
Cal Poly Pomona

Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers


Program Title:Grassroots Leadership for Female Farm WorkersDate:April 25, 2008

Please indicate your agreement degree with each of the following statements by checking the appropriate box:

1. This program fulfilled my expectations:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
20 / 16

2. I learned about diversity issues:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
28 / 7 / 1

3. This program raised my cultural and/or social awareness:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
27 / 9

4. I would recommend this program:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
24 / 12

5. What did you learn?

  • I learned that the struggles women farmers have to go through are extremely difficult.
  • I learned that workers are still mistreated out there, although not many if any incidents are reported.
  • I learned that there are many still many issues concerning farm workers that should not be taken lightly.
  • I learned how strong the situations can be in the workplace and how easy it is for this to happen.
  • I learned that the women farm workers were not only mistreated, but also sexually harassed.
  • I learned new things about farm workers and the struggles they must go through.
  • I learned about the treatment, harassment, and conditions women farm workers go through on a daily basis.
  • I learned about farm workers and what actually goes on in the field.
  • I learned that even though there was a movement involving farm workers the same things are still going on.
  • I learned that female farm workers have been and continue to be exploited and harassed at work.
  • I learned about the different issues that farm workers deal with.
  • I learned that the Lideres Campesinas was formed especially because of the harassment women workers faced in the fields.
  • I learned about what women really go through as they work the fields.
  • I learned that ninety out of one hundred female farm workers have been harassed at least once.
  • I learned that there was a lot of sexual violence among the farm worker women.
  • I learned how women farmers are treated by men workers and the inequalities behind all of it.
  • I learned that the first fight is not over in the fields.
  • I learned about the issues that go on in the fields and the things females have to go through.
  • I learned that sexual harassment is prevalent in a female farm workers daily life.
  • I learned about the activities the Lideres Campacinas were a part of.
  • I learned about unfair working conditions among migrant farm workers, primarily women.
  • I learned that different cultures, traditions, and beliefs are much different than my own.
  • I learned that farm workers work hard and are not valued and are taken advantage of by their supervisors.
  • This is something I’ve been already told and heard as I’ve been involved with Migrant Ed program and I am the Daughter of Martin Loeza who is from the region.
  • I learned that it can take many years for people to share their stories. Farm workers are treated differently than other types of jobs.
  • I learned about harassment that goes on in the farms within women.
  • I learned about the sexual harassment occurrence that takes place in the farms.
  • I learned about the different conditions affecting women in the workforce.
  • I learned that many female farm workers endure sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace. Lideres Campecinas helps to elevate and empower these women by educating them in raising awareness about the rights that they have.
  • I learned how women working in the farm are taken advantage of, but how Lideres Campesinas helps educate women.
  • I learned about social problems facing farm workers such as housing, assault, and health.
  • I learned a lot about what’s really happening behind closed doors in the farm fields.

6. How has this program advanced your academic skills? Contagious

  • It has empowered me to stick up for myself.
  • It has showed me how to raise my cultural and social awareness.
  • It has really helped me raise social awareness.
  • It has brought awareness to social problems and relations for minority workers.
  • It has broadened my outlook on what is going on in the world.
  • This program has motivated me to pursue work that involves social justice.
  • The program has provided a great visual to things I already knew about farm workers.
  • The program opened my education to new cultural issues.
  • I knew about some of the issues, but this increased my knowledge and awareness of the harassment women face.
  • I learned that it is less about academics and more about leaning about social responsibility and social awareness.
  • This is the first time I am involved in it and I have been able to re-enhance my thoughts.
  • It advances my academic skill in the sense that it expresses my EWS class. It is sad to see those women today are still degraded.
  • This program slightly informed me about the women farm workers in the past.
  • This program has helped me have a broader knowledge base among female discrimination within work forces.
  • This program has given me a greater knowledge of another cultures daily life.
  • I have learned about sexual harassment and other issues being talked about in school.
  • I learned about new unions and organizations for women farm workers.
  • It has informed me about some things I didn’t know before, like how women and farm workers in general get exploited.
  • This program has made my awareness more clear and direct on social issues.
  • This program demonstrated me that being a Chicano/Latino has responsibilities, and that I need to help others and take action on these issues.
  • It has helped me see how things that I learn in the class room can be applied in the community.
  • This program has given me more insight into current ethnic and gender issues in the US.
  • This program motivated me into getting more involved with my community.
  • I learned more about cultural diversity.
  • This program has helped me expand my knowledge about this problem.
  • I learned that I have expanded to a new culture.
  • This program has opened my eyes and has helped me appreciate the hard work that other people do for us.
  • This program has made me open-minded towards everything in general.

7. Did this program motivate you to build/strengthen your relationship with the campus community? If yes, how would you do it?

  • Yes, I would do it by educating other people about this issue.
  • Yes, I would educate others.
  • Yes, it motivated me to volunteer at the center to help support.
  • Yes, it motivated me to participate in groups like Lideres Campesinas.
  • Yes, it motivated me to learn more about the clubs and programs on campus that I can join.
  • Yes, it motivated me to get more involved and seek for clubs and organizations on campus.
  • Yes, I have been motivated to make it out to their events and help support their cause.
  • I have been motivated to be a part of the Sexual Awareness month help in April at Cal Poly
  • Not really, it just aided me with information.
  • No, it did not.
  • It motivated me to help out and get more involved with organizations of such movement.
  • No, not really.
  • Yes, it motivated me to continue working with campus organizations striving for social change.
  • Yes it motivated me to keep up with the different events the CesarE.ChavezCenter hostess.
  • It motivated me to get involved with the Stop the Violence Office and the CesarChavezCenter.
  • Yes, it motivated me to educate others on this issue.
  • It has motivated me to join a club on campus.

8. In your opinion, how can this program be further improved?

  • The program needs to be advertised more. More people should have attended.
  • It can be improved by having better promotion of the event.
  • No improvements needed.
  • Get out there more, expand the program.
  • I think it’s great.
  • No improvements needed.
  • It is good now.
  • The program should be promoted more. I did not know about it until my class told me.
  • Make it a bigger program and invite more students.
  • The program was great, however a microphone was needed.
  • I am always interested in counter arguments or the other side.
  • I think it needs more statistical facts.
  • This program could be improved with more skits as well as translators of the skits.
  • The program did a well job.
  • No improvements needed.
  • In my opinion they did a great job.
  • No improvements, it was perfect.
  • No improvements needed, it satisfied my expectations.
  • No improvements, the program was really effective.
  • It can be improved with more advertisement to other ethnic communities.
  • No improvements needed. I loved the theater.
  • The program can be improved by providing food.

9. Name one reason why it’s challenging for female farm workers to receive advocacy regarding issues of sexual assault and domestic violence.

  • It is challenging due to language barriers and culture.
  • It is challenging due to unawareness.
  • One of the biggest challenges is the fear of losing their jobs.
  • Most of them are uneducated so they don’t have a voice.
  • They are scared.
  • Many women don’t like to talk about their experiences regarding sexual assault.
  • Some women are just scared to ask.
  • They are often threatened with losing their jobs and are hesitant to speak out against their employers.
  • One of the biggest fears that women have is losing their jobs.
  • They can lose their jobs, and at times receive even worst treatment.
  • One of the biggest challenges women have is being afraid of the consequences.
  • One of the biggest issues is that many women don’t want to talk about it.
  • The female farm workers know what’s best and rather keep it to themselves to reduce getting themselves in danger or losing their jobs.
  • Women feel that by complaining about being harassed they might loose their jobs.
  • Many are unaware that there is help and people willing to listen. I think fear keeps most women from reaching out to someone.
  • Most women are afraid to lose their jobs.
  • It is difficult for female farm workers to receive advocacy because of their legal status or because of the shame that sexual assault or domestic violence brings.
  • The biggest challenge that they have is getting over their fear.
  • The possibility that they would lose their jobs.
  • It is challenging because the female voice is often not spoken loudly.
  • Because they are illegal workers, they are threatenedto not have a job.
  • They are afraid to talk. People also don’t listen and at times just sets fault against them.
  • Many are not documented and are afraid of losing their jobs.
  • At times it can be embarrassing. They do not want to be blamed.
  • It is hard to find people that are willing to help and educate them.
  • One of the biggest challenges is fear.
  • At times there are some women that are scared no one will believe them.
  • They are scared of their supervisors and losing their jobs.
  • There are no human resources to hear these female farm workers so they feel as if they cannot turn to anybody.
  • At times traditions and customs of the women and the fear of losing their jobs.
  • Many are undocumented and so are threatened with deportation if the report incidents.
  • Women rights are not as valued as men.
  • They are not noticed much. They don’t take them into consideration.
  • One challenge is that they don’t speak out.

10. College Affiliation(s):

College of Agriculture / 3
College of Business Admin. / 7
College of Education & Int. Studies / 8
College of Engineering / 5
College of Environmental Design / 1
College of Extended University
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences / 7
College of Science / 6
CollinsSchool of Hospitality Management / 1

11. How did you hear about this program? (Check all that apply)

Class Requirement / 16
Faculty/staff / 17
Flyer / 4
OSLCC staff / 2
Other: / 2
Other student / 3

12. Class/Year level (Example: Senior/6th Year):

Class / Years at Cal Poly Pomona
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Freshman / 9
Sophomore / 5
Junior / 9
Senior / 6 / 4

13. Gender:

Female / 27
Male / 8

14. Ethnicity

American Indian
Asian Indian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) / 1
Black / 1
Central American / 1
Chinese / 1
Hispanic / 2
Korean / 1
Latino/a / 3
Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano / 12
Middle Eastern American
Puerto Rican
Vietnamese / 1
White / 5
Other: Asian / 4

I want to help plan programs and get involved with the Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers:

NameE-mail AddressInterested In:

Evelyn Marie Loeza / / CECCHE
Jacqueline Naomi Soto / / CECCHE, OSL, NASC, Greek Life, MCC
David Gonzalez / / CECCHE