Name ______Hour ______Date ______

Objectives on Africa

Study Guide on Africa – Eventually, you will need to have study cards for each of the following objectives. On each note card you should have the objective on one side, the answer and a picture on the reverse side. Next to the number, you will see the number of cards required for each objective. Since these will be due soon, begin creating cards NOW as you learn each of the objectives. Total cards needed: At least 41! Yikes!

Be sure you can define the following terms (one card for each vocabulary word):


ca (circa)


1. (5 cards) Know two “Gifts of the Nile” (besides fishing / water) and how to draw The Nile River, the final destination of the Nile, and which direction it flows

2. (1 card) Evaluate the importance of the desert to the ancient Egyptians
3. (2 cards) State two accomplishments of the Egyptians (besides building pyramids / mummifying bodies)

4. (6 cards) Describe / draw two ancient Egyptian gods (why they were famous, their names, and what was significant about how they looked)

5. (1 card) Choose a pharaoh and describe why he/she was famous

6. (1 card) Evaluate why the Egyptians believed their bodies needed to be mummified after death

7. (4 cards) Sequence at least 4 steps of the mummification process

8. (3 cards) Explain why pyramids were built, what color they were, and why they were that color

9. (1) Know why the Bantu were significant to Africa’s history and how they spread their culture

10. (2 cards) Choose another ancient African civilization (besides Bantu and Egypt) and state one reason it is remembered

11. (8) Reproduce the Slave Triangle (include the continents), list two items traded at each of the three continents we discussed in class, know the years of the slave triangle, what stopped slavery in our country, state how many slaves were captured, and be able to state at least two groups who benefited from the slave trade

12. (2) Know which country had the Civil Right Movement and who was one of the main people involved

13. (2) Know which country had a system called apartheid and who was one of the main people involved in ending it (as we discussed in class since many countries have had civil rights movements and apartheid)