Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada

Consisting of the congregations from:

Cassburn, Kirk Hill,Riceville-Pendleton,

Trinity (Vankleek Hill)

Sunday November 26, 2017

Christ the King Sunday

Holy Communion at Cassburn

Worship Leaders Today
Cassburn / Rev. Phyllis Dietrich
Kirk Hill / Sandra Osadchuk
Riceville-Pendleton / Margaret MacMillan
Trinity (VKH) / Sandra Osadchuk

We Gather to Praise God

Welcome to our worship service today.

We pray you will feel God's presence as we worship together.

You are invited to join in reading the responses and prayers, printed in bold.


Greeting and Welcome

Life and Work of the Church

Lighting the Christ Candle

♫Sung Introit: "Praise to the Lord" VU 835 Vs. 1 - 2

Praise to the Lord, all of you, God's servants.

Blessed be the name of our God now and ever.

From the rising up of the sun

may the Lord be praised, praise to the name of the Lord!

There is none like our God in the heavens or on earth,

who lifts the poor from the dust seating them with the mighty,

who stoops to raise the weak and low:

may the Lord be praised, praise to the name of the Lord!

Passing of the Peace

The Call to Worship:

Make a joyful noise all the earth. Come worship God with gladness.

Come celebrate God’s presence with a song.

Rejoice, God is our creator.

We are God’s people, the sheep of the Good Shepherd.

Come worship God with thanksgiving and praise.

The Opening Prayer:

God, you have called us from busyness of our lives, together with you and each other.In your presence may the hungry be fed by your spirit,may the tired find rest in your sanctuary,may the lost find direction in your teachings,may the injured find healing in your love, and may the boastful find humility in your gospel,may we find comfort in your prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven...

♫Hymn: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” VU 334

vss. 1,3,5

The Good News Time

♫Hymn: “Make a Joyful Noise" VU 820

OR "All People that on Earth Do Dwell” VU 822

The Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance

We Listen For God’s Word

Scripture Lessons:

Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20 –24God searches for the sheep.

Psalm 100Make a joyful noise.

Ephesians 1:15-23May God give you a spirit of wisdom, revelation and hope.

Matthew 25: 31-46When you helped the least of these, you helped me.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks be to God!

Message: (Cassburn only: Jesu, Jesu VU 593 )

♫Hymn: “In Loving Partnership We Come” VU 603

We Respond to God’s Word

Offering Invitation

♫Response:"Grant Us, God, the Grace" vs. 1 VU 540

Grant us God, the grace of giving,

with a spirit large and free,

That ourselves and all our living

we may offer faithfully.

The Prayer of Dedication:

God, your kin-dom is justice and peace and love;may these gifts help to bring about your coming glory.AMEN!

The Sacrament of Holy Communion - Cassburn only

Prayers of the People

♫Hymn: “Crown Him With Many Crowns” VU211

The Closing Words

♫Sung Blessing:“Go Now in Peace”

Go now in peace, never be afraid,

God will go with you each hour of everyday.

Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.

Know he will guide you in all you do.

Go now in love and show you believe,

Reach out to others so all the world can see.

God will be there watching from above,

Go now in peace, in faith and in love.


Our Worship Ends – Our Service Begins

November 26, 2017


 Prayer Corner 

ÉliseCôté, Ashley Cowan,

The Family of LilliasDeevy, Dytha Dixon, Mike Fahey, Nancy Hussey, Linda, Harold MacMillan, Evan Rodger

Question of the Day:

When have you helped “the least of these”?

When have you found yourself to be

“the least of these”? Do you find it easier to be the giver or the receiver? Why?

Dec. 3: The Deadline for Cassburn Christmas Newsletter isSunday, Dec. 3, 2017. Please e-mail any submissions to Stephanie Anderson at r give directly to Stephanie or Bryan.The phone number to reach Stephanie directly is (613) 678-1681.

Dec. 3:Rev. Lois & the congregation of St. Andrew’s United Church, Martintown,invite you to an “Advent Eventide”; an evening of peaceful advent inspiration on Sunday, Dec. 3rd at7:00pm. The evening will feature harpistianhepburn,soloists Paddy Kelly andLisa Zeran, fiddle music by The DeveMcPhee Fiddlersalong withseasonal music sung by the church choir,accompanied by Bill Ellam.Freewill offering. Time of fellowship to follow.

When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them; sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.

Nursing Homes / Seniors’ Homes Services:

The Palace, Alexandria, Thursday, Nov. 30 at 10:30 am

Prescott Russell, Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 1:30 pm

Heritage Lodge, Wed., Dec. 20 at 1:30 pm

Champlain Nursing Home, Wed., Dec. 27 at 2:00 pm

Dec. 7: The Trinity UCW is having lunch in the Trillium Tea Room in Vankleek Hill for the December meeting. This will take place on Thursday, Dec. 7 at 12 noon. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.

Sunday, December 24: There will be no morning services at all Genesis churches. See Christmas Eve schedule below:

Cassburn: 8:00 pm

Kirk Hill: 8:00 pm

Riceville: 7:30 pm

Trinity (VKH): 8:00 pm

Check your bulletin boards / Genesis website for events

this Fall and the October - December worship schedule.

Please note:the Genesis secretary will be on holidays from November 27 to Dec. 12 inclusive. Please call or email Rev. Phyllis at the office for assistance with announcement and administrative matters.

Want more? Why not visit these websites . . .

United Church of Canada

United Church Resources


The Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada

42 Mill St., Box 689, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0

Phone: 613-678-5499

Genesis Cooperative Community

Minister: Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Administrative Assistant: Gabrielle Becker

Administrative Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Announcement Deadline: Wednesday @ noon

Minutes for Mission

November 26, 2017

Training Birth Attendants

Our gifts for Mission & Service support midwives and healthy babies and mothers. Let us hear a story from Tanzania about this important work.

Four hundred and ninety-four women from across Tanzania, East Africa, and 16 training sessions in collaboration with the Tanzanian Ministry of Health: these are the latest totals for training traditional birth attendants (midwives) reported by Mission & Service partner the Morogoro Women’s Training Centre. The collaboration, which is made possible with the support of United Church Women, is part of an overall strategy to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in Tanzania.

The women have been named by their community and range in age from early 20s to over 70. Some have worked as traditional birth attendants for decades. Some completed high school, others some grades in elementary school. A few have never attended school. All have developed a wide range of skills on the job and faced many challenges in the course of their career. Some live close to a health clinic or hospital, where they can readily refer high-risk cases. Others live many kilometres from the closest medical centre over difficult and sometimes impassable terrain.

Molen Abdul has been delivering babies for 47 years. She welcomes the additional training and says, “This work is very important to me. It is like it keeps the clock of life ticking.”

We sing thanksgiving that Mission & Service is helping to improve the health of women and babies in Tanzania.

If Mission & Service is already a regular part of your giving, thank you so much! If you have not given for Mission & Service, please join me in making Mission & Service a regular part of your life of faith. In all our Mission & Service giving, with a willing heart, we sing thanksgiving to God.

Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church

to do justice, love kindness,and walk humbly with you.