Malin Bridge Primary School - Pupil Premium Report

(1st September 2017- 31st August 2018)

Objectives of Pupil Premium Spending

The Government believes that Pupil Premium ‘is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most’. It is also used to support children who have been adopted, who are 'looked-after' or who has a parent in the armed forces.

At Malin Bridge we use this funding to support spending which benefits eligible children within their cohorts, rather than create individual budgets for each child. This spending significantly enhances our capacity to support children with barriers to their learning.

Pupil Premium Grant

Total number of pupils on roll / (September 2017) / 525
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / (September 2017) / 104
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £1320
Amount of PPG received / (Projected from Jan 2017 Census) / £137,280
Additional PPG received / (2017-18 In-Year) / £10,400
Total PPG Received / (2017-18 Financial Year) / £147,680
Total Cost of the Pupil Premium Action Plan / (2017-18 School Year) / £151,573
Total number of pupils on roll in Nursery / (September 2017) / 110
Total number of Nursery places / (September 2017) / 50
Total number of pupils eligible for EYPP / (September 2017) / 17
Amount of EYPP received per pupil / £0.53/hour
Amount of EYPP received / (Projected from Early Learning Entitlement) / £2,662

Our Pupil Premium Grant is spent on key objectives from 4 priority areas.

Priority Area / Objective
Inclusion /
  • Increase the attendance of FSM pupils through a range of attendance initiatives and extended learning opportunities whilst focussing specifically on improving persistent absence.
  • Strengthen parent partnerships further through family learning programmes and interventions, and provide specialist support where necessary through our Educational Welfare Officer.
  • Ensure disadvantaged pupils can participate in school trips and residentials.

Specialist Support /
  • Support vulnerable pupils that require specialised programme in order to be successful, with a particular focus on those who are disadvantaged.
  • Train identified support staff as Thrive Practitioners so they can support pupils and families with nurture interventions

Teaching and Learning /
  • Ensure pupils have access to the best teachers and support staff and provide every classroom with both a Teacher and Teaching Assistant throughout the day.
  • Support pupils through a range of learning opportunities and resources that enable them to make better progress and continue to learn at home.
  • Raise standards for eligible pupils to close the gap on national outcomes.

Outdoor Play /
  • Improve the quality and experiences of lunchtimes so all pupils can enjoy the play activities, develop their socialisation skills and strengthen friendships.
  • Develop pupil happiness during lunchtimes, maximising the engagement and readiness to learn in afternoon lessons.

Pupil Premium Action Plan

Priority area / Actions / Spending area / Cost / Outcome measure
Inclusion / Development of the learning mentor team and inclusion activities. / Additional learning mentor (increasing the team from 1.0 to 2.0 learning mentors) to increase capacity to account for increasing attendance and safeguarding responsibilities and continue to deliver a wider range of inclusion activities, including holiday clubs, transition programmes and family support. / £38119
Holiday Clubs – additional staffing (some staff including Learning Mentors have contracted hours), provision and resources. / £1,600
(8 days - £200/day budget)
Parent partnership and family learning provision - budget. / £1000
Attendance initiatives / Educational Welfare Officer (Jointly funded across Family of Schools.) / £3,396
Walking Bus – daily school staffing of the route.
(In addition to the organisational cost included in the Learning Mentor Team spending above) / £7,150
(3 x 190 hrs – living wage £7.85/hr)
Inclusion / Breakfast Club staffing / To ensure all children have access to a nutritious breakfast each morning. / £1934
Pupil subsidy budget / To support extended learning opportunities, including the reduction of residential visit costs for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. / £6,000
Extended learning and engagement activities / Children's University / £216
Focus days/weeks budget / £2,500
Specialist support / Nurture intervention resources / Thrive Practitioner training / £1525
Thrive programme – training and software licenses / £1,785
Rainbows programme – whole staff training, resources and group/school leader training. / £500
Additional spending on technology to support vulnerable groups / Additional ICT budget to increase spending on computers, laptops, I-Pads and accessories including cameras. / £5,000
Specialist support / Development of the curriculum support team. / Additional curriculum support team capacity (increasing the team by an addition 0.3 L3 TA time) to deliver a wider range of specialist wave 3 interventions to targeted pupils. / L3 TA = £3505
Speech and Language intervention and support through 1 day a week Specialist Speech and Language Therapy and 6 additional hours of L2 to complete Wave 3 speech and language programmes. / £4,232 and £2832
Teaching and learning / English Specialist Teacher / PPA cover led by external English specialist in Y6 with a SPaG focus. / £6250
Y6 homework club / Targeted support to support Y6s in preparation for National Curriculum Tests / (Two TAs, 15 one hour sessions) total £297
Teaching and Learning / Expansions of the teaching assistant team and 'booster' additional provision. / Expand TA team so every class has a TA for morning class support and afternoon gap groups. / £54,282
3 additional L2 TAs
Learning resources’, resources to support home learning and training for staff / Numicon / £2280
Pearson Bug Club / £533
Sum Dog / £885 / £267
Outdoor play / Resources to improve playground experiences. / Lunchtime resource budget to enhance children’s experience. / £1,572
Training for lunchtime staff / £600
Develop quality of lunchtime provision through employment of addition lunchtime supervisors. / Three additional staff members to enhance play, Scrap Store and provide 1:1 and small group support where needed. / £3313 per LSA
Total £9939
Total spent / £151,573