Personal Fitness

Beverly Marley

Objectives and Expectations

This course is designed to improve the personal fitness of each student. Areas that will be taught include: aerobic exercise, nutrition, weight management skills, weight lifting, Pilates, yoga, and recreational sports. Students should increase muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and become more aware of his/her own fitness level.

All students will be expected to dress out and participate daily in Personal Fitness. The focus for personal fitness class will be based on student effort, written tests, and the performance of sports skills. However, the emphasis will be for each student to do his/her best daily.

Classroom Procedures

All students should come to class ready to actively participate. The following are expected of every student:

ü  Do your best - Participate in class activities

ü  Come to class prepared and on time

ü  Respect yourself and others

ü  Be responsible for yourself

ü  Follow all school rules

I have high expectations for class behavior and believe that each student is responsible for his/her own actions. A warning will be given for misbehavior. After a warning has been give, detention will be given. I will give the student at least one-day prior notice of his/her detention via a detention slip to be signed and returned by the parent. Detention will last from 3:20-4:00 in the afternoon. My meeting place for detention will be the gym. Any student that becomes a distraction to other student’s learning and/or a physical danger will be dismissed to chill-out or the office and a parent will be notified.

Absentee Work

Students are required to turn in a 400-word paper (on fitness/sports) for each absence. This paper is in lieu of the daily activities done during the day of the absence and will be worth a daily grade.

Late Work Policy

Any written work assigned should be turned in the day it is due. I will receive late work at a loss of 10 points per day that it is late. Make-up tests for students who are absent the day of a test will be given the next day the student is present for class. During extenuating circumstances students will be given more than one day to make up missed work. (Extended sickness, death in the family, etc.)

Grading Policies

Focus will be placed on students doing his/her best everyday. Class participation will count 80% and written/skills tests will count 20% of the six weeks grade. Tests will be given periodically throughout the semester. Each week students will have the opportunity to earn 100 participation points. These weekly participation points will be averaged as one grade.

Daily participation points break down as follows:

Daily effort 12-15 points 20-25 points

Dressing out 3 points daily

Sportsmanship, Game management 5-8 points 100 per week

A student who refuses to participate will receive a “0” for his/her daily grade. Written work will be given to students who are not feeling well or who forgot proper workout attire. By doing this written work, students receive partial credit for the day. A doctor’s note is required if a student will not be able to participate for more than three consecutive days. It is always important for parents to share any health concerns with the teacher before classes begin activities. Please help keep us informed about your child’s health in order for us to make educated adjustments to our requirements, if necessary.

Final Exam

The final exam will be the Onslow County Physical Fitness Test, which will be taken throughout the entire semester. The final exam grade is equal to one six weeks grading period (25% of the final grade).

Dressing Out

All students are expected to dress out for activities. Dress requirements are athletic attire and athletic shoes. Pajamas, tank tops and clothes of questionable taste should not be worn. Students will not be allowed to participate in shorts that are too short or sagging. See the handbook for specific dress requirements. Students not dressed out, but who have proper shoes may participate, but with a loss of points. We encourage good hygiene and changing clothes for participation. Showers are available for students to use.

Lockers and Locker rooms

Lockers are assigned for students to store gear for physical education. It is the responsibility of each student to bring and use a lock on their lockers to secure their personal items. Students should not share lockers, nor use a locker that is not assigned to them. SWHS is not responsible for any unsecured items lost or stolen from the locker room areas. Students should not bring large amounts of money, jewelry, watches, etc. to physical education class. If this happens, ask a teacher to secure your valuables in their office during the class period. Students are not allowed to chew gum, eat food, or take drinks into the gym and locker room areas.

Absentee Policy/Exam Exemption

Students must be present 80 of 90 days during a semester in order to pass each subject. All students will have the opportunity to become exam exempt in all non-EOC courses. To be eligible for exemption a student must have a 93 or above average or not have more than 2 documented excused absences. The specific requirements for absences are listed in the student handbook.

If you have any questions at any time during the semester, please feel free to call me at school (455-4888) or email me at . Thank you for the privilege of teaching your child.

Cut here______

Personal Fitness

Parent Signature: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______