Physics 113
~Summer 2006~
Course Instructor:
Nathan Williams
Phone: (585) 275-0339
Office: Bausch and Lomb 478
Office Hours: Tuesday1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Thursday1:30 PM – 3:30PM
Or by appointment
Course Information
Text :
The required textbook for this course is Physics for Scientists and Engineers, by D.C. Giancoli, Volume 1, 3rd Edition (2000). If you are planning on taking Physics 114 and want to purchase the text with both volume I and II, be aware that there are some copies which are missing chapters from the Volume II section. There will be a copy of this text available on reserve in the PAS Library (3rd Floor of Bausch and Lomb).
Attendance :
Since this is a summer course, we are cramming 15 weeks of material into 6 weeks. If you miss a class it will be hard to catch up. There will also be some material presented in lecture which might not be covered in the book.
There will be 9 homework assignments for this class. Each homework assignment will be out of 10 points, and will be assigned based on completeness and correctness. Your lowest homework grade will be dropped. Details on the grading will be discussed on the first day of class. All of the due dates for the homework assignments are on the attached calendar, so there shouldn’t be any surprises. Homework will be worth 20% of the total grade, so make sure you do it!
Exams :
There will be 3 exams. The first two exams will cover two weeks of material and will be worth 20% of your final grade. The final exam will be cumulative and be worth 30% of your grade. The exams will not test you on your ability to memorize formulas, just how to use them. The dates of the exams are noted on the calendar. NOTE: The final exam takes place on FRIDAY June 30th. The class on Thursday will be a non-mandatory review session.
There are 5 labs for the course. There is a pre-lab that is to be completed for each lab ahead of time, and then work to be done in the lab itself. Lab is a required element of the course, so you must complete each lab! The times for the labs will be discussed on the first day of class. Each lab will be 3 hours long. Labs will account for 10% of your final grade.
Physics Lab Website :
There will be a Lab Scheduled for Wednesdays 1:00 PM – 3:40 PM and Thursdays 1:00PM – 3:40 PM.
Workshops :
Workshops will be an optional part of the course. A workshop consists of groups working together on a problem set, which is different than the homework assigned. The time and place for the workshops will depend on schedules, and like the labs will be discussed on the first day. Attendance for the workshops is not mandatory, though going definitely won’t hurt your grade at all.
Workshops will be scheduled for Mondays 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
The grades will be determined in the following way:
Exam I 20%
Exam II20%
Final Exam30%
At the moment there is no curve set up, but at the end of the semester I might end up scaling the grades.
If there are any questions or concerns about anything please feel free to email me!
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday21-May / 22 Uncertainty and Measurements HW#1 Assigned / 23 1-D Motion / 24 Vectors / 25 2-D / 3-D Motion HW#1 Due HW#2 Assigned / 26 / 27
28 / 29 Memorial Day NO CLASS! Woohoo! / 30 Newton's Laws HW#2 Due HW#3 Assigned / 31 Applications of Newton's Laws / 6/1/2006 Gravity HW#3 Due HW#4 Assigned / 2 / 3
4 / 5 Work and Energy HW#4 Due HW#5 Assigned / 6 Conservation of Energy / 7 Momentum and Collisions / 8 EXAM 1 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 Torque and Rotations HW#5 Due HW#6 Assigned / 13 Rotational Energy and Momentum / 14 Statics / 15 Fluids HW#6 Due HW#7 Assigned / 16 / 17
18 / 19 Oscillations HW#7 Due HW#8 Assigned / 20 Waves / 21 Sound / 22 EXAM 2 / 23 / 24
25 / 26 Temperature, etc. HW#8 Due HW#9 Assigned / 27 1st Law of Thermodynamics / 28 2nd Law of Thermodynamics / 29 Review
HW#9 Due / 30 FINAL