Obj. 7.02 Study Statements
- A family’s eating patterns can be seen in their lifestyle choices of when and how they eat.
- Yogurt is a way to increase the amount of calcium in your diet.
- Breads and cereals provide extra energy.
- Selecting low fat menu items at fast food restaurants would be a better choice.
- Family meals can be part of family traditions.
- Whole grain cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables provide fiber.
- You should drink 6-8 ounces of water a day to fulfill the 70% of your body substance.
- Soup can help people get water in their diet.
- Three days of 30 minute aerobic exercise is recommended by the Dietary guidelines for teens.
- To keep your bones and teeth strong you should eat foods rich in calcium.
- Olive oil would be the healthiest choice to use in cooking.
- Beans will reduce the cholesterol in your diet.
- Orange juice is the best source of vitamin C.
- Too much vitamin C in your diet can be dangerous.
- The best iron rich food is raisins.
- Meat, fish and poultry are complete protein foods because they provide all of the essential amino acids.
- Peanut butter, legumes, and eggs belong in meat group.
- A deck of cards shows the average size of 2-3 ounces of meat.
- Fruits and vegetable groups provide a source of vitamins.
- You should use fats, oils, and sweets sparingly.
- Complex carbohydrates give you more than half you daily calories.
- Macaroni can increase the number of complex carbohydrates in your diet.
- The Food Guide Pyramid recommends serving sizes in each food group.
- Teenagers should receive the most servings of bread and cereal in one day.
- Chocolate pudding is part of the milk, yogurt and cheese group.
- Eating foods high in fiber is recommended in the dietary guidelines.
- Most of Americans sugar intake comes from soda.
- Before following any diet, get professional nutritional counseling.
- Black eyed peas and rice provides complete proteins to a vegetarian diet.
- A vegetarian chooses to eliminate meat from their diet.
- A main concern for vegetarians is getting enough protein.
- Believing it is wrong to kill animals is an ethical decision to be a vegetarian.
- Season foods with herbs and spices to reduce the amount of salt in one’s diet.
- Counting snacks as a part of your total daily servings is a healthy guideline.
- Rice is found in a vegetarian diet.