Interested in Inclusive Ministries and disabilities in Michigan?
An Invitation to Opening Day
of the 2016 Summer Institute on Theology and Disability
The 2016 Summer Institute on Theology and Disability is being hosted by Western Theological Seminary and Hope College in Holland, Michigan, May 23-May 26.
Anyone in Michigan is invited to the whole Institute or part of it. For more information, go to:
The Opening Day, May 23, is designated Community Day, (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) is designed particularly for people in the wider area and state who cannot afford time or resources to attend more of the Institute. Thanks to a major sponsorship by the David and Carol Myers Foundation of Holland, Michigan, the registration fee is significantly subsidized. The Community Day price is $50 for one, $50 for two, and $25 per person for three or more. Highlights include:
· A chance to meet leaders in faith and disability from across the country.
· An opportunity to hear six short “SI-TED” talks by Summer Institute faculty, all well known writers and leaders in faith, theology, and disability. They are:
o Hans Reinders, from the Netherlands, author of Receiving the Gift of Friendship (Eerdmans, 2008), and Disability, Providence, and Ethics: Bridging Gaps, Transforming Lives (Baylor Press, 2014). His talk will be: Quality of Life and Human Flourishing.
o Erik Carter, the Kennedy Center on Developmental Disabilities at Vanderbilt, and author of People with Disabilities in Faith Communities: A Guide for Service Providers, Families, and Congregations (2007 Brookes Publishing). His talk will be: On Belonging:Lessons Learned About What Matters Most
o Bill Gaventa, from Waco, Texas, and Director of the Summer Institute and Collaborative on Faith and Disability, speaking on: Disability and Spirituality: A Union Hidden in Plain Sight.
o John Swinton, from Aberdeen, Scotland. His writings include Resurrecting the Person: Friendship and the Care of People with Mental Health Problems (Abington Press, 2000), and Dementia: Living in the Memories of God. (Eerdmans Publishing, 2013), speaking on Walking with the Three-mile-an- hour God: Why Disability Looks Different in God’s Time.
o Darla Schumm, Hollins University, Virginia, co-editor of three volumes on religion and disability, and the co-editor of a forthcoming textbook on world religions and disability, speaking on Learning from Our Neighbors Near and Far: World Religions and Disability
o Tom Reynolds, Emmanuel College at the University of Toronto, author of Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality (Brazos Press, 2008). Topic TBA.
· Roundtable Luncheon Discussions, Networking and Resource Exhibits
· Separate afternoon discussions with each of the morning speakers.
· Closing worship led by Bishop Craig Satterlee, North West Lower Michigan Synod ELCA.
Register online through Hope College at