Course Syllabus
Debate I and II
Instructor: Evan Manning
Office Hours: by appointment before or after school
Contact: 316-794-4190 ext- 34215
Textbooks: Snider, Alfred Code of the Debater (free, access at )
Course Objective: To prepare students to be more debaters, to give students a fundamental familiarity with basic theoretical concepts used in competitive debate, and to give students rudimentary understandings of research and argument production procedures. While the course is geared on the competitive aspects of debate, the course will also provide the opportunity to become better persuasive speakers and writers.
Attendance: Attendance in class and at scheduled functions is mandatory. Students have a participation and discussion grade that reflects their attendance. You cannot do well in this class with poor attendance. You will be required to give up at least out of school days for tournament dates. Please turn your cell phones off.
Makeup Policy: This is an activity course and cannot be passed by those with poor attendance. To receive makeup consideration, absences must be documented. That being said, If you are sick, go to the doctor. Exceptions will be made with instructor approval. Some assignments cannot be made up and alternative work may be assigned, at the discretion of the Instructor.
Excused Absences: I support student participation in School activities; however, students are responsible for checking in with me to make sure I approve the absence and to arrange makeup work. This must be done ahead of time, not two weeks after the event. Students should understand that the scheduling of this course is affected by other factors, and should prioritize the timing of class projects with extracurricular activities.
Grades: Will be done on a weighted scoring system where certain assignments will be given higher point values than others. A 90-80-70- 60 scale will be used. Midterm grades will be on a plus-minus scale to give student a more accurate idea of where they stand. Final grades will not be on the plus-minus scale. Specifically the Final Grade for a student will be based upon the work and participation in class, the homework assignments done outside of class, and the attendance and participation of debate tournaments. These will include at least two tournaments as a participant, and the one home tournament at our school. This home tournament is very important to the district and the perception of our debate program, so your grade will reflect the work done at this tournament. The date of this tournament is going to be given APAP. Please let me know ASAP if there is a previously scheduled conflict. Thank you very much.
Academic Dishonesty: Don’t Cheat! Do not miss-tag evidence. Do not steal things from others. You will be failed.
Final Exams: A Final Exam will be given on the last day of class. It will be ten percent of your total class grade.
Additional Supplies: Please have the following for this class.
One Flash Drive (minimum 4 Gigabyte )
Two Reams of Paper (Legal and Pastel is optional
One Large Spiral Notebook
One Folder (for holding handouts)
If you own a laptop computer, permission to use it on occasion for debate tournaments