Module Title / Energy Efficiency and Policy
Degree/Diploma / Bachelor of Engineering (Energy Systems)
Type of Module / Major Option
Modular Credits / 4 / Total student Workload / 8hours/week
Contact hours / 4hours/week
Prerequisite / None
Anti-requisite / None
- OfficeLocation: : CG-9, Integrated Sciences Building
- Tel: 7231486
- E-mail:
Office Hours Wednesday: 2:30 p.m –3:45 p.m
Course Objectives
- Ability to discuss energy efficiency and policy in order to use energy efficiently and reduce negative environmental impact.
- Ability to apply the concept of energy efficiency and policy and the methods used for energy efficiently in primary sectors.
- Ability to analyse energy efficiency and policy with regards to implementation of modern technology.
- Ability to integrate the understanding into an appreciation of advanced technology that must be employed to maintain a liveable environment while improving economic circumstances for the population or country.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, a student will be expected to be able to:
1. Knowledge /
- Describe the different types of energy efficiency and policy program and emissions in the country.
- Comprehend energy efficiency standard and energy policy that is suitable to be implemented in the country.
- Apply basic concept of energy and calculate potential energy savings and potential emission reduction from the program.
2. Cognitive Skills /
- Analyse the environmental impact before and after energy efficiency program is implemented.
- Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities
- Justify the need of implementation of energy efficiency program in the buildings and/or country.
- Work cooperatively in groups when reviewing case studies.
- Communication, IT, and Numerical Skills
- Evaluate complex problems related to energy efficiency and policy.
- Recommend potential policy program and calculate its potential benefit to the society and the environment.
Module Contents
- Emission production, reduction and emission taxation
- Energy efficiency-lighting retrofits
- Energy efficiency standards and labels
- Energy and environmental impact of energy efficiency program
- Economic impact and analysis of energy efficiency program
- Energy labelling and market transformation of energy efficiency and policy program
Assessment / Formative assessment / Monthly online multiple choice questions will be used to test and to give feedback for their learning.
Summative assessment / Examination: 0%
4 Assignments 60%
1 individual report 30%
1 oral presentation10%
Text Books and References
Faculty of Integrated Technologies
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Topic / Outcomes / Week No.Emission production, reduction and emission taxation / 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 / 1, 2
Energy efficiency-lighting retrofits / 1.3, 3.2 / 3, 4, 5
Energy efficiency standards and labels / 2.1, 3.1 / 4, 5, 6
Energy and environmental impact of energy efficiency program / 2.1, 3.1, / 7, 8
Economic impact and analysis of energy efficiency program / 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 / 9, 10, 11
Energy labelling and market transformation of energy efficiency and policy program / 4.1, 4.2 / 12, 13, 14
Module code / TF-4304
Module Title / Mobile and Wireless Network Systems
Degree/Diploma / Undergraduate GenNEXT Bachelor of Engineering Degree
Type of Module / Major Option
Modular Credits / 4 / Total student Workload / 10hours/week
Contact hours / 4hours/week
Prerequisite / InfoComm Networks
Anti-requisite / None
Dr. SandhyaAneja
- OfficeLocation: : Block C, Integrated Sciences Building
- Tel: +673-8721817
- E-mail:
Office Hours TBA
Course Objectives
- Understand wireless communication technology terminologies- signal encoding, spread spectrum, coding and error control
- Understand Cellular networks, TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, Wireless local loop, Mobile IP and Wireless access protocol, cellular services 1G/2G/3G /4G/5G, LTE, UMTS, GSM, CDMA etc
- Understand wirelessLANs, IEEE 802.11 standard, architecture and protocols, IEEE 802.15 Bluetooth standard and protocol stack
- Understand Wireless networks, Mobile and ad hoc networks, Sensor networks, AODV, DSDV, DSR routing protocols, MACAW MAC layer protocol
- Understand Network simulation tool to be used to setup and conduct experiments on wireless and mobile networks.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, a student will be expected to be able to:
- Knowledge
- Ability to differentiate between Internet, Cellular Network, WirelessLANs, Ethernet, Mobile wireless networks
- Familiarity with IEEE standards defined for wireless networks
- Role of wireless communication technology for the efficiency of wireless networks
- Basic differences between clellular services 1G/2G/3G/4G/5G, GSM,CDMA, LTE, UMTS
- Design protocols for wireless and sensor networks
2. Cognitive Skills /
- Need of standards to setup a wireless network and communication over the same
- Techniques to improve the use of spectrum for efficiency of wireless services
- Choose protocols for wireless networks
- Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities
- Recent and future trends in wireless technologies
- Set up possible topologies for mobile wireless networks
- Communication, IT, and Numerical Skills
- Use advance network simulation tool suitable for wirelessLANs, wireless networks-ad hoc networks, sensor networks, cellular networks
Module Contents
- Wireless LANs: WLAN requirements and basics, IEEE 802.11 protocol architecture
- MAC protocol CSMA/CA, frame addressing, Bluetooth, Bluetooth protocol Architecture
- Cellular networks: Cellular Concepts, Cell splitting, Cellular network architecture
- Control channel, Handoff, Difficulty in Handoff detection, Location area based protocols, Wireless access protocol
- Ad hoc and Sensor networks: MACAW MAC Layer protocol , Transport layer protocols
- Routing in Ad Hoc Networks, AODV, DRS, DSDV, Omni Antenna vs. Directional
- Antenna Pros and Cons, and interferences
- Wireless Data services: Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), Generalized Packet Radio Service (GPRS), GSM, Standards like LTE, 1G/2G/3G/4G/5G
- Putting all together in NS2
Assessment / Formative assessment / Monthly online multiple choice questions will be used to test and to give feedback for their learning
Summative assessment / Online Test - I 10%
Online Test - II 10%
Laboratory Assignment - I 10%
Laboratory Assignment - II 10%
Final Exam (comprehensive, closed book) 60%
Text Books and References /
- Wireless communications and networks
Faculty of Integrated Technologies
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Topic / Outcomes / Week No.Signal encoding, spread spectrum, coding and error control / 2.2, 1.3 / 1,2
Wireless LANs: WLAN requirements and basics, IEEE 802.11 protocol architecture / 1.1, 2.1, 1.2 / 3
MAC protocol CSMA/CA, frame addressing, Bluetooth and Home RF, Bluetoothprotocol Architecture / 1.1, 2.1, 1.2 / 4
Cellular networks: Cellular Concepts, Cell splitting, Cellular network architecture / 1.1, 1.4, 2.4 / 5
Network simulation tool / 4.1 / 6,7
Control channel, Handoff, Difficulty in Handoff detection, Location area basedprotocols / 2.1, 2.4 / 8,9
Ad hoc and Sensor networks: MACAW MAC Layer protocol , Transport layer protocols / 1.1, 1.5 / 10
Routing in Ad Hoc Networks, AODV, DRS, DSDV, Omni Antenna vs. Directional / 2.3 / 11,12
Antenna Pros and Cons, and interferences / 2.2, 1.3 / 13
Wireless Data services: Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), Generalized Packet RadioService (GPRS), GSM, Standards like LTE / 1.4, 3.1 / 14
Final exam
Module code / TM-4304
Module Title / Manufacturing Management and Manufacturing Systems Modeling (M3SM)
Degree/Diploma / Bachelor of Engineering (Manufacturing Systems)
Type of Module / Major Option
Modular Credits / 4 (2 + 2) / Total student Workload / 8hours/week
Contact hours / 4hours/week
Prerequisite / None
Anti-requisite / None
Dr. Asif Iqbal
- OfficeLocation: C1-5, Integrated Sciences Building
- Tel: 8851803
- E-mail:
Office Hours Tuesday & Wednesday: 2:30 p.m –3:45 p.m
Course Objectives
- Ability to describe various types of production systems and understand groupings of parts and workstations.
- Ability to plan and control production and schedule part-workstation engagements.
- Ability to plan acquisition of raw material and other resources for efficient production
- Ability to develop production models for multiple parts and multiple workstations
- Ability to model and simulate a production environment/situation on a computer
- Ability to optimize production parameters by simulation
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, a student will be expected to be able to:
- Knowledge
- Distinguish between various types of production types and models.
- Understand production plans and schedules for discerte parts manufacturing
- Develop part families and workstation groups based on processing similarities
- Understand planning approach for timely managing resources of production
- Develop production models with various combinations of parts and workstations
- Develop mathematical model for batch production
- Model and simulate production processes on a computer environment
2. Cognitive Skills /
- Plan workstation layout, parts sequencing and scheduling for production efficiency.
- Use mathematics knowledge to model production of discrete parts.
- Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities
- Manage work environment for maximum efficiency.
- Optimize the resources in a production environment for minum wastage.
- Work effectively as an team member towards project completion
- Communication, IT, and Numerical Skills
- Communicate effectively with team members
- Learn to use a discrete event simulation software for production modeling and simulation
- Use computer simulation to evaluate parameters under various production scenarios
- Apply production modeling and simulation to optimize production parameters
Module Contents
- Types of Production (Job Shop, Batch, Mass)
- Process Planning
- Group Technology
- Manufacturing Resource Planning
- Production Scheduling
- Factory Models
- Single Workstation Models and Time Variability Processing
- Multiple-Stage Single-Product Factory Models
- Multiple Product Factory Models
- Batch Production Modeling
- Basics of Simulation Parameters
- Simple Model Development and Manual Simulation
- Imitating Manual Simulation in Arena
- Input Modelling
- Queuing Model and Building Extended Model
- Random Generation and Replications in Arena
- Output Analysis of Single Model/Theoretical Base
- Meta Modelling/Small Manufacturing Model
- Optimization via Simulation
- Students Projects (Modeling and Simulation)
Assessment / Formative assessment / Monthly online multiple choice questions will be used to test and to give feedback for their learning
Summative assessment / Modeling and simulation lab reports (5) 25 %
Class test (1) 15 %
Project (1) 20 %
Final Exam (comprehensive) 40 %
Text Books and References /
- Adithan, M. (2007). Process Planning and Cost Estimation. New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers.
- Curry, G. L., & Feldman, R. M. (2010). Manufacturing systems modeling and analysis. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Alharkan, I. M. (2005). Algorithms for sequencing and scheduling. Industrial Engineering Department, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Faculty of Integrated Technologies
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Topic / Outcomes / Week No.Types of Production (Job Shop, Batch, Mass) / 1.1 / 1
Process Planning / 1.2, 3.1 / 2-3
Group Technology / 1.3, 2.1 / 4-5
Manufacturing Resource Planning / 1.4, 2.2, 3.2 / 6-7
Production Scheduling / 1.2, 2.1, 3.1 / 8
Factory Models / 1.5, 2.2 / 9
Single Workstation Models and Time Variability Processing / 1.5, / 10
Multiple-Stage Single-Product Factory Models / 1.5, 2.2 / 11-12
Multiple Product Factory Models / 1.5 / 13
Batch Production Modeling / 1.6, 2.2 / 14
Lab Work:
Basics of Simulation Parameters / 1.7, 4.2 / 1
Simple Model Development and Manual Simulation / 2.2 / 2
Imitating Manual Simulation in Arena / 1.7, 4.2 / 3
Input Modelling / 1.7 / 4
Queuing Model and Building Extended Model / 1.7, 4.3 / 5-6
Random Generation and Replications in Arena / 1.7 / 7-8
Output Analysis of Single Model/Theoretical Base / 4.3 / 9-10
Meta Modelling/Small Manufacturing Model / 1.7, 4.2 / 11-12
Optimization via Simulation / 4.4 / 13-14
Students Projects (Modeling and Simulation) / 3.3, 4.1 / 2-14
Final exam