Editorial requirements


•the complete text of articles should be sent in electronic form (in *.doc or *.rtf format) to the following e-mail address: . Personal data should be sent in a separate file.

Text layout


•abstract, maximum 250 words

•keywords, maximum 8, according to the JEL classification (check here)


•main text



•title in Polish - the Wroclaw School of Banking will take care of translating the title of articles from non-Polish authors into Polish

•abstract in Polish - the Wroclaw School of Banking will take care of translating the abstract of articles from non-Polish authors into Polish

•keywords in Polish - the Wroclaw School of Banking will take care of translating the keywords of articles from non-Polish authors into Polish

Bibliographical note

  • Name and surname of the author(s), academic degree, affiliation
  • Telephone, e-mail, postal address
  • Short description of the author’s or authors’ scientific activity

Length of article

•10 – 22 pages (including illustrations, tables and references)

Margins – 2.5 cm on each side

Page Numbering - Continuous throughout the article, at the bottom of the page

Abstract (max. 250 words)

The abstract should contain the following elements: aim, research methods, conclusions, originality / value of the article, implications of the research, limitations of the research.

Main text

•font - Times New Roman 12

•line spacing - 1.5 points

•highlighting in text – semi-bold

•foreign words - in italics

•names used for the first time - full name (first name and surname). Afterwards, only surname

•abbreviations - the first time the full term should be given together with the abbreviation in brackets; afterwards only the abbreviation should be given. Example: value added tax (VAT)

•numbers with 4 or more digits – a comma should be used (e.g., 5,000; 50,000; 500,000 etc.)

•decimal numbers – a decimal point (dot) should be used (e.g., 0.51 instead of 0,51)


•placed in quotation marks, no italics, accurately reproduced,

•any omission of a passage in the quoted text should be marked by square brackets: [...]

•inclusions by the author(s) to quotations in brackets - the initials of the author(s) should be given at the end: [included by X.Y.]


•Harvard style (in the text in brackets)

•Any reference in the text should include the author's name, year of publication and relevant pages, e.g.: (Michalewicz 2001: 35-41). In the case of two authors, they have to be listed as follows: (Pioterek, Zieleniecka 2004: 45-51). In a situation where there are more than two authors, the lead author should be mentioned, followed by „et al.”, e.g.,: (Nowak et al., 2012: 48-66).


•illustrations (drawings, charts, diagrams) should be editable, and be in black-white (no other colours!),

•drawings, charts and diagrams - in source files (* xls and * .cdr), pictures - in source files (preferably * tif), resolution min. 300 dpi

•illustrations should be numbered, with a title (above the illustration, Times New Roman 12) and source (under the illustration)

•please do not use subtitles: semi-bold, capitals letter, white on a black background, black fillings, additional frames

•the author should refer to all the illustrations in the text (e.g., see. Fig. 1)

•abbreviations have to be defined in a note under the illustration


•should be numbered, with a title (above the illustration, Times New Roman 12) and source (under the table )

•the author should refer to the table in the text (e.g., see. Tab. 1) as close as possible to the table

•contents of table – font Times New Roman 10, line spacing 1.0 points

•abbreviations have to be defined in a note under the table

Mathematical equations

•prepared in Microsoft Equation 3.0

•appropriately written powers and indices

•variables - in italics, numbers – normal font

•multiplication sign: · or × (no asterisks)

•spelling of units - according to the SI system

•all symbols should be explained under the formula


•no numeration

•in alphabetical order according firstly to the surname of first authors and then to the titles of joint publications

•titles in a foreign language should be translated into English, between brackets after the original title

a) booksand edited volumes

•one or more autors:

Pioterek P., Zieleniecka B. (2004), How to write an MA thesis, 3rd edition, WSB publishing house in Poznan, Poznań.

•edited volumes / joint publications:

Oziewicz E. (ed.) (2006), Transformations in the modern world economy, PWE, Warsaw.

•articles of chapters in edited volumes / joint publications:

Michalewicz A. (2001), Logistic systems supporting logistic distribution, in: Logistics distribution, ed. Rutkowski K., Difin, Warsaw, pp. 102-123.

b) articles in journals or newspapers:

StrzyżewskaK. (2008), Supply management, „Logistyka a Jakość”, vol. 5 no. 3-4, pp. 31-42.

OrłowskiW. (2008), Wielki wybuch, czyli giełdy w panice (Big explosion, or panic on the stock market), „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 13 October 2008, p. 3.

c)material obtained from the internet or electronic databases (the complete data of websites and date of access should be given in brackets)

ArndtH.(1998), Globalisation, „Pacific Economic Paper”, no. 27, [17.05.2008].

NBPortal.pl. Portal wiedzy ekonomicznej (NBPortal.pl Portal of economic knowledge) [CD-ROM] (2005), edycja Banknot, NBP, Warsaw.

d) unpublished sources:

Balicki W. (2003), Bezrobocie a długookresowa stagnacja transformacyjna (Unemployment and long-term transformational stagnation) [unpublished work].

e) legal acts

Ustawa z dnia 8 marca 1990 r. o samorządzie gminnym (Act of 8 March 1990 on The Local Government), Official Journal 2001, no. 142, item 1591.

Ustawa z dnia 19 listopada 1999 r. Prawo działalności gospodarczej (The Act of 19 November 1999 on the Law on economic activity, Official Journal, no. 101, item. 1178, as amended.

In the case of multiple authorship, the contributions of each individual author to the article should be described using the form available from the following link (check here).