Preparing Leaders to Empower Lives Through Occupation!

Occupational Science and OccupationalTherapy

Helpful Tips:


*Please reference EKU Travel Requirements and Procedures (Policy 6.1.3R)

1)Complete Request for Out of State Travel and submit to Department Administrative Assistant at least 3 weeks prior to travel. Requests for pre-payment of expenses by the Department cannot be made until the Request for Out of State Travel form has been received.

2)Department can pre-pay conference registrations and flight, when travelers professional development funds are available. Reminder: If traveler is not able to keep their reservations and reimbursements are not obtainable, the traveler is responsible for reimbursing the department of pre-paid expenses.

3)Travel Expense Voucher must be properly completed, inclusive of the entire travel period, submitted with original receipts (except for food per diems) to Department Administrative Assistant, approved by Department Chair and routed to Accounting no later than 60 days past travel dates.

  1. Travel Expense vouchers must detail and properly categorize mileage, lodging, meals, transportation and miscellaneous expenses; and must include a full conference agenda/program.

4)Parking and Transportation fees: A maximum of $20 per night will be reimbursable for parking.

5)Mileage Reimbursement:If a traveler’s point of origin is the traveler’s residence, mileage shall be paid for the shorter of mileage between the traveler’s residence and the travel destination, or EKU and the travel destination. Print and submit google map for actual mileage.

6)Lodging Reimbursement: Personal expenses are not reimbursable by the University. I.e. food, alcohol, laundry, movies.

7)Subsistence Per Diem:

Travel Days / Low Rate / High Rate*
Departure Days / $23 / $28
Away Days / $30 / $36
Return Days / $23 / $28

*High rate Travel areas:

*Departure Days for overnight trips beginning before 6:30 AM constitute an Away Day.

*Return Days from overnight trips extending past 9:00 PM constitutes an Away Day.

8)Travel Expense vouchers must be submitted even when all travel expenses are paid with a university pro-card.

9)Shared Rooms: Each traveler must provide a separate folio issued by the lodging facility detailing his/her share of actual expenses incurred. Travelers should stipulate the need for separate folios when signing in or paying in advance. The university will not accept copies of receipts or notarized statements in lieu of a folio receipt.

10)Receipts: Original, itemized receipts are required for any non-meal expenditure of $10.00 or more. Copies of receipts or written explanations are not acceptable.