
1. Sealed tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the President of India Union from dealers of those who are engaged in running of Cafeteria at any of the Central Para Military Force organization/Army for allotment of Directorate General Assam Rifles Cafeteria at Headquarter Directorate General Assam Rifles Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong (Meghalaya).

Tender Condition.

2. Tender must be submitted under cover securely fastened, sealed and conspicuously marked as "Tender for Directorate General Assam Rifles Cafeteria at Headquarter Directorate General Assam Rifles Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong (Meghalaya)" as mentioned in Para 1 above. When a tender is sent by post, the inner cover containing the tender must be enclosed by a second cover. Tender shall be addressed to the Headquarter Directorate General Assam Rifles,Laitkor, Shillong - 793010 and not to any Officer by name. The tenders will be received up to 1100 hrs on 24 Oct 2016 and will be opened on the same day at Headquarter Directorate General Assam Rifles, Laitkor by the board of Officers in presence of attending tenders.

3. Tender fee Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) must be deposited by Tenderers in State Bank of India under the Head 2055-0055-Police (Central) Assam Rifles – Tender fee – miscellanies to be attested by any official of the Directorate General Assam Rifles/Inspector General Assam Rifles/Sector Headquarters/Units on the body of the challan and copy of the challan should accompany the letter asking for the tender form. Payment of no other form shall be accepted.


4. Tenderer shall quote the rebate both in figure and words in the tender form. The minimum monthly rebates will be fixed through station/units board of officers.

5. Rate of rebate so quoted by the tenderers for Cafeteria will be considered for determining the highest bidder.

Earnest/Security Money

6. All tenderers must furnish earnest money alongwith the tender quotation amounting to Rs. 35,000/- (Rupees thirty five thousand only) duly pledged in favour of "Director General Assam Rifles " in any of the following forms:-

(a) Postal Saving Accounts pledged in favour of the first party.

(b) Fixed Deposit Receipt from a recognized/scheduled bank in form of first party.

7. The earnest money of the successful tenderer will be refunded as soon as the security deposit is furnished unless the selected tenderer applies for conversion of the same as part of the security deposit.

8. Earnest money of the unsuccessful tenderer will be refunded/returned within 30 days on finalization of contract.

9. On finalization of contract the successful tenderer will be issued with a formal letter of acceptance on production of security money, finalised by board of officers, duly pledge in favour of the Director General Assam Rifles in any of the following forms:-

(a) Postal Saving Accounts pledged in favour of Director General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR.

(b) Fixed Deposit Receipt from any recognized/scheduled bank in favour of The Director General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR.

10. Unless otherwise forfeited under the terms of contract, the security deposit of it, as the case may be, will be refunded to the contractor on termination of the contract.


Rent and Allied Charges.

11. Rent for accommodation will be paid by the contractor per month as fixed by the board of officers which will be convened by the Directorate General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR for assessment of rent. A suitable representative of Engineer JCO/Engineer Representative, HQ DGAR will be incorporated as members in attendance in the board.

12. The contractor shall bear the cost of water and electricity charges in respect of the accommodation provided by the HQ Directorate General Assam Rifles, Laitkor, Shillong (Meghalaya), per month as per meter installed by the FIRST PARTY or flat electricity charged/fixed by board of officers and pay by 5th of succeeding month positively.

Terms of Contract

13. Duration of Contract. The contract will remain in force for a period of two years or upto 31 March 2018, which is earlier from the date of its execution and thereafter contract will be terminated or renewed as decided by Directorate General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR. The contract can also be terminated on the following grounds:-

(a) Violation of terms and conditions of the contract.

(b) Unsatisfactory performance.

(c) Non clearance of rent and allied charges.

(d) Non adherence to instruction issued by the authorized from time to time.

(e) Attempt to cheat or indulge in any unfair practice with motive of making undue profit.

(f) Selling of liquor and other banned items.

14. Rate List. The rate of items will be fixed every six months by a board of officers detailed by the Directorate General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR.

15. The approved tenderer/appointed contractor or license shall not be allowed to run their business through their power of attorney.

16. Forfeiture of Contract. If a contractor willful neglects, or fails to perform or observe any condition of the agreement or attempt to cheat of indulge in any unfair practice with the motive of making undue gain, the contractor shall be liable to any of the following actions to be decided by the Directorate General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR :-

(a) Forfeiture of security deposit in whole or in part.

(b) Cancellation of agreement.

(c) Debarment from entering into any such contract within Assam Rifles for a period upto three years.

17. Medical Examination of Employees. Employees of Cafeteria involved in preparation of sweets/snacks will be subject to periodical medical examination by unit medical officer and proper hygiene and sanitation will be maintained for the shop and will be subject to sanitary inspection by medical officers.

18. Deed of Agreement. Successful tenderer will be required to enter into a Deed of Agreement prior to occupation of shop allotted.

19. The Directorate General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR reserves the right to accept/reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof.

20. Jurisdiction for Disputes. Shillong Court shall have the necessary jurisdiction for all disputes prior to the signing of contract. After signing of the contract, disputes if any shall be resolved in accordance with the terms of condition agreed upon by both the parties.

Submission of Documents

21. All tenderers must submit alongwith the tender, the documents mentioned at sub Paragraph (a) to (g) below, without which a tender may be rejected/accepted at the discretion of the Directorate General Assam Rifles as the case may be:-

(a) Income tax clearance certificate upto and for financial year 2014-15 (Preceding year) with PAN.


(b) Financial stability certificate from the Deputy Commissioner or from any Nationalized Bank mentioning the approximate value upto which the tender is capable of undertaking contract.

(c) Power of attorney in favour of signatory/signatories of the tender duly signed by a person or persons other than the actual tenderer or on behalf of firm/company and his/her/their signatures (attested by class-I Magistrate).

(d) An attested copy of the passport size photograph of the signatories of the tenderer shall have to be furnished alongwith the tender.

(e) A certificate from the civil police of the area to which the tenderer belongs that he is not involved in any police case.

(f) In the event of submission of photocopy of any of the documents, the same should be countersigned/attested by a Class-I Gazetted Officer.

(g) Registration certificate from Headquarter Directorate General Assam Rifles for running of wet canteen/Cafeteria.

22. Submission of more than one tender quoting different rate of Rebates by one and the same tenderer or firm against the particular tender will disqualify a tender for appointment as contractor and all the tenders of such tenderer shall automatically be rejected.

23. Any alteration made in the tender before submission must be signed/initialed by the tenderer which in turn will be countersigned by the Presiding officer after opening of tenders. No alteration and modification of rates will be allowed once the tender is submitted.

24. All tenderers must affix their signature with full postal address alongwith Pin Code No and the date on the tender papers. If the tenderer is a firm or company such tenders must submit alongwith their tender a photocopy of the registration certificate of the firm or company duly attested by Class I Gazetted Officer.


25. Any further information if required may be obtained by the tenderer from the office of the HQ DGAR during office hours on any working day or may be downloaded from the Assam Rifles official website Director General Assam Rifles.

Sd/- xxx xxx

(R C Verma)


Head of the Office

for DG Assam Rifles

I.11033/24/Est(Gen)/2016/960 Dated: 03 Oct 2016


1. Headquarters - for information and wide publicity please.

Inspector General

Assam Rifles North/South/East

C/o 99 APO

2. All Sector HQs/ARTC & S - for wide publicity please.

3. All Units/All MGAR/All Wksp/ARASU/ - for wide publicity please.


4. All local Contractors

5. Regional Newspapers

6. Office copy


Name of Firm ______


1. Tender for award of Directorate General Assam Rifles Cafeteria at Headquarter Directorate General Assam Rifles Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong (Meghalaya) for the period from date of execution of contract to ______.

2. Tender fees Rs. 100/- to be deposited by challan No. ______dated ______2016.

3. Rebate offered Rs. ______/- (Rupees ______only) per month for Cafeteria.

4. List of supporting documents (as per this Directorate Tender notice para 21 (a) to (g)).

Signature of tenderer

Name and Address




(See Rule 92) TR-6

Posts & Telegraphs

(Obverse) Challan No

Treasury/Sub Treasury

Challan of cash paid into ------

State/Reserve Bank of India

To be filled in by the remitter / To be filled in by the Department Officer
By whom tendered / Name (or designation) and address of the person on whose behalf mony is paid / Full particulars of the remittance and/or authority (if any) / Amount / Head of account / Accounts Officer by whom adjustable / Order to the Bank
(In words) / To be used only in the case of remittances to the Bank through Departmental Officer or the Treasury Officer

Treasurer Accountant Date Treasure Officer

Agent or Manager