Office of Congressman David Wu

Water Resources Development Act

Project Authorization Request Form

Deadline for Submission: November 20, 2009

This form must be filled out in its entirety. It must be accompanied by at least one letter of support from the non-federal (local or state) sponsor of the project request. The support letter should include an explicit statement that the non-federal sponsor is prepared to provide the required local funding match to complete the project.

The deadline to submit this form and the support letter is Friday, November 20, 2009. No exceptions. Please submit this form along with any supplementary materials to Nils Tillstrom via email at . If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nils at (202) 225-0855.

Form instructions: This form contains drop-down menus to answer some questions. To access the drop-down menu, run your cursor over “Select One” and click your mouse. A drop-down menu will appear and you can select the appropriate answer. Additionally, written answers should be typed in the gray boxes provided.

1. Project Title:

2. Organization (project sponsor) Name and Address:

3. Primary contact name, phone number, mobile phone number, fax number, and e-mail:

4. Project location address (if different from organization):

5. Local Army Corps of Engineers contact name and phone number:

6. What is the purpose of the project? Why is it a valuable use of taxpayer funds?

7. Please describe the project. (Please limit your response to 175 characters.)

8. Who is the non-federal (local or state) project sponsor?

9. Are you requesting an authorization for more than one project in this bill?

If Yes, this project is priority of total requests for your organization.

(For example, priority 1 of 3 requests or priority 1 of 1 request.)

10. Are you enclosing the letter referenced at the top of this form?

11. What is the total cost of the project you are submitting?

12. What is the amount you are requesting for this project?

13. Notes or anything else we should know about the project request:

Please return this form and at least one letter of support

from the non-federal project sponsor no later than November 20, 2009 (via email) to:

Washington, D.C. Contact for Rep. Wu: Nils Tillstrom, (202) 225-0855

Oregon Contact for Rep. Wu: Steve Marx, (503) 326-2901