Dough – the #1 selling fund raiser in the nation.
Next meeting will be March 10th at 7pm in the Media Center.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Megan Troyer, seconded by Mr. Decker.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 PM.
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