Pre-AP Geometry

Mrs. Conner

CCHS 2014-2015

1st /6th Periods


Phone: (606)387-5569

Office Hours: MTWTF 2nd Period (8:51 – 9:38)

MTWTF 8th Period (2:13 – 3:00)

Dear students and parents,

Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year. This year’s course of study promises to engage your student with investigative units that will teach Geometry techniques, empower your student to be a competent mathematical thinker, and prepare them for college. I am looking forward to this year, and I hope you are too!

Pre-AP Course

This is a pre-AP course; therefore, it is more rigorous and demanding. It will require more work, dedication, and passion than traditional courses. If you feel you are unable to meet these higher standards, you may want to reconsider enrollment in this course.

Course Website

Please feel free to visit or go to the Clinton County High School webpage and search for my name under the Teacher Website section. I will upload videos to help students with assignments as well as any additional resources I believe would be useful.

Recommended Supplies

  • Notebook, specifically for math
  • Pencils (preferably) or Black/Blue Pens
  • Graphing calculator (see calculator section)


Geometry: Common Core from Pearson Publishing Co.


Students must get their assigned calculator number every day before the start of class. They must return their calculator at the end of the class before the bell rings. If a student takes a calculator without permission, they have until the end of the day to return it otherwise they will be forfeiting their chance to use the class calculators. Students are recommended to have their own TI-83 or TI-84 Plus calculator. However, if students do not, the school will loan them a calculator. Students must sign the calculator form in order to check one out for an evening.

Cell Phones

There will be no cell phones allowed in the classroom unless specified by the teacher. You will be required to put your cell phone into the calculator caddy at the beginning of each class period when you get your calculator. You may get your cell phone out of the caddy in the last minute when you are replacing your calculator. Anyone in violation of the cell phone rule will immediately be sent to the office.

Class Format

Even though the class will consist of many activities, it will also be lecture style. During lecture, students are expected to take notes, ask pertinent questions, and be engaged. Students will have homework most nights (see policy Homework below) and are expected to turn it in the following school day, unless otherwise specified.


Any behavior problems will be handled as stated in the student handbook.


All homework must be turned in on the assigned date. Students are given the opportunity to redo assignments AFTER the initial grade has been posted (this does NOT include quiz grades unless otherwise specified by the teacher). If the student misses a day, they are expected to get assignment information from the back board under the appropriate class.


Exams in this course will consist of two parts given on two different days (for the most part). Day one will be a multiple choice exam. Day two will consist of free response questions. If a student misses an exam, they must set up a time it up that is convenient for the teacher. Teacher reserves the choice to combine both parts into a one day exam.


  • Work is completed on time. No folds, wrinkles, doodles, etc..should look professional.
  • Homework questions are written, diagrams are drawn, and ALL work is shown.
  • All work is in pencil or a blue/black pen.
  • Follow all directions.
  • Take good, clear usable notes.
  • Come to class prepared and on time.
  • If you are absent, find out what you missed from the appropriate post-it note on the back wall.
  • All work must have a proper header. Your name, period, the date, and the FULL assignment (page number and problem numbers) MUSTbe written at the top of every assignment.
  • If you are turning in an assignment late due to an excused absence, make sure that you write down “ABSENCE” on the front page. Remember, for an excused absence, you have 5 days to make it up!
  • Revised assignments must be turned in prior to taking the unit test.
  • Unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up missed assignments (homework, quizzes, or exams).


Here is the breakdown of the grade:



Notes/Class Participation……………………………………………………10%

Final Exams are worth 20% of final grade.


The student will be exposed to the following topics as appropriate:

  • Tools of Geometry
  • Reasoning and Proof
  • Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
  • Congruent Triangles
  • Relationships Within Triangles
  • Polygons and Quadrilaterals
  • Similarity
  • Right Triangles and Trigonometry
  • Transformations
  • Area
  • Surface Area and Volume
  • Circles
  • Probability

To the parents:

If at any point you need to speak with me, you can either email me at or call the high school at (606)387-5569. I would like to keep communication open between us so that we may better help your child during this course. Feel free to contact me anytime!

Fill out form and letter below, tear on this line and return to me (Mrs. Conner)– homework assignment – 50 points to be returned by the first Friday of the school year.

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your child and his/her education are very important to me. I hope the information concerning this course will be helpful in understanding its intent and purpose.

I have read the about guidelines for the mathematics class and discussed them with my child. I will support these and encourage my child ______to abide by the guidelines. If at any time you have questions or comments concerning your child’s progress, please contact me at school or at home with concerns about your child. I am looking forward to a rewarding year at CCHS.


Parent or Guardian Signature Date


Student Signature Date