Advertisement Tenders. Jessore 2010-2011
Office of the
Executive Engineer
Jessore O&M Division
BWDB, Jessore.
Invitation for Tenders
(Tender Notice No. 10/2010-2011)
1. / Ministry / Division / : Water Resources.2. / Agency. / : Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3. / Procuring Entity Name. / : Executive Engineer, Jessore O&M Division, BWDB, Jessore.
4. / Procuring Entity Code. / : -
5. / Procuring Entity District. / : Jessore.
6. / Invitation for / : Construction of closure at Km. 8.650 cut point of embankment & Construction of 2 (Two) nos cross bundh (63m & 61m long) near cut point of Polder No-24 & Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 2.965 to Km. 11.725
7. / Invitation Ref. No. / : Memo.No. T-30A/944(40)
8. / Date / : 11-01-2011
9. / Procurement Method. / : Limited Tendering Method (LTM)
10. / Budget and Source of Funds. / : GOB
11. / Development Partners(if applicable) / : Not applicable.
12. / Project Programme Code (if applicable) / : -
13. / Project/Programme Name(if applicable) / : Non-development Revenue Budget.
14. / Tender Package No. / : JW-15 & JW-16
15. / Tender Package Name. / Package No. JW-15 : Construction of closure at Km. 8.650 cut point of embankment & Construction of 2 (Two) nos cross bundh (63m & 61m long) near cut point of Polder No-24 for closing of TRM in East beel Khuskhia
Package No. JW-16, Lot No-01 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 2.965 to Km. 4.500
Package No. JW-16, Lot No-02 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 4.500 to Km. 6.070
Package No. JW-16, Lot No-03 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 6.110 to Km. 7.800
Package No. JW-16, Lot No-04 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 7.800 to Km. 10.500
Package No. JW-16, Lot No-05 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 10.500 to Km. 11.725
16. / Tender Publication Date / : --
17. / Tender Last Selling Date. / : Upto 26-01-2011 during banking hours.
18. / Tender Receiving last Date and Time. / : Upto 27-01-2011 at 12-00 hours.
19. / Tender Opening Date and Time. / : 27-01-2011 at 12-30 hours.
20. / (a) Name & address of the office(s)
- Selling Tender Document. / 1. Manager, Sonali Bank Ltd., Corporate Branch, Jessore.
2. Manager,Sonali Bank Ltd, KDA New Market Branch, Khulna.
3. Manager,Janata Bank Ltd, Dilkhusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkhusha C/A, Dhaka.
(b) Receiving Tender Document. / 1. The Executive Engineer, Jessore O&M Division, BWDB, Jessore.
2. The Executive Engineer, Khulna O&M Division-1, BWDB, Khulna.
3. The Deputy Commissioner, Jessore.
(c) Opening Tender Document. / : The Executive Engineer, Jessore O&M Division, BWDB, Jessore.
21. / Place, Date, Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional ). / : -
22. / Eligibility of Tenderer. / Contractors having “A” “B” & “ C ” (“Ka” “Kha” & “Ga”) Class enlistment of BWDB for irrespective of Board/Zone/Circle for the year 2010-2011 are illegible for Participating in the tender and no need to show the experience of similar nature of works.
(Contd.. P/2)
f) Brief Description of Goods or Works. :
Package /Lot no. / Identification of Lot / Location / Price of Tender document (Tk.) / Tender security Amount (Tk.) / Completion time in weeks/ days1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
JW-15 / Package No. JW-15 : Construction of closure at Km. 8.650 cut point of embankment & Construction of 2 (Two) nos cross bundh (63m & 61m long) near cut point of Polder No-24 for closing of TRM in East beel Khuskhia under Non-development Revenue Budget during the year 2010-2011. / Keshabpur
Jessore / 1,500/- / 2,20,000/- / 60 days
JW-16 / Lot No-01 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 2.965 to Km. 4.500 under Non-development Revenue Budget during the year 2010-2011. / Keshabpur
Jessore / Reserve for LCS / 60 days
Lot No-02 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 4.500 to Km. 6.070 under Non-development Revenue Budget during the year 2010-2011. / Keshabpur
Jessore / 750/- / 42,000/- / 60 days
Lot No-03 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 6.110 to Km. 7.800 under Non-development Revenue Budget during the year 2010-2011. / Keshabpur
Jessore / 750/- / 36,000/- / 60 days
Lot No-04 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 7.800 to Km. 10.500 under Non-development Revenue Budget during the year 2010-2011. / Keshabpur
Jessore / 750/- / 50,000/- / 60 days
Lot No-05 : Re-sectioning of embankment of Polder No-24 from Km 10.500 to Km. 11.725 under Non-development Revenue Budget during the year 2010-2011. / Keshabpur
Jessore / Reserve for LCS / 60 days
24. / Brief Description of related services. / : Not applicable.
25. / Name of Official Inviting Tender. / : Md. Shahidul Islam Talukder
26. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / : Executive Engineer
27. / Address of Official Inviting Tender. / : Jessore O&M Division, BWDB, Jessore.
28. / Contract details of Official Inviting. / : Phone : 0421-68996, Fax No. 0421-68996
: E-mail : .
29 / Special Terms and Conditions :
a) There shall be no provision for Advance payment.
b) The Tenderer will submit photo copies of their current VAT, TIN certificate & Trade License attested by the 1st Class Officer. Failing which the tender document shall be summarily rejected.
c) The tenderers / firm shall submit the photo copy of affidavit attested by the 1st Class Officer with the tender in favour of their Ownership.
d) All the document’s shall be attested by the 1st Class Officer. Failing which the tender document shall be summarily rejected.
e) Land to be managed by the contractor . at their own capability.
f) No land compensation can be entertained by the Department.
g) The Tenderer shall sign each and every pages of the tender document.
h) Volume of item or items of work may be increased or decreased or any item may be omitted or added as per sanctioned estimate or during execution of work and the payment will be made as per actual executed items/quantities of work at the accepted rates. In such case, no extra claim will be entertained.
(Contd.. P/3)
i) The tenderers shall quote item wise rate in the attached BOQ of tender document. If the total quoted amount exceed 5% (Five percent) below or above than the estimated amount, his/their tender shall be summarily rejected. If the lowest responsive/evaluated tender is found same amount to be more than one, the successful tenderer will be determined through open lottery.j) The quoted amount for an item of work will be taken into account upto two figures after the decimal. In calculating the amount of any item of work the third figure having figure 1 to 4 after the decimal will be ignored. While the amount has a third figure 5 to 9 after the decimal, the calculated amount will be determined upto two figures after adding Tk. 0.01 with the amount.
k) If any tender appears to be sub-lated or leased by the original tenderer then the tender may be rejected.
l) Cost of all laboratory test shall be borne by the concerned contractor for which no extra claim will be entertained.
m) Work order will be issued after approval of Budget for which no extra claim will be entertained.
n) The provisions laid down in the Public Procurement Regulation 2008 & Public Procurement Act, 2006 shall be in strictly compliance.
o) Acceptance of Tender shall rest with the competent authority who is not bound to accept the lowest or any of the tenders and reserves the right to reject any or all the tender at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
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( Md. Shahidul Islam Talukder)
Executive Engineer.