Office Procedural Policies
- Financial Accountability3
- Annual budget4
- Program Funding5
- Receipts and Deductions6
- Insurance7
- Annual Financial Review8
- Credit Card9
- Position Description for ECALA ED10
- Position Description for Office Administrator11
- Professional Development12
- Hours of Work-Executive Director12
- Hours of Work – Office Administrator13
- Statutory Holidays14
- Annual Vacation14
- Probationary Period15
- Performance Appraisals16
- Personal Files17
- Personal Leave18
- Bereavement Leave18
- Sick Leave19
- Maternity / Paternity Leave20
- Jury Duty21
- Grievances / Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures21
- Termination26
- Policy Review28
- The organization will maintain all financial information on a computerized accounting program.
- All financial management will be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles.
- ECALA staff will enter all revenue and expenses monthly, based on the information recorded on the Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable voucher.
2.ECALA ED will ensure monthly Financial Statements that include:
a)Balance Sheet
b)Income Statement
c)General Ledger
- The ED will ensure the Board of Directors receives a copy of the monthly financial repor, based on the computerized accounting program.
- ECALA staff will make all deposits within 7 business days.
- All bank accounts, chequings and/or savings, require two out of three signatures by authorized signers: ED, Chair, Vice-Chair or Treasurer.
- The ED may not on his/her own authority make any purchase outside the guidelines established by the funder
- Blank cheques will never be signed by both parties unless the date and cheque payable are completed and authorized by the Chair, Vice-Chair or Treasurer.
- The authorized signers must sign all contracts.
- Borrowing of money requires approval of the Board of Directors.
- Investments require approval of the Board of Directors.
- ECALA members receive the Audited Statement of Financial Position at the Annual General Meeting
The organization will complete budgets for the ECALA administration and allocations,that will then be consolidated into the organization’s annual budget.
- The ED will develop a proposed one year budget.
- The ECALA Board of Directors will review the proposed three-year budget with the ED at an ECALA board meeting.
- The proposed annual budget will be presented at the regular December board meeting for approval.
- Once approved, the proposed budget becomes the annual budget.
- Expenditures that are not included in the annual budget require approval from the Board of Directors (see policy governance).
- Any revisions to the annual budget will be made by the ED & approved by the ECALA Board of Directors.
- The organization will not approve a deficit budget.
Projects will be funded in compliance with the Government of Alberta- Community Adult Learning Policy and Operating Requirements.
- All funding applications must be submitted to the ECALA ED by the application deadline.
- All funding applications must follow ECALA’s funding criteria.
- Once funding has been approved by ECALA, a confirmation letter to the appropriate agency which indicates the course name, hours, sections and subsidy approved will be forwarded.
- The ECALA Final Claim form must be completed and returned to the ECALA office in order to receive subsidy funds.
- ECALA’s grants will be set annually when the budget is developed.
6.ECALA accepts substitution requests, providing the following criteria are met:
a)One months written notice to the ECALA Board of Directors.
b)course substitution meets existing funding criteria
c)course substitutions must not exceed the previously approved hours, and funding.
The organization will follow all labor, provincial and federal filing laws.
- Should the organization receive a donation or payment, a receipt will be issued.
- Issue of a thank you note or card will recognize donations.
- All thank you notes or cards will be issued or authorized by the ECALA ED.
- The organization will ensure completion of the following.
a)T-4 and T-4A slips; to be completed and posted by February 15 of each year. Change of addresses should be submitted prior to that date. Any returned T-4 and T-4A slips will be maintained on file.
b)Mandatory benefits will be deducted from each employee’s pay and remitted to Revenue Canada according to the appropriate timeline.
- A copy of the invoice, final report or whatever form of request for payment will accompany each cheque written for review by signatories.
- Vouchers are filed by vendor name and in cheque chronological order. Receipts are attached when possible.
- The Expense Claim Form is completed by both ED and Staff in order to be paid for reimbursable expenses. Both the ED and staff are paid per kilometer for mileage expenses based on Canada Revenue Agency Allowance rates which are non-taxable.
- The ED salary is paid monthly.
- The staff salary is paid monthly.
1.The organization will have insurance in place at all times.
- The organization will have insurance at replacement cost.
- The organization will have liability insurance at not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence.
- The organization will have Director’s liability insurance.
- The organization shall maintain an inventory listing of its contents with its purchase price. Inventory shall be updated annually by the ED at Year-End.
- The organization will have a financial review completed annually by a Certified Accountant.
- The fiscal period for the organization is identified as January 1 – December 31.
- The financial review will be completed prior to February 15 of each year.
- The auditor will be appointed at the AGM yearly.
- The ED and staff will work with the appointed accountant to complete the annual audit.
- The Board of Directors will meet to review the draft audit prior to the financial review going to the Annual General Meeting.
- The financial review will be presented and approved at the Annual General Meeting on or before March 31 of each year.
- Any recommendations made in the financial review will be noted in the Treasurer’s Report along with any action that may be taken.
7.Any recommendations made in the financial review will be implemented in the following fiscal year.
The organization will possess one credit card for office use only, personal use will not be allowed.
The card will be used by the ED for office purchases and expenses only.
Cash advances are not permitted on the card.
All charges must be confirmed by receipt.
Credit card limit is set at $2500, payment will be made monthly without incurring
interest charges.
Lost or stolen credit cards must be reported promptly to the issuing company.
The Executive Director (ED) reports to the volunteer Chair and the ECALA board of directors. The ED will be responsible for administering and coordinating the activities of ECALA in accordance with the funding mandate set by Government of Alberta-Community Adult Learning Policy, board policies and articles of incorporation.
- Assist the board in strategic and business planning
A)Review, report and comply on policy directives.
B)Ensure the financial integrity of the organizations and when indicated, its financial growth.
C)Evaluate funded programs and provide assistance to the Board in allocation decisions.
D)To hire, supervise, evaluate and dismiss staff positions and any other positions that report directly to the ED.
2. Enhance and develop community relations
A) Be informed, aware and proactive in meeting the needs of adult learners in Edmonton
B) Work collaboratively with community adult learning organizations and institutions
C) Monitor and evaluate funded programs
D) Develop and maintain strong relations with the Government of Alberta
E) Represent ECALA and its membership at the municipal and provincial levels
F) Facilitate collaboratively working relationships with other provincial Community Adult Learning Councils and Literacy organizations
G) To ensure the organization has communication strategies and be responsible for media liaison.
Approved March 2010
1.Reports to the ECALA ED
2.Supervision of Others: None
The ECALA Office Administrator coordinates day to day operations.
- Reception:
Understand request and forward information to the appropriate person.
- Accounting:
Update information on a weekly basis: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliations, monthly Federal & Provincial Remittances, Monthly statements to ED, assist with Year-End Procedures.
- Administration:
Clerical duties as required, Office Equipment maintenance and scheduling, tracking office needs, ECALA membership maintenance.
- General:
Takes direction and provides direction, works towards a team approach, understands ECALA guidelines, policies, and by-laws, Board Liaison in absence of ED.
- Other duties and responsibilities as assigned.
Approved January 2001
The employer recognizes the need for employees to refresh and upgrade skills and knowledge related to the nature of the job. Professional development opportunities will be determined at the time of annual performance evaluation.
The yearly budget will allocate funds to cover professional development costs
1.The ED work 40 hours per week; hours in excess of 40 hours per week will be noted on the time sheet.
2.The ED will keep a time sheet and submit it on a monthly basis.
3.The ED be entitled to four weeks paid vacation after one year of employment.
4.The ED will receive 1.33 days/month for sick leave to a maximum of 16 days per year. Medical certificate is required when 3 or more consecutive days of sick leave are taken.
1.The Office Administrator Administrative will work 35 hours per week.
2.The Office Administrator will keep a time sheet and submit it bi-weekly to the ED
3.Any overtime worked must be approved by the ED and noted on the time sheet.
4.The Office Administrator will be entitled to two weeks paid vacation after one year of employment.
- The Office Administrator will receive 1.33 days/month for sick leave to a maximum of 16 days per year. Medical certificate is required when 3 or more consecutive days of sick leave are taken.
- All employees shall have the following statutory holidays:
New Years DayFamily Day
Good FridayEaster Monday
Victoria DayLabor Day
Remembrance DayThanksgiving Day
Christmas DayBoxing Day
Canada DayHeritage Day
- When a statutory holiday falls on a weekend, the day taken is attached to the weekend in which the holiday falls. Friday or Monday will be the day off and is left to the discretion of the ED.
- Christmas Eve and New Years Eve will be designated as half days, the office hours will be from 8:30AM – 12:00PM.
Employees are entitled to two weeks paid vacation after one year of employment; three weeks paid vacation after three years of employment.
- The ED must authorize all vacation periods.
- Employees will be entitled to take earned vacation when requested unless a conflict exists.
- Vacation may be taken in more than one installment if approved by the ED.
- Up to 2 weeks vacation time may be carried over into the following year with the approval of the ED.
- An employee may be granted an advance of earned vacation up to a maximum of 10 days at the discretion of the ED, Board of Directors. Prior to vacation leave, a letter outlining the vacation terms plus the dollar amounts attached to the leave so that vacation pay may be deducted from the employees pay cheque should they terminate employment before earning the holiday-time. Both parties will sign the letter and be placed in the employee’s time sheet file.
ECALA recognizes the need to have a probationary period during which time an employee will learn the expectations of the employer, will be evaluated and may resign or be dismissed without penalty. The employer will determine if the skills, experience and general attitude of the employee are suitable for the position.
All employees shall have a probationary period. The employer is not obligated to retain an employee for the entire probationary period. The probationary period is three months.
- Employees shall receive a preliminary evaluation after three months conducted by the ED.
- During the first three months of the probationary period unsatisfactory performance can result in termination without notice. (Employment Standards Code, Section 55 2 (b), 1996).
ECALA recognizes the need for establishing a regular opportunity for communication about the employee’s progress and performance and the employer’s expectations of the employee.
An annual performance appraisal serves not only as an opportunity for recognition of merit, but also as a means of defining the work to be done, through the establishment of goals and objectives.
All employees shall have their performance evaluated at the end of the probationary period and at least annually by the ED. More frequent appraisals may be conducted if deemed necessary by the ED.
- Performance appraisals are a permanent part of an employee’s personnel record and are Personal & Confidential.
- Performance appraisals are a participatory process which require in addition to the ED’s assessment, the employee’s own assessment of her performance to date. Performance appraisals will also provide direction by identifying employee goals and objectives.
- When the need for improvement in performance is noted, the appraisal will indicate ways in which the employee may improve and what form of help is available from the ED. Subsequent appraisals must indicate the progress in the areas noted as needing improvement.
- The employee will have an opportunity to review the completed performance appraisal and discuss it with the ED.
- Performance appraisals will be signed by the employee and the ED.
A confidential Personnel File will be maintained at the ECALA office for each employee. Employees are to be informed in writing by the ED of any changes or additions to their individual file and are allowed supervised access to their own file during normal working hours.
- Employees may directly approach the ED to request their own Personnel File.
- Files shall be viewed in the presence of the ECALA ED or ECALA Chairperson.
- No employee files shall be removed from the office.
- Employees may express any concerns about their own file to the ED.
- If concerns are not resolved at that level, established grievance procedures must be followed.
- The files will be kept for a period of three years.
Leave without pay may be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the ED/Board of Directors.
- At the discretion of the ED/Board of Directors, employees may have Bereavement Leave with pay of up to five working days in the event of a death in the immediate family of the employee or the employee’s spouse.
- An employee shall be allowed upon notification in writing from the ED/Board of Directors, an additional five days unpaid leave.
- Immediate family means parents, brothers, sisters, children and spouse or others at the discretion of the ED/Board of Directors.
- Regular full-time employees (those who work 35 hours per week) may accumulate sick leave credits at a rate of 1.33 days per month of service to a maximum of 16 days.
- Regular part-time employees may accumulate sick leave credit at a rate proportionate to the number of hours worked per week.
- Sick leave is a means of ensuring that an employee will not suffer loss of income in the event of personal illness or illness in the immediate family.
- Sick leave may be used for doctors’ or dentists’ appointments.
- At the discretion of the ED, sick leave may be used in the event of illness of immediate family members. Immediate family means parents, brothers, sisters, children and spouse or other individuals in the same household.
- A doctor’s certificate may be required for the use of 3 consecutive sick days or more.
- Sick leave may not be carried over to the following year.
A regular full-time or regular part-time employee who has been employed for a period of at least twelve months shall be entitled to the following as maternity or paternity benefits.
- An expecting employee is entitled to voluntary maternity/paternity leave without pay, for a period of 52 weeks. Employees adopting are entitled to 37 weeks of unpaid leave.
- The employee shall give the ED/Board of Directors notice in writing, at least 6 weeks prior to commencing leave under this policy, of the intent to commence maternity/paternity leave. This notice may require a medical certificate verifying pregnancy.
- Leave is a combination of personal leave and health related leave
- Voluntary leave may be taken at the employee’s discretion in any combination before and after the expected due date. The employee may continue to work up to the due date with the expectation that the employee would continue to fulfill the requirements of the position. Time between estimated due date and actual date of delivery does not count towards maternity leave or paternity leave.
- The ED/Board of Directors can require the employee to provide information on her medical condition. A medical certificate shall be provided by the doctor stating the period of health-related leave required. Pregnant employees are to be treated the same as other employees who are absent for valid health related reasons.
- The employee will provide the ED/Board of Directors written notice of at least four weeks of his/her intent to resume work after the delivery.
- The ED/Board of Directors may grant special leave in addition to that stipulated in this policy upon written request by the employee.