Tuesday, March 13, 2018, at 7:30 PM at the Town of Fremont Town Hall, the monthly Town Board meeting was called to order by chairman, Ed Schultz. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were Chairman Schultz, Supervisor Karen Schmitz, Treasurer, Dave Happe, the clerk, 5 citizens, and Tim Voigt from Rural Insurance.

The minutes of the February Town Board Meeting were read. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Supervisor Schmitz, 2nd by Chairman Schultz. Motion Carried.

The Treasurer’s report was presented. Money market balance $40,422.12, General fund balance-$92,437.91 Cemetery Account balance-2498.19, Savings account balance-$2752.49, Fire Dept. account balance-$12,316.14. Chairman Schultz made a motion to accept treasurer’s report, Supervisor Schmitz seconded, motion carried.

No Assessor or Fire Department reports.

Open Forum: Rodney Dix suggested that the Board consider putting a stop sign up at Meridian Ave and Panther Creek intersection. He said there has been much more farm traffic and once the leaves are on the trees, it will not be safe. Dana Stichert asked what the protocol was for hiring a new assessor. Since Andy is retiring, Chairman Schultz told him the board will probably place an ad for bids.

Tim Voigt went over the insurance policy, and will make any updates needed. He also quoted us a price for the tax collector bond required by the county. The cost would be 72 cents for the first $100,000 of insurance and 62 cents for every $100,000 over. He also gave us a copy of the Ordinance we could pass to avoid getting the insurance.

Dump Land:It was decided that the board would open any bids for the dump land sale at the next Town Board meeting on April 10, 2018. The clerk will publish the notice

Blacktopping plans: Ed quoted the board the prices for blacktopping the 5 areas that were ground up last summer. For 2 inch base the price is $153,000. For the complete 4 inch base the cost would be $267,000. It was discussed applying for the State Trust loan. Nothing was decided, the board will meet again to do more research on this.

The clerk received a quote from Shred Safe to come in and shred all the old paperwork that we need to get rid of, the quote was for $100.00. This will be done later in April after the clerk and treasurer have time to sort the paperwork.

Bids for gravel and ditching will be published so bids can be opened at the April 10th meeting.

Next meeting was set for Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 7:30 pm.

Date for the annual meeting will be April 17, 2018 at 8:00 pm.

Chairman Schultz made a motion to review bills. Supervisor Schmitz seconded. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed and selected for payment. SupervisorSchmitz made a motion to pay all bills. Chairman Schultz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Supervisor Schmitz made a motion to adjourn meeting, Chairman Schultz seconded, and Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Yvonne Schultz, Town Clerk