Athletic Union Social Events Policy

The athletic union has a duty to ensure that members participate on and off the field in a safe, non-threatening and enjoyable environment

1. Basic Overview

1.1 The Athletic Union is the primary body for the government of student sport in the University and seeks to ‘enhance the sporting experience’ of

all AU members. The University recognise the importance and need for students and student organisations to engage in organised social interaction and activities on top of academic and sporting pursuits. A Club’s social programme should complement the overall objectives of the Club in enhancing total student experience in an enjoyable, safe and non-threatening environment. Facilitating the desired environment and encouraging the responsible social development of all students is an integral part of the complete University experience. In an effort to facilitate social event planning, and create a safe environment that is supportive of the strategies of the Sports Board, the following AU Social Events Policy has been adopted.

2. Purpose of the Policy

2.1  To encourage AU Clubs to organise appropriate social events within

acceptable parameters of safety and social responsibility

2.2 To minimise the risk incurred by AU members

2.3 To affirm the AU’s commitment to responsible self-government by student

sports club members

2.4  To improve relationships with the rest of the student body, the University, the

national governing bodies and the Exeter community

2.5  To improve the level of professionalism within the AU and its constituent


3. Objectives of Social Events

3.1  To act as team building exercises, whereby Club members can meet and

socialise in a welcoming environment

3.2  Clubs should plan social events with the objective of being inclusive across the range of Club members

3.3  To uphold the image of The University of Exeter

4. Policy

All Club members should share and practise the following:

4.1  Every Club member has the right to participate as a full Club member in

training sessions and competitions without participating in any of the club’s

social events

4.2  It is each individual’s choice whether or not they attend such an event. Non-

attendance should not act as a barrier to other club activities. Selection to

competitive activities should be based on fitness, skill, ability, and should

adhere to the constitutional guidelines set out by the Club

4.3  At Club social events no intentional pressure should be placed on any

individuals to do anything that they may not enjoy

4.4  The AU prohibits forced consumption of food/fluid substances in any


4.5  No activity should take place that causes undue risk of injury or damage to

physical or psychological health to those taking part or those with whom they come into contact

4.6  All members of the AU must show respect at all times towards those groups,

individuals, and property with which the come into contact (University or


4.7  It is recommended that every Club social must have an appropriate number of

designated supervisors who would remain sober throughout the event. This is

important to ensure each member’s safety

4.8  The committee of each club is responsible for the welfare of Club members

during official club activities and must ensure that an adequate level of health,

safety, and welfare is maintained at all times

4.9  The AU Executive reserves the right to attend, without notice, any Club social

events to monitor that this policy is upheld

4.10  If any member of any Club feels that these guidelines have been breached,

they must inform the Sports President. The violation of these regulations will lead to disciplinary action by the AU and/or the University