Pursuant to Article 277 paragraph 2 of the Company Act and Article 25 paragraph 2 of the Statute of the Port of Rijeka JSC, with headquarters in Rijeka, Riva 1 (hereinafter: “the Company”), the Company Management has adopted the Decision to convene the extraordinary General Assembly of the Company dated March 6, 2017 and according to the decision, it notifies the shareholders of the Company of the convocation pursuant to Article 277 paragraph 3 and paragraph 6 of the Company Act and Article 27 paragraph 2 of the Statute of the Company Statute, and it convenes the shareholders to the



which will be held on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 with the beginning at 11 a.m. at the Company’s headquarters in Rijeka, Riva 1/2nd floor, meeting room, having the following

A g e n d a :

  1. Opening of the extraordinary General Assembly and determination of the persons present and the represented shareholders or their proxies
  2. Adopting the Decision on the revocation of a member of the Supervisory Board
  3. Adopting the Decision on the selection of a member of the Supervisory Board

Proposals of the decisions:

Under item 2 of the agenda, the Supervisory Board of the Company proposes to the extraordinary General Assembly to adopt the following decision:

AD 2)

  1. A member of the Supervisory Board of the PORT OF RIJEKA JSC is hereby revoked before the expiry of her term, as proposed by the Restructuring and SaleCenter – CERP, as the legal representative of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute:

-Štefica Salaj, from Zagreb, Vladimira Ruždjaka 4, personal identification number: 74728538129, President of the Supervisory Board.

  1. The term of the revoked member of the Supervisory Board shall expire on the day the General Assembly adopts the Decision.

Under item 2 of the agenda, the Supervisory Board of the Company proposes to the extraordinary General Assembly to adopt the following decision:

AD 3)

I. The following is selected for the member of the Supervisory Board of the PORT OF RIJEKA JSC, as proposed by the Restructuring and SaleCenter – CERP, as the legal representative of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute:

-Branimir Fleković, fromZagreb, Radičevo šetalište 22, personal identification number: 99787847191,not a member of the supervisory or management boards of other companies or other supervisory bodies in the country or abroad.

Notice to the shareholders and instructions for participating and voting and the rights of Shareholders

Each shareholder of the Company that has submitted to the Company an application for participation personally or through his representative or proxy, in writingand at the latest six days before the extraordinary General Assembly is held, not counting the day when the application was received by the Company or the day when the extraordinary General Assembly is held, or on April 25th, 2017 at the latest, has the right to participate in and vote at the extraordinary General Assembly meeting.

The applications to participate at the extraordinary General Assembly meeting are to be submitted directly at the Company or sent by registered mail to the address of the Port of Rijeka JSC, Rijeka, Riva 1, Company Management, Corporate Affairs Coordinator.

A shareholder or a proxy must state the following in the application: name and surname or company, address of residence or headquarters, personal identification number, account number at the Central Depository and Clearing Company JSC, and the total number of shares or votes with which he participates in the activities of the extraordinary General Assembly. A shareholder who is a legal person must submit a court or other registry excerpt with the application for participation, with which the legal person is registered (in the original or copy), clearly listing the person who is authorized to represent this legal person according to the law.

Shareholders or proxies that do not submit applications for participation in the activities of the extraordinary General Assembly within the deadline will not be able to participate in its activities.

A shareholder of the Company is a legal or a natural person registered in the depository of the Central Depository and Clearing Company JSC Zagreb as the shareholder of the company on the day the convocation of the extraordinary General Assembly is published.

The number of votes pertaining to an individual shareholder at the extraordinary General Assembly is in relation to the information listedwith the Central Depository and Clearing Company JSC Zagreb on the last day for submitting the application for participation in the activities of the General Assembly.

Shareholders can be represented by proxies, natural or legal persons or shareholder associations on the basis of a valid written power of attorney certified by the authorized person in the Company’s headquarters or by a public notary.

The power of attorney for the application to participate and/or vote at the extraordinary General Assembly must contain the name and surname or company, address of residence or headquarters of the authorizer, the account number at the Central Depository and Clearing Company JSC, the total number of shares or votes at the disposal and the authorization of the proxy to vote at the extraordinary General Assembly and take all other actions in relation to the extraordinary General Assembly, name and surname or company, and address of residence or headquarters of the proxy, own signature of the authorizer or the legal representative, and the court registry excerpt (original or copy), if the authorizer is a legal person.

It is recommended that the forms for the participation at the extraordinary General Assembly and powers of attorney that can be obtained at the Company’s headquarters be used (telephone 051 496 609); they are also available at the website of the Company

Shareholders or their proxies can obtain all necessary information regarding the application and the extraordinary General Assembly at the headquarters of the Port of Rijeka JSC in Rijeka, Riva 1, on business days from 12 to 2 p.m. (with the exception of Saturday), starting from the day this convocation is published or at the telephone number 051 496 609.

This convocation and the materials for the extraordinary General Assembly which are to be considered and decided upon will be available to the shareholders to view at the Company’s headquarters, from the day this convocation is published, on business days from 12 to 2 p.m. (with the exception of Saturday), in the office of the Corporate Affairs Coordinator and at the website of the Company at the address

If the shareholders that jointly have shares in the amount of 1/20 part of the capital of the Company request that an item is put on the agenda of the extraordinary General Assembly after the convening of the extraordinary General Assembly and that this is published, an explanation of the proposal of the decision must be given with each new item in the agenda. The request to put a new item on the agenda must be received by the Company at least 30 days before the extraordinary General Assembly meeting is held, not counting the day when the request was received by the Company.

Counterproposals of the shareholders to the proposal of the decision given by the Management and/or the Supervisory Board regarding an item of the agenda, stating their names and surnames, explanations and any position of the Management, must be available to persons listed in Article 281 paragraph 1 to 3 of the Company Act under the requirements listed therein, if a shareholder delivers its counterproposal to the headquarters of the Company, the Port of Rijeka JSC, Riva 1, 51000 Rijeka at least 14 days before the extraordinary General Assembly meeting is held. The day the counterproposal is received is not counted in this 14-day deadline. The counterproposal must be available at the website of the Company If the shareholder does not use the mentioned right, that does not entail the loss of right to put counterproposals at the extraordinary General Assembly. This applies accordingly to shareholder proposals regarding the selection of members of the Supervisory Board or appointment of the auditors of the Company.

At the extraordinary General Assembly meeting, the Management will inform each shareholder, upon his request,about the business activities of the Company, if this is necessary to evaluate issues from the agenda of the extraordinary General Assembly, whereas the information may be withheld due to reasons prescribed in Article 287 of the Company Act.

The Port of Rijeka JSC notifies the shareholders that the capital of the Port of Rijeka JSC is divided in 13,480,475 shares at the moment of convening the extraordinary General Assembly and each share gives the right to one vote.

Pursuant to the provision of Article 277 paragraph 4 item 4 of the Company Act, the Port of Rijeka JSC notifies the shareholders that all notifications from Article 280a of the Company Act can be found at the website of the Company

If the extraordinary General Assembly meeting of the company cannot be held on May 2, 2017 due to a lack of quorum prescribed by the Statute, the next extraordinary General Assembly will be held on May 18, 2017 at 11 a.m., with the same agenda and in the same location. The provided powers of attorney will be valid for this extraordinary General Assembly meeting as well.

The participants are hereby invited to arrive at the extraordinary General Assembly meeting one hour before the scheduled start, so the participants in the extraordinary General Assembly could be duly listed.


Vedran Devčić, President of the Company Management

Linda Sciucca, Member of the Company Management

Nenad Janjić, Member of the Company Management