Office Procedures
The CIL has adopted the follows procedures in order to operate its office in an efficient and effective matter.
IV Use of Computer
VUse of Office Space
VIUse of Equipment
- Objective: To start mail on its destination in an efficient matter and to ensure effective use of funding sources.
- Procedures
- Mail is stamped and placed in the outside mailbox each day by 12:00 PM. If at end of the business day staff person or volunteer has mail, which must reach its destination immediately, she/he is responsible for delivering it to the nearest Post Office.
- All staff must coordinate bulk mailing so that the material can be combined into one mail matter. For this purpose of a bulk mailing is defined 25 pieces or more of the same material.
- Express mail must be approve in advance, by the Executive Director. The Administrative Assistant prepares the funds, which will pay for the mailing. The staff person requesting the mailing prepares the package and makes necessary arrangement for delivery.
- Objective: To effectively relay telephone messages in a timely matter and to keep control over long distance calls.
- Telephone Answering
- All messages are taken by the Receptionist and placed in the carousel on his/her desk. Each staff person is responsible for checking the carousel periodically throughout the day. URGENT messages are delivered directly to the staff person or volunteer.
- Whenever a staff person is away from the office, she/he must indicate his/her wherabouts, departure time and the approximate time of return to the office on the Board before leaving the office. This ensures knowledge of the location of the staff person and accurate resources to inquire.
- Long Distance
- Personal long distance calls on CIL’s phone must be kept to a minimum and all employees and volunteer must reimburse the CIL or all personal long distance calls that are made, including faxes.
- Use of TTD
- The TTD (phone device for persons who are hearing impaired) is located on the Receptionist’s desk and must be ready for use at all times. All staff and volunteers who answer the telephone must be instructed how to use the TTD, including recognizing an incoming TTD calls.
Smoking is not permitted in any area of the office or van. All events, meetings or other gathering sponsored by the CIL are smoke free.
IVUse of Computers
- Consumers and volunteers wishing to use the computers must be registered consumer or volunteer of the CIL. Individuals requesting the use of computers must reserve time.
1.All staff are responsible for ensuring that his/her immediate area is clear is clear of all consumers. This means escorting a consumer to the closest exit and/or assisting them to safely exit the building. If this is not physically possible, the staff member assumes the resistibility of informing emergency personnel of the consumers location and circumstances. These individual should remain near a safe exit.
2.As you leave a cleared area, close the door behind you. Do not stop to retrieve anything. If an alarm has not sounded, the assigned staff member is) will inform the other tenants of the fire. Although our CIL's offices have been listed with the Police Department as a place where many people may need help evacuating the building, it is imperative that our CIL staff be prepared to act in an emergency.
In a final sweep of the office, do not open any door that feels hot to the touch. The chances are there is fire behind the door.
There is a fire extinguisher near the kitchen area, outside the bathroom wall the middle office (unit 5) and to the extinguisher is good for all types of fires.
Do not spend more than one minute attempting to put the fire out. Leave the building after one minute.
Staff members that may need additional assistance in evacuating the building are encouraged to speak with their supervisor about their individual needs. The CIL has established a bud system, to be implemented in an emergency.
Open the offices main entrance door until everyone is out of the office. Close the door. Unlock both other doors.
3.Calmly go to the exit near your location. Please refer to the attached floor plan.
4.All staff and consumers should gather in the parking lot near the set of mail boxes and the assigned staff member is) will conduct a head count. The assigned staff member will call our landlord.
The preceding procedure should be used as a guideline since the circumstances of any emergency may vary. All staff assigned specific responsiblities will have an alternate staff member also assigned.