Office of the Board of Director’s

P.O. Box 626

Benton City, WA 99320

Phone: 509-588-4396

Board of Directors Meeting

January 25, 2016

The Benton Irrigation District’s (BID), Board of Directors (BOD) Tuesday meeting was held at the District office on Highland Road in Benton City, WA beginning at 3:00PM.

In Attendance: Chairman Robert Buoy, Director Tyler Wilson, Director Dirk Martin, Operations Manager Ed Mitchell, Office Manager Ivy Johnson.

1. January 25, 2016, Board meeting minutes, Director Martin moved to accept the minutes, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

2. Operation/Maintenance Voucher’s –

5-8 $19,423.35

Director Martin moved to accept and pay vouchers 5-8, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

3. Administrative Report

·  Presented Balance sheets and P&L sheets for the District and project

·  There has been $70,666.00 in 2016 assessments received

·  Presented the adjusted 2016 Cert. of Assessments for signatures; Director Wilson moved to accept & sign the adjusted Certificate of Assessments, Director Martin 2nd. All in favor

·  The Office Manager stated that she has been preparing the newsletters to send out

4. Maintenance Report

·  The old dump truck has been listed on Craigslist and the Tri City Herald requesting sealed bids

·  They have been working on inventory

·  Damaged locate wire update; the Operations Manager stated that the contractor still has not repaired the locate wire that he damaged this fall. The District stated that the Attorney needs to be contacted and find out what recourse the District has to get this resolved

·  The Operations Manager suggested that the Maintenance Tech get his pesticide license. Director Martin moved to send the Maintenance Tech to the pesticide class, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

·  The Operations Manager stated that the Attorney has suggested the District make a resolution to amend the bylaws to include RCW 58.17.310 that applies to short plats and boundary line adjustments. The District stated that the resolution should be ready for the next Board meeting

·  The Operations Manager presented a short plat for Kelvin Schuman; after review Director Martin moved to approve the short plat, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

Director Martin moved to adjourn the meeting, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 3:20PM.

Robert Buoy-Chairman ______

Dirk Martin-Director ______

Tyler Wilson-Director ______

Ivy Johnson-Office Mgr. ______