FY2008Program Performance Report(System Print Out)
Strategic Goal1
ESEA, Title V, Part D-6
Document Year2008Appropriation: $7,463
CFDA / 84.206: Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Grant Program
84.206A: Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Student Education
Program Goal: / To improve the teaching and learning of gifted and talented students through research, demonstration projects, personal training, and other activities of national significance.
Objective1of1: / Develop models for developing the talents of students who are economically disadvantaged, are limited English proficient, and/or have disabilities.
Measure1.1of3: The number of Javits Gifted and Talented Education project designs for effective professional development focusing on gifted and talented education with average reviewer ratings for quality of high and above. (Desired direction: increase) 1715
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2005 / Set a Baseline / 90 / Target Met
2006 / BL+1% / Undefined / Pending
2007 / BL+2% / 100 / Target Exceeded
2008 / BL+3 / Undefined / Pending
2009 / BL+3 / Undefined / Pending
2010 / BL+3 / Undefined / Pending
Frequency of Data Collection.Annual
Explanation.Expert panel reviewed 5 mid-term reports for the projects that are scheduled to operate for upto 5 years.
Measure1.2of3: The number of new evidence-based Javits Gifted and Talented Education project designs with average reviewer ratings for quality of high and above. (Desired direction: increase) 1716Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2005 / Set a Baseline / 70 / Target Met
2006 / BL+1% / Undefined / Pending
2007 / BL+2% / 100 / Target Exceeded
2008 / BL+3% / (December 2009) / Pending
2009 / BL+3 / (December 2010) / Pending
2010 / BL+3 / (December 2011) / Pending
Frequency of Data Collection.Annual
Explanation.Expert panel reviewed 5 mid-term reports for the projects that are scheduled to operate for upto 5 years.
Measure1.3of3: The number of Javits Gifted and Talented Education projects with significant gains in academic achievement among target student populations. (Desired direction: increase) 1853Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2006 / Set a Baseline / 90 / Target Met
2007 / 91 / 60 / Did Not Meet Target
2008 / 92 / (December 2008) / Pending
2009 / 93 / (December 2009) / Pending
2010 / 94 / (December 2010) / Pending
Frequency of Data Collection.Annual
3 of the 5 projects reported significant gains in some groups of students. The remaining 2 of the 5 projects have pending data; we are unable to report at this time on those projects.
U.S. Department of EducationDraft / 2 / 12/03/2008