Project Readiness PackageEnergy Bank Module for SESERev 16 May 2011

Project Summary

The mission of the Sustainable Energy Systems for Education (SESE) family of projects is to design, develop, build, test, and deliver interchangeable sustainable energy technological solutions for use by future senior design teams and undergraduate engineering class projects in the KGCOE, beginning fall semester 2013.

The SESE should represent an integration of the six core technologies: Capture/Collection, Conversion, Storage, Transmission, Management/Control, and Consumption. The objective is to provide opportunity for various technological solutions within the core functions to allow the execution of numerous modular SESE systems. All work produced should be in an open source / open architecture format, encouraging use of the technologies by others.

This Energy Bank Module will have three of the six core functions; Conversion, Management/Control, and Storage. These three functions are critical so the energy captured within the system can be consumed by the end user.

The mission for the Energy Bank Module for SESE is to design, build, test, and deliver a controlled storage system to store the power coming from the Capture/Collect SESE Module. The Energy Bank team will need to take the energy and voltage outputs from the Capture/Collect team and convert them into a form which can be readily stored in a suitable NiMH or Lead Acid battery. The two possible batteries were chosen because they are the most suitable for this project within the next academic year. Future development may allow this Energy Bank to one day become a Li-Ion storage system; one that utilizes the high power density of Li-Ion technology.

The Energy Bank team should also research if batteries are capable of being overcharged and if this condition will harm the battery. If so, consider a Management/Control solution so the battery does not overcharge when it reaches full storage capacity.

The Energy Bank Module must also interface with the Charging Dock Module. The Energy Bank must have enough storage capacity so the Charging Dock can charge at least 10 SESE Integrated Power Supplies. The Charging Dock Module will also be in charge of preventing the Energy Bank from discharging beyond 0% power.

The Energy Bank Module will need to be easily integrated with the whole SESE system. The first development of this Energy Bank Module should be put on Display at Imagine RIT in 2012.

This project will require collaboration between various teams within the SESE family to determine and pass along Engineering Specification Values. This team should focus on the energy, voltage, and phase coming from the Capture/Collect Module, as well as the Storage Capacity needed to provide sufficient power to the Charging Dock Module. A primary focus should be high conversion and storage efficiencies; try to maintain 90% efficiency or better. This project should still be considered a success if other SESE modules fail or are not chosen as MSD projects.

Administrative Information:

Project Name: Energy Bank Module for SESE System
Project Number:
Project Track: Sustainable Systems
Project Family: OS/OA Modular Sustainable Energy Systems
Parent Roadmap: R12006
Planning Term: 2010-3
Start Term: 2011-2 (Winter)
End Term: 2011-3 (Spring) / Faculty: TBA
Industry Guide: TBA
Project Customer: RIT MSD LVE and WOCCSE teams
Project Sponsor: TBA
Project Budget: TBA

Project Context:

This project is one of the critical modules of the larger SESE roadmap mentioned above. Without a conversion system, it would be nearly impossible to consume the energy harvested by the collection systems. Also, without a storage device, most of the energy would go to waste as the user does not always want to consume the power at the time of collection. The SESE is a modular project aimed at developing a power source for the Land Vehicle for Education (R12005) and Wireless Open Source/Open Architecture Command and Control System for Education (R12003) systems.

This will start from the capturing of energy to storage and finally the consumption of that energy. This project is intended to take the electrical outputs from the Capture/Collect system(s) and convert them. For example, if a solar panel array is outputting 24VDC and the battery storage system charges at 12VDC, the conversion system would match the power input and output requirements in order for both systems to operate properly. Or if a wind turbine is outputting 120VAC, the conversion system would convert this AC voltage to the required 12VDC. If the Capture/Collect team decides to have a system with both a wind turbine and solar panels, the Energy Bank team will need to design a conversion board, or boards, that will have capabilities to convert both power inputs at once.

The image below is a SESE system block diagram for all of the modules. This Energy Bank Module is colored purple. You can see that the Energy Bank takes the Capture/Collect’s power and converts it within the Energy Bank Regulator Board to the designated D/C Power in order to put it in Storage. These color coded modules are used throughout the R12006 documents and roadmap.

For more information on the larger project into which this system will be integrated, search for on the EDGE website for R12006, the Sustainable Energy Systems for Education roadmapping page. Link also provided. (

Project House of Quality: (no color coding)

Customer Needs Assessment: (no color coding)

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Project Readiness PackageEnergy Bank Module for SESERev 16 May 2011

Engineering Specifications:

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Project Readiness PackageEnergy Bank Module for SESERev 16 May 2011

Project Interfaces: (color coding applies)

This Energy Bank Module will need to interface seamlessly with the Capture/Collect and Charging Dock Modules. This will allow future upgrades to be implemented very easily. Included below is an image showing the interfaces between the modules that are integral to the Energy Bank. Also included is an interface internal to the Energy Bank project; the interface between Conversion and the Energy Bank itself.

1. The Capture/Collect module(s) will output power from a Molex connector to a different Molex connector on the Energy Bank Regulation board. The Regulation board will need to have as many Molex connectors as there are Capture/Collect modules.

2. The Energy Bank Regulation Board will output the converted power from a Molex connector to +/- leads that connect to the Energy Bank (battery)

3. The Energy Bank will send its power from +/- leads to a Molex connector on the Charging Dock.

NOTE: The Energy Bank team will need to communicate with the Capture/Collect and Charging Dock teams to decide on which exact Molex connectors they will use. This will be largely based on the power that the Capture/Collect team can supply.

Staffing Requirements: (no color coding)

Position Title / Position Description
Electrical Engineer:
PCB Designer
(2 needed) / The individuals will be responsible for designing and testing printed circuit boards used to convert various electrical inputs. Input connections to the PCB will be specified however characteristics of the electricity may vary (current, phase, etc…). Efficiency will be the primary focus of the design.
The individuals should be pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering. They should be well versed in the process of designing printed circuit boards, the various PCB components associated with power conversion systems and the procedures for testing such a product. Co-op experience in this field is highly desired. Required coursework: Power Electronics, Circuits II, Fields II, Electronics II
Electrical Engineer:
Battery Research
(1 needed) / The individual will be responsible for researching lead acid and nickel metal hydride batteries. The goal is to choose the better of the two (in terms of power density, storage capacity, lifetime, sustainability) and implement one into a system which provides intermittent power. After performing research, the individual will be tasked with interfacing the battery with the conversion system being developed concurrently. If time allows, research lithium ion batteries to see if they are viable storage systems. The goal for future MSD project modules for SESE is to provide a more energy dense solution to the classic lead acid battery while considering safe operation of the system
The individual should be pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering and should be passionate about power and storage systems. Required coursework: Power Electronics, Device Physics, Circuits II, Fields II
Industrial Engineer
(1 needed) / This individual will have three key responsibilities. The first will be to manage the engineering teams that encompass the whole SESE system. Secondly, this individual should perform a thorough cost benefit analysis to determine the Return on Investment of the prototype as well as a mass manufactured system. Due to the sustainability aspect of this project, this individual will complete life cycle assessment and provide recommendations for material use and end of life options.
Interest and experience with project management and sustainability is preferred. Interest is sustainability and renewable energy would be beneficial. Applicable courses include: Engineering Economy, Life Cycle Assessment, Design for Environment, Engineering Management, Design for Project Management
Mechanical Engineer
(1 needed: potentially) / One option is available to this individual based on the direction of the project. If the system is to be integrated somewhere in the Engineering Building, this person could design and develop a stand or support system for the Energy Bank battery and its Regulation Board. The wires could be routed from the Capture/Collect module to the Energy Bank. This individual could also work with the Charging Dock ME to assist in designing and fabrication of that system as well as interfacing with that system. If the Energy Bank and Charging Dock are not indoors, these systems will need to either be housed or withstand the elements.
General fabrication and experience in design is preferred. Interest is sustainability and renewable energy would be beneficial. Applicable courses include: Design of Machine Elements, Circuits I, Materials Processing, and Engineering Design Graphics.

Project Constraints:

Customer and Stakeholder Involvement

·  The team will be expected to carry out the vast majority of their interactions with the Team Guide.

·  The sponsor and primary customer will be available for a series of meetings during the course of the project, and will meet with a group of teams during the beginning of MSD1 to lay out common goals, objectives, and philosophies for the sequence of projects.

·  The SESE for the LVE and WOCCSE will be ready for use by September 2013.

Regulatory Constraints

·  The design shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The team's design project report should include references to, and compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations (see ISO Standards for Energy Collection)

·  The design shall comply with all applicable RIT Policies and Procedures. The team's design project report should include references to, and compliance with all applicable RIT Policies and Procedures.

Economic Constraints

·  Each team will be required to keep track of all expenses incurred with their project.

·  Purchases for this roadmap will be run through the Mechanical Engineering Office. Each team must complete a standard MSD purchase requisition and have it approved by their guide. After guide approval, the purchasing agent for the team can work with Ms. Venessa Mitchell in the ME office to execute the purchase and obtain the materials and supplies.

Environmental Constraints

·  Adverse environmental impacts of the project, such as the release of toxic materials or disruption of the natural wildlife, are to be minimized.

·  Particular focus should be placed on resource sustainability (described further in Sustainability Constraints).

·  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are required for all materials.

Social Constraints

·  Each team in this roadmap is expected to demonstrate the value and outcome of their project at the annual Imagine RIT festival in the spring.

·  Each team in this roadmap is expected to produce outcomes and artifacts which will inspire middle school and high school students to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Political Constraints

·  This family of projects should promote and enhance multidisciplinary education at RIT by providing students more time and experience with working with other students outside their majors.

Ethical Constraints

·  Every member of every team is expected to comply with Institute Policies, including the Policy on Academic Honesty, and the Policy on Academic Accommodations.

Health and Safety Constraints

·  Wherever practical, the design should follow industry standard codes and standards (e.g. Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), FCC regulations, IEEE standards, and relevant safety standards as prescribed by IEC, including IEC60601). The team's design project report should include references to, and compliance with industry codes or standards.

Manufacturing Constraints

·  Commercially available, Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components available from more than one vendor are preferred.

·  It is preferable to manufacture and assemble components in-house from raw materials where feasible.

·  Students should articulate the reasoning and logic behind tolerances and specifications on manufacturing dimensions and purchasing specifications.

Intellectual Property Constraints

·  All work to be completed by students in this track is expected to be released to the public domain. Students, Faculty, Staff, and other participants in the project will be expected to release rights to their designs, documents, drawings, etc., to the public domain, so that others may freely build upon the results and findings without constraint.

·  Students, Faculty, and Staff associated with the project are encouraged to publish findings, data, and results openly.

·  Students, Faculty, and Staff associated with the project are expected to respect the intellectual property of others, including copyright and patent rights.

Sustainability Constraints

·  All raw materials and purchased materials, supplies, and components used in the roadmap must have a clearly defined Re-Use, Re-Manufacturing, or Recycling plan.