Last print date 3/18/2013
Officers / By-Laws / Membership Directory
President:Debra Duff Torres
Horner Millwork
Division of North Atlantic Corp
Vice President:Deidre A. Fountain
Treasurer:Karen Kaczynski
Hawthorn Medical Associates
Secretary:Elizabeth Symynkywicz
Steppingstone, Inc.
As we lifted a glass in a toast to the group…
“We promise to never take ourselves too seriously, but to take the work of the Council seriously, and do our best to lead the group, in a positive, forward direction.”
January 16, 2013
Sec 1The name of the organization is the SouthCoast Human Resources Council. The organization serves the Southeastern Massachusetts area which encompasses the cities of Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton and their surrounding communities.
Sec 2The headquarters of the Council is located at the office of the President of the Council.
The purpose of the council is to enhance the professional knowledge of individuals involved in human resources and affiliated functions. The organization promotes a spirit of cooperation between members through networking. The SouthCoast Human Resources Council is an affiliate of the New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce and the Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce. The executive board will review the affiliation agreement periodically and make a formal recommendation to continue or to terminate the affiliations, to the President.
- Membership
Sec 1Membership is open to management and/or professional representatives of business, educational, governmental and industrial organizations who actively practice one or more of the human resource functions and who are interested in advancing the purpose outlined in ARTICLE II.
Sec 2Applications for membership will be reviewed and approvedby the Executive Committee, in its’ capacity as Membership Committee.
Sec 3Members are expected to attend scheduled meetings and to participate in all Council activities. Continued membership is contingent upon active participation in the Council, which is defined as:
a)attending at least three (3) of the scheduled monthly meetings, and/or;
b)Regularly attending to the responsibilities of any assigned Council position.
If the requirements for continued membership are not met, the Executive Committee reserves the right to review the extenuating circumstances prior to suspending membership.
Sec 4Members will not actively solicit the membership for business development purposes.
- Associate Membership
Sec 1Associate membership is open to qualified representatives of business, educational, governmental, and industrial organizations and other organizations whose services are complementary to the Human Resources field.
Sec 2Associate Members may attend scheduled meetings and participate in Council activities. Continued membership is contingent upon active participation.
Sec 3Associate Members will not actively solicit the membership for business development purposes.
Sec 4College students actively pursuing a degree in the field of Human Resources are encouraged to join the Council as Associate Members.
- Honorary Membership
Sec 1Honorary membership is open to retired management representatives of industrial and business firms having served as a prior Council member. Such members must be interested in advancing the purpose named in ARTICLE II.
Sec 1The officers of the Council consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary elected at the Annual Meeting in May of each year.
Sec 2Standing Committees include the Executive, Program, Web Committee and Adhoc Committees.
Sec 1The Council will hold monthly meetings from September through May,unless a special meeting is called by the President. The dates of these meetings, excluding the annual meeting, will generally be held the third Wednesday of each month. Dates and times of meetings are subject to change with notice.
Sec 1All regular monthly meetings of the Council will have attendance of at least 15% of the Members, which will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No Council business will be conducted at a monthly meeting in which a quorum is not present. Attendance will be taken at each Council meeting to verify that a quorum exists.
Sec 2One-half of the members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Executive Committee and any Ad hoc committee that may exist.
Sec 1A resolution or vote will be deemed adopted when assented to by the vote of a majority of the regular members present and voting. The President may elect to poll the membership by email, ormail for vote at the next scheduled meeting.
Sec 1The Council will operate on a non-profit basis. The fiscal year of the Council is June 1 – May 31. The income of the Council is derived from voluntary contributions and operating charges built into the monthly meeting price. The Executive Committee may review the financial accounts, and a clear financial reporting is presented to the Membership at each meeting.
Sec 2The Treasurer will maintain the Council checkbook and accounts. All checks will require dual signature authority.
a)By the Treasurer and President as primary. However, the Secretary is also available to be a dual signee.
Sec 1President – The President will
a)Preside and chair all meetings of the Council and will be responsible for ensuring that the Council is operating within the manner of its defined purpose.
b)Provide the Secretary all of the monthly meeting notices with input on the speaker information from the Vice President.
c)Call meetings of the Executive Committee as required. The President may appoint Ad hoc committees as needed, and function as Program Committee Chair.
d)Appoint a member of the Council to oversee all monetary transactions of the Treasurer. The President will be an ex-officio member of any standing committee.
e)Fill in as treasurer, vice president, secretary when a vacancy occurs.
Sec 2Vice President – The Vice President is responsible for coordinating all meeting arrangements to include …
a)By August 1st, call all vendors to secure venues for the fiscal calendar of meetings and determine meal selections, get net pricing.
b)By August 5th, provide the President a summary list of all vendors and net cost so that the cost to members can be set by the President.
c)Monthly, September thru May, follow up with the Monthly Program Coordinator for the monthly meeting on speaker requirements. Follow up with the Secretary on the final count and call in the count to the vendors.
The Vice President will also act on behalf of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President is a member of the Executive Committee and an authorized person to sign checks related to the Council
Sec 3Treasurer – The Treasurer will attend monthly meetings and
a)Collect and sign in members at each meeting and keep a full account of all receipts of the Council. The Treasurer will deposit all funds within 5 business days of monthly meetings. Deposit slips will be copied and forwarded to the President along with a spreadsheet showing details of attendee names and payments.
b)Send notices for unpaid meetings and keep a list on open accounts receivable collections as needed.
c)Pay all approved expenses incurred by the Council according to the due date of vendor payment terms.
d)Prepare and present a summary report to the general membership at each meeting to include total receipts & disbursements and ending balance.
e)Maintain the checkbook, deposit slips and logs in a safe place during the time served in office.
f)Work with auditors as needed when assigned by the President for an account review.
Sec 4Secretary – The Secretary position is an ex-officio member of any standing committee. He/She will…
a)Prepare and keep a full and complete list of all members, and maintain the membership directory list.
b)Prepare and distribute notices of all meetings and general notices to members.
c)Track reservations for meetings and provide final count to the President and Vice President
d)Document and distribute minutes of meetings.
e)Prepare an annual report of monthly meeting attendees on an excel spreadsheet for the Executive Committee.
f)Summarizeand distribute results of all membership surveys.
g)Collect and tabulate end of year surveys for final review by the Program committee.
h)Co-Sign checks when needed for the Council.
Sec 1The Executive Committee will consist of the Council officers and up toeight (8) members, including the immediate past President, appointed at the annual meeting in May of each year by the newly appointed President. The Chairman of the Executive Committee is the President of the Council. The Executive Committee must be made up of individuals who are actively involved in the council. The Executive Committee will undertake and be responsible for regular and associate membership application and publicity. This committee will be responsible for creating and maintaining an atmosphere of good will at all Council meetings and events. The Executive Committee also functions as the Membership Committee. The Membership aspect of the committee’s responsibilities is to recruit / sustain membership.
Sec 2 The Program Committee will consist of the President, Secretary and up to eight (8) individuals which may include Associate Members. The Program Committee is responsible for developing the speaking/educational program for the Council.
a)Annually in April, the committee will survey the membership for their feedback and ideas for relevant Human Resource topics for the following years meeting program.
b)Annually in June & July meetings will be held to review the survey, outline the program, assign program coordinators, confirm speakers, dates, times, locations, overview of the topic to be presented.
c)A final schedule is prepared and posted on the website by August 1st.
Sec 3The Web Committee will consist of the President, Secretary and up to a total of four (4) individuals which may include Associate Members. The Web Committee is responsible to…
a)Maintain the contract with the web host vendors
b)Maintain content updates provided by the President or Secretary
c)Maintain professional integrity of all postings
Sec 4Ad hoc Committee may be appointed by the President as needed, to address any issue that may come before the Council. Upon completion of the assignment, the Ad hoc committee will be disbanded.
Sec 5The officers and members of all committees serve without compensation.
Sec 1This Council may be dissolved at any regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, provided written notification of such proposed dissolution is distributed to each member at least sixty (60) days in advance of such regular or special meeting and upon an affirmative vote of ¾ of the regular members present and voting.
Executive Committee
Chairman – Executive Committee
Debra Duff Torres
Horner Millwork
Division of North Atlantic Corp.
Executive Committee Members
Deidre A. Fountain
Bank Five
Karen Kaczynski
Hawthorne Medical Associates
Elizabeth Symynkywicz
Steppingstone, Inc.
Dorothy Botelho
Immediate Past President
New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce
Michelle Cabral
Blount Fine Foods
Charlene J. Jarest
Lafrance Hospitality
Claudia M. Mullane
Julius Koch USA, Inc.
Program Committee
Carmen Aguilar
Bristol Community College
Julie Jennings
Sylvia & Company, Ins.
Anne-Marie Kerney
Tomlinson & O’Neil Insurance Agency
Web Committee
Debra Torres & Barbara Laferriere, North Atlantic Corp.
Regular Membership
Company Representative(s)
1 / ABC Disposal Services, Inc.1245 Shawmut Ave.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Waste Disposal Service / Donna Burns, H.R.-Safety Mgr
Tel: 508-910-0006
Fax: 508-994-3706
Cell: 508-958-6966
2 / ABLE Associates
1531 Pleasant St.
Fall River, MA 02723
Employment Agency / Eileen Wheeler Sheehan, Pres.
Tel: 508-673-3979
Fax: 508-646-2945
Cell: 508-801-3819
Kathy Cisco, Senior Recruiter
Tel: 508-673-3979
Fax: 508-646-2945
Cell: 508-801-3819
3 / Acushnet Company
P. O. Box 965
Fairhaven, Ma. 02179 / Jim McKenna, Director of H.R. P.
Tel: 508-979-3123
Fax: 508-979-3900
Nicole DaSilva, HR
Tel: 508-979-2000
Fax: 508-979-3900
4 / Advance Career Services
1317 South Main St., Suite 1
Fall River, MA 02724
Employment Agency / Donna Rebello, President
Tel: 508-676-6300
Fax: 508-676-6304
5 / Aerovox
167 John Vertente Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02745
Capacitor Manufacturer / Barbara Traban, Director of Finance/Admin
Tel: 508-910-3203
Fax: 508-910-3203
6 / Aerovox
167 John Vertente Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02745
Capacitor Manufacturer / James Amaral, Director of Admin
Tel: 508-910-3220
Fax: 508-910-3220
7 / Aerovox
167 John Vertente Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02745
Capacitor Manufacturer / Maria Machado, Director of Admin
Tel: 508-910-3201
Fax: 508-910-3259
8 / AFC Cable Systems
272 Duchaine Blvd.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Electric Cable / James Collins, H.R. Mgr.
Tel: 508-985-1266
Fax: 508-998-2090
9 / Affiliated Family Funeral Service
d.b.a. Waring-Sullivan Funeral Homes
206 Winter Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Funeral Homes / Filomena Kuchar, Office Mgr
Tel: 508-676-2454
Fax: 508-676-2458
10 / Aflac
200 Pocasset St.
Fall River, MA 02724 / Arthur Pacheco, Agent-Broker
Tel: 508-677-9137
Fax: 508-679-9137
11 / A. J. Wright
350 Commerce Dr.
Fall River, MA 02720
Department Stores / Melissa Barretta, PHR
HR Manager
Tel: 508-730-5217
Fax: 508-730-5238
12 / Ahold USA (Stop & Shop)
129 Lewis Avenue
Quincy, MA 02169
Grocery Store Support Office / Lyndsey Lawrence, Training Coordinator
Tel: 774-886-820
13 / Atlantis Charter School
37 Park Street
Fall River, MA 02721
Schools / Kristi M. Oliveira, HR Manager
Tel: 508-646-6410, ext. 420
Fax: 508-672-3489
14 / Babbitt Steam Specialty Co.
800 Mt. Pleasant St.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Wholesale / Linda Cordeiro, Treasurer-HR
Tel: 508-995-9534
Fax: 508-995-2701
15 / BankFive
79 North Main St.
Fall River, MA 02720
Banking / Deidre Fountain, V.P./H.R., SPHR
Tel: 774-888-6154
Fax: 508-677-3388
16 / BankFive
79 North Main St.
Fall River, MA 02720
Banking / Priscilla Beaulieu, Ben. Coord.
Tel: 774-888-6155
FAX: 508-677-3388
17 / BankFive
79 North Main St.
Fall River, MA 02720
Banking / Maria McCoy, S.V.P.
Tel: 774-888-6102
Fax: 508-677-3388
18 / BayCoast Bank
4 South Main St.
Fall River, MA 02721
Banking / Barbara L. Tripp, V.P. / H. R.
Tel: 508-675-4450
Fax: 508-675-4361
19 / BCC Center for Business & Industry
777 Elsbree St.
Fall River, MA 02720
Workforce Development / Carmen Aguilar, Dean CBI
Tel: 508-678-2811, ext. 2158
Fax: 508-730-3273
Nicole Heaney, Coord. Of CoopEd. & Internships
Tel: 508-678-2811 ext. 2471
Fax: 508-730-3282
20 / Better Community Living, Inc
256 Summer Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Human Services / Marina Silva, HR Manager
Tel: 508-999-4300 ext. 20
Fax: 508-999-5290
21 / Blount Fine Foods
630 Current Rd.
Fall River, MA 02720
Seafood/Food Processing / Michelle Cabral, HR Specialist
Tel: 774-888-1342
Fax: 774-888-1396
22 / Blount Fine Foods
630 Current Rd.
Fall River, MA 02720
Seafood/Food Processing / Sarah Soares, HR Manager
Tel: 774-888-1378
Fax: 774-888-1396
23 / Blount Fine Foods
630 Current Rd.
Fall River, MA 02720
Seafood/Food Processing / Veronica King, Sr. Dir., H.R.
Tel: 774-888-1312
Fax: 774-888-1399
Cell: 401-580-8856
24 / Bostonian Group
500 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02116 / Derrick Loud, Insurance Broker
Tel: 617-945-3574
Fax: 857-288-6897
25 / Bristol Workforce Investment Board
One Government Center, 5th Floor
Fall River, MA 02722 / Thomas Perreira, Executive Director
Tel: 508-675-1161 x106
Fax: 508-675-1166
26 / Brittany Dyeing & Printing Corp.
1357 E. Rodney French Blvd.
New Bedford, MA 02740
Textile / Alice Petersen, HR Admin.
Tel: 508-999-3281 ext. 347
Fax: 508-994-8307
27 / Citizens Union Savings Bank
4 South Main St.
Fall River, MA 02721
Banking / Michelle Rivera
Tel: 508-675-4424
28 / City of New Bedford
181 Hillman St., Bldg. #9
New Bedford, MA 02740
Municipality / Diane E. Figueira, Americans w/ Disabilities Act
Tel: 508-979-1638
Fax: 508-979-1514
29 / C.P. Bourg
50 Samuel Barnet Blvd.
New Bedford, MA 02745 / Diane Rita, HR Manager
Tel: 508-998-2171
Fax: 508-998-2391
30 / Duro Textiles LLC
110 Chase St.
P. O. Box A
Fall River, MA 02724
Manufacturing / Susan Guilmette,
Emp. Relations Gen.
Tel: 508-689-1633
Fax: 508-646-2119
Brenda Schieri, Emp. Rel. Gen./Buyer
Tel: 508-689-1674
Fax: 508-646-2116
31 / EC Pigments USA, Inc.
749 Quequechan St.
P.O. Box 5360
Fall River, MA 02723 / Rose Pavao, HR Manager.
Tel: 508-676-3481 ext. 139
Fax: 508-676-9011
Cell: 774-451-1197
32 / Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce
200 Pocasset St.
Fall River, MA 02721
Non-profit business membership org. / Marilyn Almeida, Office Mgr.
Tel: 508-676-8226
Fax: 508-675-5932
33 / Fall River Career Center
446 N. Main St.
Fall River, MA 02720
(Government sponsored employment assistance programs) / Marilyn Offer, Sr. Employment Specialist
Tel: 508-730-5033
Fax: 508-646-0431
34 / Fall River Municipal Credit Union
333 Milliken Blvd.
Fall River, MA 02721
Credit Union / Kimberly Trahan, V.P.
Tel: 508-678-9028 ext.248
Fax: 508-6728-9352
35 / Ferris Properties
1878 Wilbur Ave.
Somerset, MA 02725
Restaurant & Lodging / Meredith Morris
Tel: 508-678-4545 x 501
Fax: 508-676-1870
36 / Fire Systems Inc.
955 Reed Road
N. Dartmouth, MA 02747
Fire Alarm Sales & Service / Cheryl Barrett, V.P. Operations
Tel: 508-999-4444
Fax: 508-996-2828
37 / First Citizens Federal Credit Union
200 Mill Rd., P.O. Box 270
Fairhaven, MA 02719-0270
Financial Institution / Dulce Almeida, AVP/Human Resources
Tel: 508-979-4740
Fax: 508-999-4626
Wendy Ferreira, Admin. Assist. HR/Marketing
Tel: 508-990-4538
Fax: 508-999-4626
38 / Five Star Companies
163 Barnet Boulevard
New Bedford, MA 02745
Mfg. of Small Medical Devices / Lynne Foley, Human Resources
Tel: 508-998-1404
Fax: 508-998-5630
39 / Foley & Foley, PC
29 Katherine Lee Bates Road
Falmouth, MA 02540
Law firm defending employers / Michael E. Foley, Esq.
Tel: 508-548-4888
Fax: 508-548-4088
40 / Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board
227 Union Street, Suite 206
New Bedford, MA 02740
Non-profit / Anne-Marie Massicotte, Bus. Office Mgr./HR
Tel: 508-979-1504 ext. 11
Fax: 508-979-5680
41 / Garda Co. LLC
300 High Point Ave
Portsmouth, RI 02871 / Joyce Swift, HR Admin.
Tel: 401-643-0718
Fax: 401-643-2941
42 / Hawthorn Medical Associates
535 Faunce Corner Road
N Dartmouth, MA 02747 / Karen Kaczynski, SPHR
Tel: 508-961-0529
Fax: 508-999-4626
43 / Hawthorn Medical Associates
535 Faunce Corner Road
N Dartmouth, MA 02747 / Marcia Joseph, HR Generalist
Tel: 508-961-0630
Fax: 508-961-0864
44 / Heat Transfer Products
120 Braley Road, P.O. Box 429
East Freetown, MA 02717 / Deborah Jenkins, HR Manager
Tel: 774-271-3119
Fax: 508-763-3769
45 / Home for Aged People in Fall River
1168 Highland Ave.
Fall River, MA 02720
Nursing Facility / Joanne Medeiros, Office Mgr.
Tel: 508-679-0144, ext. 102
46 / Horner Millwork
Division of North Atlantic Corp.
1255 GAR Hwy.
Somerset, MA 02726
Millwork Manufacturing & Sales / Debra Duff Torres
VP Human Resources, EVP
Tel: 508-679-6479
Fax: 508-235-4286
47 / Horner Millwork
Division of North Atlantic Corp.
1255 GAR Hwy.
Somerset, MA 02726
Millwork Manufacturing & Sales / Barbara Laferierre, HR Gen.
Tel: 508-679-6479
Fax: 508-235-4270
48 / Horner Millwork
Division of North Atlantic Corp.
1255 GAR Hwy.
Somerset, MA 02726
Millwork Manufacturing & Sales / Sandy Lamb, HR Gen.
Tel: 508-679-6479
Fax: 508-235-4270
49 / Hub International New England, LLC
222 Milliken Blvd.
Fall River, MA 02722
Insurance Agency / Angela Pickup, Exec. V.P., Personal Insur. & IT Operations
Tel: 508-235-2272
Fax: 866-841-4931
Cell: 508-965-6119
50 / HR Consultation Solutions Inc. / Paula Young, GPHR SPHR
Tel: 508-283-0533
51 / Human ResourceD
P. O. Box 87162
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Human Resource Services / Peter J. Sheil, Principal
Tel: 774-400-4544
52 / ISP Freetown
238 S. Main St.
Assonet, MA 02702 / Tom Markley, Sr. Manager HR
Tel: 508-235-7121
53 / Joseph Abboud Mfg. Corp.
689 Belleville Ave.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Apparel Manufacturing / Maria Vieira, HR Mgr.
Tel: 508-999-1301, ext. 1756
Fax: 508-990-4586
54 / Julius Koch USA, Inc.
387 Church St.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Textile / Claudia M. Mullane, Dir. H.R.
Tel: 508-998-4841
Fax: 508-995-8434
Cell: 774-526-5334
55 / Julius Koch USA, Inc.
387 Church St.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Textile / Richard Gamache, CFO & COO
Tel: 508-998-4831
Fax: 508-995-8434
56 / Lafrance Hospitality
66 State Rd.
P.O. Box 248
Westport, MA 02790
Restaurants, Banquet Facilities, Hotels / Renee Dufour, Director, Corporate & Employee Relations
Tel: 508-676-7888, ext. 413
Fax: 508-679-9324
57 / Mass. Rehabilitation Commission
170 Pleasant St
Fall River, MA 02723
Human services / Margaret (Peg) Anderson, Area Director
Tel: 508-678-9042
Fax: 508-676-2734
58 / New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce
794 Purchase St.
New Bedford, MA 02740
Non-profit business membership org. / Dorothy Botelho, Director of Operations Finance
Tel: 508-999-5231
Fax: 508-999-5237
59 / New Bedford Medical Associates
200 Mill Road
Fairhaven, MA 02719
Healthcare / Diane Fortin-Curtin, Director HR
Tel: 508-985-5058
Fax: 985-5075
60 / New Bedford Whaling Museum
18 Johnny Cake Hill
New Bedford, MA 02740
Non-profit and historical society / Kristen Sniezek, PHR
Director, Finance & Admin.
Tel: 508-717-6814
Cell: 774-849-0205
Fax: 508-991-7443
61 / New England Ropes
848 Airport Rd.
Fall River, MA 02720 / Trudy Jo Wallach, Sr. H.R. Cons.
Tel: 508-730-4574
Fax: 508-679-2363
62 / Our Sisters’ School, Inc.
145 Brownell Ave
New Bedford, MA 02740 / Carlene M. LeBlanc, Business &
Operations Manager
Tel: 508-994-1255
Fax: 508-994-1355
63 / Partridge, Snow & Hahn, LLP
128 Union Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Law Firm / Michael Murray, Partner
Tel: 774-206-8200
Fax: 774-206-8210
64 / Pawtucket Credit Union
1200 Central Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02861
Financial Institution / Anne LaFleur, SPHR, VPHR
Tel: 401-729-4080
Fax: 401-729-5783
65 / Paychex
200 Foxboro Boulevard
Foxboro, MA 02035
Payroll and HR Compliance / Julie Furtado-Lavoie –
District Mgr / Compliance Trainer SE MA
Tel: 508-505-8372
Fax: 888-766-4717
66 / Partners for a Healthier Community
209 Bedford St.
Suite 401
Fall River, MA 02740
Worksite Wellness Non Profit / Angela Bras, Worksite Wellness Coordinator
Tel: 774-400-4466
67 / People Incorporated
1040 Eastern Ave.
Fall River, MA 02723
Human Service Organization / Jeannine Boisvert, HR Director
Tel: 508-679-5233, ext. 12
Fax: 508-679-6211
Cell: 508-324-5046
68 / Philips Lightolier
631 Airport Rd.
Fall River, MA 02720
Lighting Manufacturer / Issie Belyea, Benefits Admin.
Tel: 508-646-3285
Fax: 508-646-3357
69 / Philips Lightolier
631 Airport Rd.
Fall River, MA 02720
Lighting Manufacturer / Nancy Costa, H.R. Mgr.
Tel: 508-646-3292
Fax: 508-646-3357
70 / Precix – Acushnet Rubber
744 Belleville Ave.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Rubber / Winnie Goulet, H.R. Asst.
Tel: 508-998-4065
Fax: 508-998-4107
71 / Reliable Truss & Components
200 Welby Rd.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Building Components / Debra Dewsnap, H.R.
Tel: 508-998-7877 ext. 210
Fax: 508-809-5260
Cell: 508-328-4339
72 / Rex-Cut Products, Inc.
960 Airport Rd., P.O. Box 2109
Fall River, MA 02722 / Maria Prado, Vice President, H. R.
Tel: 508-678-1985 ext. 135
Fax: 508-677-4850
73 / Schwartz Center for Children
One Posa Place
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Special Needs Education & Services for Children / Carol J. Almeida, HR & Operations Admin.
Tel: 508-996-3391, ext. 214
Fax: 508-996-3397
74 / Sears Swansea #2283
Rte. 6 & 118
Swansea, MA
Retail / Marilyn Martins, H.R. Manager
Tel: 508-324-6555
Fax: 508-324-6551
75 / Southcoast Hospital’s Group St. Luke’s Hospital
101 Page Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Healthcare / Dawn Mendes, Human Resources Consultant
Tel: 508-961-5125
Fax: 508-961-5867
Mary Medeiros, Human Resources Consultant
Tel: 508-961-5754
Fax: 508-961-5867
76 / Southeast Regional Network High Point Treatment Center
100 North Front Street – 3rd Floor
New Bedford, MA 02740
Behavioral Health Care / Millie Scott, V.P. of Human Resources
Tel: 774-628-1054
Fax: 508-997-0765
77 / Southeastern Massachusetts Health and Rehabilitation Center
100 North Front Street – 3rd Floor
New Bedford, MA 02740
Long Term Care and Rehab Facility / Joshua DaCosta, Human Resource Coordinator
Tel: 508-998-1188
Fax: 508-998-1725
78 / St. Anne’s Credit Union
286 Oliver St.
Fall River, MA 02724
Financial Institution / Michelle Marcos, Vice President of Human Resources
Tel: 508-324-7372
Fax: 508-673-1542
79 / St. Anne’s Credit Union
286 Oliver St.
Fall River, MA 02724
Financial Institution / Taryn Cabral, Human Resources Specialist.
Tel: 508-324-7313 ext. 313
Fax: 508-673-1542
80 / St. Anne’s Hospital Caritas Family Hospital Stewart Health Care
795 Middle Street
Fall River, MA 02721
Healthcare / Lisa Berry, H.R. Director
Tel: 508-235-5072
Fax: 508-675-5631
81 / St. Vincent’s Home
2425 Highland Ave.
Fall River, MA 02720
Human services / Karen Hayes, H.R. Dir.
Tel: 508-679-8511, Ext. 3321
Fax: 508-672-2558
82 / St. Vincent’s Home
2425 Highland Ave.
Fall River, MA 02720
Human services / Kathryn Dow, H. R. Coord.
Tel: 508-679-8511 Ext. 3316
Fax: 508-672-2558
83 / Steppingstone, Inc.
466 North Main Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Agency / Elizabeth Symynkywicz, H.R. Manager
Tel: 508-674-2788
Fax: 508-674-2780
84 / Stop & Shop Freetown Dist. Center
136 South Main St.
Assonet, MA 02702
Distributor / Eva T. Cabral, SR. HR Mgr
Tel: 508-977-5006
Fax: 508-977-5149
85 / Sylvia & Company Insurance Agency, Inc
500 Faunce Corner Rd, Bldg 100.
Suite 120
Dartmouth, Ma. 02747
Employee Benefits
Insurance/Financial Advisors & Svcs. / Julie Jennings, V.P.
Tel: 508-742-9234
Fax: 508-742-9334
86 / Sylvia & Company Insurance Agency, Inc
500 Faunce Corner Rd, Bldg 100.
Suite 120
Dartmouth, Ma. 02747
Employee Benefits
Insurance/Financial Advisors & Svcs. / Marlene Kalisz, Dir. Client Services & Staff Develop.
Tel: 508-742-9232
Fax: 508-742-9332
87 / Tomlinson & O’Neil Insurance Agency
271 Union Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Insurance / Anne-Marie Kerney
Employee Benefits Broker
Tel: 508-994-5678
Fax: 508-999-0608
88 / Travelers Insurance / Deborah Silverman, Recruiter/HR Professional
Tel: 508-241-5846
Tel: 508-241-5846
89 / Victor Innovative Textiles
81 Commerce Drive
Fall River, MA 02720
Manufacturing / Rose Pedro, HR Manager
Tel: 508-646-2371
Fax: 508-646-2459
Camila Moniz, HR Generalist
Tel: 508-646-2450
Fax: 508-646-2459
90 / YMCA Southcoast
18 South Water Street
New Bedford, MA 02740 / Jennifer Cuddy, HR Specialist
Tel: 508-996-9622 x13
Fax 508-996-1738
91 / YMCA Southcoast
18 South Water Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Organizations /
Kendra Strangis, HR Dir.
Tel: 508-996-9622 x12
Fax 508-996-1738
92 / Yomega Corporation
1950 Fall River Avenue
Seekonk, MA 02771 / Cheryl Labrie, Comptroller/ Office Manager
Tel: 508-557-0030 ext. 205
Fax: 508-557-0020
Honorary Members
Joel Burns, Retired
20 Gulf Hill Dr. Apt. 1
South Dartmouth, MA 02748
Alice Frates, Retired
108 Coggeshall St.
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Tel: 508-993-1541
Charlene Jarest
5 Nicole Way
Rehoboth, MA 02769
Tel: 508-223-2924
Diane Costa
Robert Sylvia, Retired
P. O. Box 2
Dartmouth, MA 02714
Tel: 508-636-5088
SouthCoast Human Resources Council 2012-13