Board members present

Maureen Donnelly, Anthony Esposito, Dr. Angel Granison, JoAnn Guest, Dorothy Mayner, Richard Villeda, R. Eudora Winston

Board members absent

Marie Flore Normil, Elaine Rittinger

Others present

Yves Aubourg and Jeanne Marie Ryan

The president called the meeting to order at 7:27 pm. Mr. Esposito announced that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act; Ms. Ryan stated that a quorum was present.

A motion (Donnelly/Winston) to approve the minutes of March 2011 was made. The minutes were approved with Dr. Granison and Mr. Villeda abstaining.

Board Reports: Mr. Villeda reported that he attended the council meeting on February 16th. It was noted that appointments to the board have not been made. Bond Ordinance 2396-11 was introduced which includes over $225,000 for library improvements.

Ms. Donnelly reported that the Friends of the Library met on March 14. The Book Sale will be on May 21. The Friends are generously donating a new water cooler to the staff room.

Ms. Mayner reported that the RPL Oprah Book Club met at the Cavalier and discussed Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. Next month they will meet at the Cavalier Restaurant again to discuss Olive Kitteridge.

Programs and Services: Ms. Ryan reported that circulation for February was down by twelve items. Mrs. Parham and Ms. Ryan are planning open houses for students in April in honor of National Library Month.

Finance: The Board voted to approve the March bill listing. (Donnelly/Granison) as well as the February financial report (Donnelly/Winston). It was then moved to transfer money to the Professional Services Line in the budget (Line 234) from Lines 235 ($750.00), Line 242 ($400), and Line 243 ($1,000.00). A total of $2,150 was moved into Line 234 (Granison/Villeda).

Buildings and Grounds: Possibilities for the best ways to utilize the bond money for the library were discussed. The Board of Trustees gave Ms. Ryan permission to explore the cost of interior renovations.

Planning: Maria Crespo, Mark Hunter, Richetta Wilson Lobban and Marita Parham are scheduled to attend the New Jersey Library Conference in Long Branch on May 2nd -4th, on a rotating basis.

Fundraising: The Friends of the Library will hold their Book and Media Sale on May 21, 2011. Dr. Granison suggested that the Friends take twenty tickets to a play being held at the Westfield Playhouse, with the idea that if they sell all twenty tickets, they can make a hundred dollars. Ms. Donnelly will share the prospect with the Friends.

Personnel: Ms. Ryan reported that the library is understaffed by forty-one hours. Ms. Ryan also reported that Maria Flores lost her mother.

New Business: The board went into Executive Session at 8:37 p.m. (Guest/Winston) and returned to the normal meeting at 9:26 p.m. (Donnelly/Winston). It was moved to add a fourth day per week to the interim director's schedule (Donnelly/Winston).

There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:38 pm (Donnelly/Normil).

Jeanne Marie Ryan

Interim Director