Of the International Project on Demonstration of the Operational and Long-Term Safety Of

Of the International Project on Demonstration of the Operational and Long-Term Safety Of

TM-47125: Technical Meeting

of the International Project on Demonstration of the Operational and Long-Term Safety of

Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste (GEOSAF Part II)

IAEA Headquarters
Vienna, Austria

26–30 May 2014

Meeting Chairs:

Michael TICHAUER (IRSN/France) and Bengt HEDBERG (SSM/Sweden)

IAEA Scientific Secretary:
Yumiko Kumano

Provisional Agenda (ver.2)

Monday, 26 May 2014

Morning session

Session 1(a): Opening session

  1. Welcome address (Gerard BRUNO, Unit Head, RW and SF management unit, NSRW, IAEA)
  2. Remarks from the Chairs (Michael TICHAUER and Bengt HEDBERG)
  3. Introduction of participants (Participants)
  4. Presentation on the GEOSAF 2 project (Michael TICHAUER)
  5. Summary of last plenary (Bengt HEDBERG)

Coffee break

  1. Presentation on the recent IAEA activities on RWM (Yumiko KUMANO)
  2. Organization of the week

-Objectives (Michael TICHAUER)

-Expectations from members (All)

-Agenda (Bengt HEDBERG)

-Administrative announcement (Yumiko KUMANO)

Lunch break


Session 1(b): Opening session

  1. Presentation of the TECDOC contents

-Context (1.  1.2.): Son NGUYEN

-Scope (1.3): Michael TICHAUER

  • Questions?

-Integrated SC (2.): Jeroen MERTENS

-Terminology (3.): Steve BARLOW

  • Questions ?

-Compliance Control (4.): Frans BOYDON

-SC use & loop (5.): Jussi HEINONEN

  • Questions ?

Coffee break

Session 2(a): Theme 1-Review of draft TECDOC

  1. Plenary session

Introduction to Group work Theme 1

-Group activity kick-off (Michael TICHAUER)

  1. Start of group work

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Morning session

Session 2(b): Theme 1-Review of draft TECDOC

  1. Group work

Coffee break

  1. Group work

Lunch break


Session 2(c): Theme 1-Review of draft TECDOC

  1. Plenary session

-Report back from working groups
Proposed improvements to the draft TECDOC

Coffee break

Session 3(a): National experiences and international projects

  1. Plenary session

-Presentation onNEA EG-OS ongoing works (Steve BARLOW)

-Presentations on international projects (1) -SITEX introduction (Christophe SERRES)

Session 4(a): Theme 2-Planning for Operational Safety Study

  1. Plenary session: Introduction to Group work – Theme 2

-Presentation onnew group Terms of Reference (Frans BOYDON)

-Presentation ongroup work to be done (Steve BARLOW)

-Split into (new) groups

  1. Start of group work

17:30 Cocktail Party hosted by the IAEA

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Morning session

Session 3(b): National experiences and international projects (2)

  1. Plenary session

Presentations on international projects (2)

-Presentations on national experiences (1) –Sweden (Kristina SkagiusElert)

-Presentation on SITEX WP2.1 (Frank LEMY)

-Presentation onIGD-TP ongoing works (Steve BARLOW)

Coffee break

Session 4(b): Theme 2-Planning for Operational Safety Study

  1. Group work

Lunch break


Session 3(c): National experiences and international projects (3)

  1. Plenary session

Presentations on national experiences (2) – UK (Steve BARLOW)

Session 4(c): Theme 2-Planning for Operational Safety Study

  1. Group work

Coffee break

  1. Group work

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Morning session

Session 3(c): National experiences and international projects (3)

  1. Plenary session

Presentations on national experiences (3) – France (Sylvie VOINIS)

Session 4(d): Theme 2-Planning for Operational Safety Study

  1. Group work

-Preparation for plenary

Coffee break

Session 4(e): Theme 2-Planning for Operational Safety Study

  1. Plenary session

-Report back from working groups

Lunch break


Session 4(f): Theme 2-Planning for Operational Safety Study

  1. Plenary session

-Updates on the terms of reference of the new group

-Constitution of the new group/statement/work plan

Coffee break

  1. Plenary session

-Proposition of conclusions of the TECDOC and agreement between members
(Michael TICHAUER / Bengt HEDBERG)

-Presentation of the final draft version of the TECDOC

Friday, 30 May 2014

Morning session

Session 5: Closing session

Coffee break

  1. Plenary session

-Presentation on the use of TECDOC (Yumiko KUMANO)

-Recap of the week (Michael TICHAUER)
& way forward until next plenary (Bengt HEDBERG)

11:00 Adjourn

Theme 1: Review of draft TECDOC

The objective of Theme 1 sessions is for the working groups to review the draft TECDOC and to prepare a presentation that is to be delivered in Session 3. The presentation shall address the following questions:

  1. Is the TECDOC clear and unambiguous, is new terminology defined and consistent with existing IAEA usage?
  2. Does the proposed TECDOC fulfil a need that developers and regulators will find helpful?
  3. Can the WG suggest improvements to text or diagrams – don’t identify problems, identify solutions!
  4. What changes need to be made before draft TECDOC can be approved for issue?

Theme 2: Planning for Operational Safety Study

The objectives of Theme 2 sessions are for the working groups to:

(i)review the proposed ToR for the Working Group on Operational Safety

(ii)propose a structure for the areas where information, standards, guidance will be required to facilitate efficient production of a geological disposal operational safety case [ToR3]. (e.g. may be quality management system, risk assessment, external hazards …)

(iii)propose a provisional list of what is missing [ToR4]

(iv)consider and recommend how the IAEA should address the gap(s) identified

(v)develop a practical plan of how the WG could take forward the proposed ToR over the next 12 months.

The working groups should be prepare a presentation to be delivered in Session 8. The presentationshallsummarise points (i) to (v) above.