C.V.: M.E. Sutherland, Ph.D. - 1 -
Office Address:Department of Africana Studies and Psychology
University at Albany
StateUniversity of New York
Albany, New York12222
(518) 442-4248
Home Address: 22 Doorstone Drive South
Latham, New York12110
(518) 220-9704
Doctor of Philosophy, Psychology. HowardUniversity, Washington, D.C., April, 1985.
Master of Science, Psychology. HowardUniversity, Washington, D.C., 1982.
Bachelor of Science, Psychology (Magna Cum Laude). HowardUniversity, Washington, D.C., 1978.
Associate in Arts (Honors). RocklandCommunity College, Suffern, New York, 1977.
Fall 2007-Chair, Department of Africana Studies, University at Albany, StateUniversity
of New York.
Fall 2004Interim Chair, Department of Africana Studies, University at Albany, StateUniversityof New York.
1994-PresentAssociate Professor of Africana Studies and Psychology. University at Albany, State University of New York.
1998-1999Visiting Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Social Work and
Psychology. University of The West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston,
Jamaica, West Indies.
1987-1994Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Psychology. University at Albany, State University of New York.
1985-1987Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology and African and Afro-American Studies. University at Albany, State University of New York.
1983-1985Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, HowardUniversity, Washington, D.C.
1982-1983Counselor, FACT Hotline, Washington, D.C.
1979-1981Graduate Assistant, Department of Psychology, HowardUniversity, Washington, D.C.
The Psychology of the Black (African) Experience
Black Faculty and Students on Majority White Campuses
The Psychology of Black Liberation
R = Refereed
Sutherland, M.E. (l997). Black Authenticity: A Psychology for Liberating People of African Descent. Chicago: Third World Press.
Walker, C. and Sutherland, M.E. (20l0). An integrated review of overseight and obesity in people of
African decent: Etiology, maintenance, and treatment.International Journal of Obesity(under review).
Sutherland, M.E., Finkelstein, M. and Araia, B. (20l0). Translating abstinence education theory into
practice: A case study of the challenges of operationalizing logic models in federal
demonstration projects. Journal of Children and Poverty (under revision).
Sutherland, M. E. and Ericson, R. (2010). Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Treatment in People of African
Descent. Journal of Black Studies (in press).
Sutherland, M. and Carrone, K. (2010. Nonverbal Behavior Among People of African Descent.
International Journal of Africana Studies, Vol. 9(l)((in press).
Sutherland, M.E. (2009). Toward a Caribbean Psychology: An African-centered Approach
Caribbean Journal of Psychology (under revision).
Sutherland, M.(2009). The Caribbean HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Theory, Research and Applications.
Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diasporas (under review).
Sutherland, M. (2006). African Caribbeans in the United Kingdom: The Enduring Significance of
Race. Caribbean Quarterly, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 26-52.
Sutherland, M.E. and Dye, M.R. (2003). Descriptive and Psychosocial Correlates of HIV-Prevention
and Condom Use Among African Americans: A Selected Literature Review. Daudi Ajani Ya Azibo (Ed.). African-Centered Psychology: Culture-Focusing for Multicultural Competence
(pps. 155-l96).Durham: Carolina Academic Press.
Sutherland, M. E. (l995). Racial/Cultural Socialization of African Youth for our Collective Liberation.
Black Child Journal 8(2), 22-26.
Walker, E.M. and Sutherland, M.E. (1993). "Urban Black Youths' Educational and Occupational Goals: The Impact of America's Opportunity Structure. Urban Education, 28(2), 200-220. (R)
Sutherland, M.E. (1991). Institutional Responses to Students of African Descent Attending the State University of New York at Albany, the College at Oneonta and Hudson Valley Community College. New York African American Institute Document #91-11, 23 pages. (Reprinted in Resources in Education, Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) ED 351944, April 1993). (R)
Sutherland, M.E. and Collins, B. (1990). NewarkSchool District: Evaluation of EHA-B Supplemental Special Education Projects 1989-1990. A publication of The Office of Planning Evaluation and Testing. Newark Board of Education, New Jersey, 272 pages. (Reprinted in Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), ED 337 940, 1992). (R)
Sutherland, M.E. (1990). Black Faculty in White Academia. Western Journal of Black Studies, 14(1), 17-23. (Reprinted in Black Books Bulletin: WordsWork, 16(1 & 2), Winter 1993/1994, 42-47). (R)
Sutherland, M.E. (1989). Individual Differences in Response to the Struggle for the Liberation of People of African Descent. Journal of Black Studies, 20(1), 40-59. (R)
Sutherland, M.E., Harrell, J.P., and Issacs, C. (1987). The Stability of Individual Differences in Imagery Ability. Journal of Mental Imagery, II(1), 97-104. (R)
Sutherland, M.E. and Harrell, J.P. (1986). Individual Differences in Physiological Responses to Fearful, Racially Noxious and Neutral Imagery. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 6(2), 135-152. (R)
Harrell, J.P. Sutherland, M. and Clark, V.R. (1986). Psychophysiological Studies of Stress in Blacks: Edging Closer to Realistic Stimuli. In H.P. McAdoo (Ed.), Ninth Empirical Conference in Black Psychology (pp. 146-158). National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, D.C.
Sutherland, M. Rasayon, K.B., Harrell, J.P., Neita, D., and Fields, C. (1984). Physiological and Affective Responses to Emotional Imagery in a Black Population. Psychophysiology, 2(5), 600-601. (R)
Other Publications
Sutherland, M.E. (2008, August l4). Africa is the Cradle of Humanity: Dingwall Needs to Learn History. The Jamaica Observer Newspaper.
Sutherland, M.E. (2003, February l9). Challenging HIV/AIDS in Jamaica. The Jamaica Gleaner
Walker, E.M., Varygiannes, D., and Sutherland, M.E. (2003). An Evaluation of The Youth Leadership Academy Program in MontclairHigh School. Semetric Research, Allentown, New Jersey.
Sutherland, M.E. (2002, February l). “There’s a Need for a Cultural Renaissance.” The Jamaica Observer Newspaper.
Sutherland, M.E. (200l, December 5). “That Article Re: Patois.” The Jamaica Observer Newspaper.
Sutherland, M. E. (2001, February 27). Understanding Patois. The Jamaica Gleaner Newspaper.
Sutherland, M.E. (2000, February l6). “Keep the Positive Black Identity.” The Jamaica Observer
Sutherland, M. E. (l997, March 6). WGY needs to acknowledge complicity in offensive ad. The Times Union, A.l0.
Sutherland, M.E. (1992, July 15). Black stereotyping. The Times Union, A. 14.
Sutherland, M.E. (1991). NewarkSchool District: Evaluation of EHA-B Supplemental Special
Education Projects 1990-1991. A Publication of the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Testing.
Newark Board of Education, New Jersey, 221 pages.
Sutherland, M.E. (1990). An Evaluation of Students of African Descent Attending the StateUniversity
of New York at Albany, SUNY-New Paltz, the College at Oneonta and HudsonValley Community
College. Commissioned by the New York African American Institute. Unpublished manuscript.
Sutherland, M.E. (1988, October 26). Article on Civil Rights Blames the Victims. The Chronicle of
Higher Education, B3.
Book Reviews
Sutherland, M.E. (2006). Book Review: Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa by Loretta E. Bass, Lynne
Rienner Publishers. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 26(1),
pp 149-151. Duke University Press.
Sutherland, M. E. (l998). Book Review. The Mind of Black Africa by Dickson Mungazi. Journal of Black Psychology, 24(2), 248-255.
Sutherland, M. E. (l996). Book Review. How Young Children Perceive Race by Robyn Holmes. Journal of Black Psychology, 22(l), ll6-l23.
Sutherland, M.E. (1993). Book Review. Children of the Dream: The Psychology of Black Success. Doubleday. Journal of Black Psychology, 19(3), 364-366.
Sutherland, M.E. (1991). Book Review. Racial Consciousness by Michael Banton. Longman Group. Afro-Americans in New York Life and History, 15(1), 81-83.
C.V.: M.E. Sutherland, Ph.D. - 1 -
Sutherland, M.E. (1989). Book Review: The Rastafarians by Leonard Barrett. Beacon Press. Afro-Americans in New York Life and History, 13(2), 72-74.
Research in Progress
Sutherland, M.E. (2006). African (Black) Psychology: A Global Perspective. An Introductory Text
Manuscript Reviewer
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 2006
Third World Press, 2005
Sage Publications, Inc. 2003. 2007, 2008
Third World Press 2003.
Consulting Editor: African-Centered Psychology: Culture-Focusing for Multicultural Competence. 2002.
Contributing Editor, Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diaspora. 2000-present.
Journal of Black Psychology
Black Books Bulletin
McGraw Hill
Haworth Publishing Press
Editorial Board Member, 21st Century Policy Review: An American, Caribbean and African Forum.
Research Consultant on the Center for Women in Government and Civil Society’s application to the National Science Foundation for funding of their grant proposal on “The Anatomy of Agency: From Disruption to Resistant Self-Direction: Understanding the STEM Educational Experiences of High Achieving Females of Color in Grades l0-l6 (proposal under review).
Prepared the evaluation component in partnership with colleagues at SetonHallUniversity of the research proposal on Family Life Abstinence Program (FLAP) for the Adolescent and Family Comprehensive Center (AFSC). This project was funded by the Department of Health and Human Services at $475,000 each year for the next five years (October, 2007).
Toward the Development of the University at Albany Institute for the Global Study of Ethnicity and Race. 2007 University Commission on Diversity and Affirmative Action grant $2,300 (September, 2007).
Institutional Responses to Students of African Descent Attending SUNY-Albany, SUNY-New Paltz,
SUNY-Oneonta and HudsonValleyCommunity College. New York African American Institute. Summer, 1990, $2,500.00.
Dr. Naula McGann Drescher Affirmative Action Leave Award. June, 1989. $15,000.
Cross-Validation Research on Black Students' Perceptions of SUNY's Campuses. New York African
American Institute. Summer, 1988. $1,800.00.
Affirmative Action Recruitment Award. NYS/UUP Affirmative Action Committee. May, 1988,
An Evaluation of Black Students' College Adjustment, Academic Performance and Career Aspirations.
New York African American Institute. Summer, 1986, $2,500.00.
National Conference to Commemorate the 100th Birthday of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Support from the New York African American Institute, $6,000.00, November 1986.
Papers, Conferences and Invited Presentations
Presenter, “Obesity and Body Image Among People of African Descent.” The National Council of Black Studies’ 34th Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, March l9, 20l0.
Presenter, “The Urban School Child-Parent Intervention to Prevent Early Sexual Initiation.” Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs National Adolescent Family Life (AFL) Prevention Grantee Annual Conference, December l-3, 2009, Arlington, Virginia.
Presenter, “Strengthening Linkages Across the African World and Throughout the Diaspora.” International Relations Committee of the National Association of Black Psychologists. The 4lst Annual International Convention of the National Association of Black Psychologists, July 30, 2009.
Presenter, “Alcohol Use, Abuse and Treatment Among People of African Descent.” The National Council of Black Studies, 33rd Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, March 20, 2009.
Presenter, “Healing the African Spirit.” The National Council of Black Studies, 33rd Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2l, 2009.
Presenter,“African-derived Nonverbal Behavior among People of African descent.” Association of Black Psychologists 40th Annual International Convention, Oakland, California, August 4, 2008.
Presenter, “Addressing the Paradigmatic Crisis in the Study of Blacks: Reflections on the Banksonian Paradox.” Association of Black Psychologists 40th Annual International Convention, Oakland, California, August 4, 2008.
Presenter, “The Criticality of Africana Studies.” 32nd Annual Conference of the National Council of Black Studies. Atlanta, Georgia, March 22, 2008.
Presenter, “Pan Africanism and African Resurgence in the 2lst Century.” Annual Conference “Reemergence of Pan Africanism in the 2lst Century: Implications for the Empowerment of Black Educators and Students in the African Diaspora.” CentralConnecticutStateUniversity, November 3, 2006.
Presenter, “African Caribbeans in the United Kingdom: White Racism and Racial Disadvantages.” UK Society for Caribbean Studies, 30th Annual Conference. The National Archives, Kew, London, July 7, 2006.
Chair, Panel on “The Health Crisis and Disparity in the Caribbean.” 3lst Annual Conference, Caribbean Studies Association, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, May 30, 2006.
Presenter, “The Need for Partnerships between Caribbean Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society to Meet the Needs of AIDS Orphans.” 3lst Annual Conference, Caribbean Studies Association, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, May 30, 2006.
Keynoter: “The Restoration and Resurgence of Africans’ Greatness.” 17th Annual Cheikh Anta Diop International Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September 30, 2005.
Keynoter: “The Enduring Legacy of Education.” Seventh Annual Solomon Northup Day, City of Saratoga Springs, New York, July l6, 2005.
Presenter, “HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the CaribbeanBasin.” Caribbean Studies Association’s 30th Annual Conference, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, May 30-June 4, 2005.
Presenter, “Critical Factors in theTransformation of African American Communities.” Liberation Radio Network, Oranz 87.7 FM, Los Angeles, CaliforniaMay 22, 2005.
Keynote Address,” Moving the Discipline Forward: Providing African Centered Research in the Climate of Global White Supremacy.”TempleUniversity,Department of Africana American Studies, Graduate Student Union’s Conference.Philadelphia, PA, April 16, 2005.
Invited lecture, “African Caribbeans in the United Kingdom: The Enduring Significance of Race.” Department of Blacks Studies, SUNY-New Paltz, New York, April ll, 2005.
Panelist, “Debt Owed – Taking an Account.” The Underground Railroad: Discoveries and Emerging Stories. 4th Annual UndergroundRailroad History Conference, Saturday, February 26, 2005.SchenectadyHigh School. Albany, NY.
Panelist, World AIDS Day, The Roundtable Show, WAMC Northeast Public Radio, December l, 2004.
Invited Lecture, “African Psychology for the Collective Liberation of People of African Descent.” University of Houston, Texas, April 8, 2004.
Invited Lecture, “People of African Descent and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Theory, Research and Praxis.” Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, February 20, 2004.
Keynote Address, “Nia (Purpose): The Restoration of Africans’ Greatness.” Africentric Focus/Maat Study Group’s l5th Annual Kwanzaa Celebration, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, December 30, 2003.
Presenter, “What White Supremacists Tell Us About Society.” Program Series sponsored by the Upper Hudson Library System, A World of Difference Anti-Defamation League, and Siena College Peace Studies Institute. NassauTown Hall, October l7, 2003.
Presenter, “What White Supremacists Tell Us About Society.” Program Series sponsored by the Upper Hudson Library System, A World of Difference Anti-Defamation League, and Siena College Peace Studies Institute. Albany Public Library Pine Hills Branch, October 20, 2003.
Presenter, “Challenges and Responses to the Struggle to Save Africa’s AIDS Orphans.” 35th Annual International Conference of the Association of Black Psychologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 9, 2003.
Panelist, “Caribbean Immigrants in the United Kingdom.” 28th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association, Belize City, Belize, Central America. May 28,2003.
Invited Lecture, “African American Women’s Mental Health Status.” SchenectadyCountyCommunity College, March l2, 1003.
Speaker, “Pan Africanism: Unity or Despair.” African Student Association and Malik Fraternity, Inc., SUNY-Albany, February l3, 2003.
Panelist, “Affirmative Action.” Sunday Morning with Liz Bishop. WRGB (Channel 6). January 19, 2003.
Speaker, “The Walking Dead: How can People of African Descent Awaken their Social Consciousness and Why? Malik Fraternity, Inc. SUNY-Albany, November 5, 2002.
Speaker, “Donating Hope to Africa in The Battle Against AIDS.” 8th Annual AIDS Banquet, Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. SUNY-Albany, November 9, 2002.
Presenter, “Critical Factors in Jamaica’s Development. Profile Show with Ian Boyd. TVJ (Channel 7), Jamaica, WI. August l8, 2002.
Paper Presented: “Meeting the Needs of African American Children and Youth.” A SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines Conference on Leave No Child Behind: Improving Under-performing Urban Schools. University at Albany, March l6, 2002.
Keynote Address: “Relationships and Responsibilities.” University at Albany Student Association’s Black History Month Festival. February 20, 2002.
Keynote Address: “Empowering Our Community Through Education.” Kwanza Program. CHARGE, the Department of Residential Life, University at Albany. December 9, 200l.
Invited Lecture, “It Takes a Village To Fight HIV/AIDS – A Global Perspective.” Capital District African American Coalition on AIDS Conference, EmpireStatePlaza, Albany, New York,,September 20, 200l.
Invited Lecture, “Interracial Relationships.” Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, UnionCollege, Schenectady, New York, April, 2001.
Invited Lecture, “Psychological Residuals of Slavery.” Association of Minority Affairs, School of Social Welfare, University at Albany, March, 200l.
Invited Lecture, “Saving Africa From AIDS.” Sexuality Week 200l.” University at Albany, February l5, 200l.
Invited Lecture, “Male-Female Relationships.” Black Student Alliance’s Black Awareness Week 2000, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, November 8, 2000.
Keynote Address: “Facing the 2lst Century: Challenges and Prescriptions for Community Transformation. Hudson Mohawk Association’s 7th Annual ALANA Conference. MassachusettsCollege of Liberal Arts, North Adams, Mass., October 28, 2000.
Panelist, “Confronting Tuskegee: HIV/AIDS Clinical Research. Statewide Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Substance Abuse Task Force and The Capital District African American Coalition on AIDS Conference. Cultural Education Center/State Museum and the LegislativeOfficeBuilding, Albany, NY, September l4, 2000.
Panelist, “Shades of Depression and Other Mind Games.” Statewide Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Substance Abuse Task Force and The Capital District African American Coalition of AIDS Conference. Cultural Education Center/State Museum and the LegislativeOfficeBuilding, Albany, NY, September l4, 2000.
Panelist,“Racial Identity of African Jamaicans.” The 25th Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Castries, St. Lucia, W.I., May 3l, 2000.
Discussant, “Mental Enslavement and Black Familial Relationships.” The Breakfast Club hosted by Beverly Manley and Anthony Abrahams. Radio Station KLAS, Kingston, Jamaica, W.I., February 10, 2000.
Panelist, “Negotiating the Workplace in the New Millennium: For Women of Color in Higher Education, Business, and Public Service.” Hudson Mohawk Association of Colleges and Universities. AlbanyMedicalCollege, October l, l999.
Chairperson, International Conference on "Psychology and Caribbean Development." Department of
Sociology and Social Work, The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica,
W.I., February l5-20, l999.
Discussant, "Stressors Confronting Caribbean People." CVM Television, Kingston, Jamaica,
February l5, l999.
Discussant, "On Campus." RJR FM 94 Radio, Kingston, Jamaica, January l5, l999.
Discussant, "Exploring Connections." KLAS FM 89 Radio, Kingston, Jamaica. December 30,
Discussant, "An Epidemiological Analysis of Cognition, Educational Attainment and Behavior in a Cohort of Jamaican Children." Policy Development Unit Planning Institute of Jamaica,
4th Annual Research Symposium. Kingston, Jamaica. November ll, l998.
Invited Lecture, Critical Issues in Caribbean Society and Culture Seminar Series: Black Psychology.
The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica, October, 22, l998.
Distinguished Psychologist's Address, The Challenges of Essential Hypertension. The 30th Annual
Convention of The Association of Black Psychologists. Atlanta, August, 7, l998.
Invited Lecture, "The Relevance of African (Black) Psychology for the Jamaican Society."
The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica. June 2, l998.
Panelist, "The Americanization of Jamaica." Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. St. John's, Antigua. May 27, l998.
Discussant, " Media Images of African Americans." WAMC Northeast Public Radio. April 24, l998.
Invited lecture, "Have We Let the Dreams of our Ancestors Die?" Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, XI Pi
Chapter. University at Albany, April 2, l998.
Panelist, "Town Hall Meeting and Open Forum on Race and Diversity." Multicultural Affirmative Action Committee of the Graduate Student Organization, State University of New York at Albany, March, l2, l998.