Programme Management and Information System

Credentials requests

In order to have access to the Management and Information System of the Programme, every Final Beneficiary have to request credentials for fill the person responsible for the access to the M.I.S. on behalf of the Final Beneficiary’s institution.

Being this the Final Beneficiary official access to the MIS, the person indicated has to belong to the Final Beneficiary’s institution and must have an official e-mail account belonging to the same institution (general email as yahoo, gmail, hotmail… will be verified before proceeding with the activation of credentials).

Final Beneficiaries are recommended to be extremely careful when indicating the e-mail account, as the access password to the MIS will be automatically sent by the system to the e-mail indicated and neither the writer and anybody else will be able to know it.

Lead Beneficiaries are instead recommended to verify the correct compilation of this form by the respective Final Beneficiaries.

For any further information for the compilation of the form please contact:

Luca Attardi or Pietro Fabrizi or Riccardo Giuliani


phone: +39 0862 411383

Programme Management and Information System

Credentials requests

Project acronym / Click here to write text.
Project code: / Click here to write text.
Final Beneficiary name(in national language)[1]: / Click here to write text.
Final Beneficiary name (in English)1: / Click here to write text.
Name[2]: / Click here to write text.
Surname2: / Click here to write text.
Personal ID Code[3]: / Click here to write text.
E-mail address2: / Click here to write text.
User name: / Click here to write text.


Place and date handwritten signature of the legal/authorized representative[4]

Official stamp of the Final Beneficiary (if available)

/ The Programme is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

[1] Indicate the same Final Beneficiary’s name indicated in the project Application Form; the name must be exactly the same (in case department/office are indicated, specify it in this form too).

[2] Name, surname, national tax number, fiscal code or any other national identification number, email of the person requiring the access to M.I.S.

[3] Personal ID code is the personal identification code of the person who will use the System. It corresponds in Italy and Slovenia to the personal fiscal code; in Greece to the Α.Φ.Μ (Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου); in Albania to number of identity card (Numri i Kartes se Identitetit) issued by Ministry of Interior of Albania; in Croatia to the “OIB” (Osobni Identifikacijski Broj); in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro to the “JMBG” (Jedinstveni matični broj građana).

[4] If the signatory is different from the legal representative an official authorization has to be attached or quoted.