OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing (ECF) Technical Committee (TC)

Conference Call Agenda

April 12, 2016 11am –noon EDT / 4pm – 5pm UTC

US: 866-939-8416
International: 678-302-3534
Participant code: 8330460
Optional Chat/Queue:http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/oasis-ecf

·  Old Business

1.  Review/approval of previous meeting minutes

2.  Outreach

3.  ECF 4.01 Specification Updates

  1. ECF 4.01 Web Services SIP formatted as SSP with Springboard feedback for approval as Committee Specification/Public Review Draft.
  2. https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3449
  3. Jim H updated the WDSL and published as WS-SIP version.2.1.
  4. Greg Zarkis tested the WSDLs and offered a proposal for Document/Literal Wrapped WSDLs (tabled to ECF 5)
  5. Gary Graham will review generated messages.

Eric: Wrappers worked well.

Philip: Tyler agrees

Gary: WS-SIP is separate from the ECF version so the SIP could be a new version without a new version of ECF?

Jim: The consequence - Implementers would need to be specific about which SIP they are using.

Jim: Options: wait and include only in ECF 5, or also publish new SIP that is an additional option for ECF 4 implementations

Jim: Publish as WS-SIP 3.0 for ECF 4 and WS-SIP 5.0 for ECF 5

Gary: Suggests volunteers put together a list of options/pros/cons.

Eric: Will write it up so that we can discuss and decide next month.

4.  ECF 5.0 Core Specification

  1. Release Schedule
  2. Targeting first release in Summer 2016.
  3. Current: Working Draft 01
  4. https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/download.php/50778/ecf-v5.0-spec-wd01.docx
  5. Change Log
  6. https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/download.php/50779/Change%20Log.doc
  7. NIEM 3.2 Beta is out for public review through April 15
  8. https://release.niem.gov/niem/3.2/
  9. Submit comments to .
  10. Cardinality
  11. https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3492
  12. Jim P and Eric proposed a resolution
  13. https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/download.php/57434/Proposal%20for%20Resolution%20of%20the%20Cardinality%20Issue%20v2.doc
  14. TC members should provide input by March call
  15. Subcommittee will be created to review/consider those changes
  16. Feedback on changes requested should be provided in advance of April call
  17. Incorporate changes into schema in advance of July meeting


Gary: Unbounded organization identifier

Gary: In the past, some EFSPs have mentioned a need for having multiple case tracking IDs

  1. Limited Electronic Service of Process
  2. Public Review Comments were received from
  3. National Association of Professional Process Services (NAPPS)
  4. California Association of Legal Support Professionals (CALSPro)
  5. New Jersey Association of Professional Process Servers (NJPPSA)
  6. National Corporate Research (NCR)
  7. Jim P and George documented the comments and drafted our responses to each comment.


Jim P will provide process models and potential operations.

Jim Price: Service Processors to be registered and authenticated; and whether to allow primary and secondary service via e-service.

Jim Cabral: Registration process in the specification would be fairly significant. Should it be more broadly used (filers, attorneys, etc.)?

Jim Cabral: Asks for input from EFM vendors.

Tyler: A new topic, but agree it would be significant. Gut says keep it separate.

Tybera: Agrees – need more information.

Eric: Neutral

Jim Cabral: Consider a scenario with a multiple-EFM environment.

Cabral: Two questions:

1) Whether the specification should cover registration

2) Whether to adopt vs. build

Jim Price: Advocate having registration services. Maybe OAUTH.

Jim McMillan: Adopt existing OASIS Options: Registry information model. Other?

Jim Cabral: Separate MDE since you would likely have registration needs across offerings – public access, e-filing, etc.

Table until next month.

  1. Scheduling

i.  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3500

ii. Mike Douglass (CalConnect) recommended we use WS-Calendar.

1.  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/download.php/56755/calendaring.pdf

iii.  Dallas submitted requirements consideration

1.  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/download.php/56886/Schedule%20and%20Calendar%20Requirements.docx

iv.  WS-Calendar should be able to handle the limited needs of initial use cases

v. Jim M and Dallas P drafted a proposal, including sequence diagrams and use cases.

Philip: General summary of the proposal’s two scenarios: one simple, one more involved, but both reasonable requirements.

Jim M: Confirmed Philip’s understanding.

h.  Evidence Tracking

i.  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3763

ii. Jim H will check in with JTC/NCSC Digital Evidence Focus group

No updates. Jim H not on the call today

  1. Implementer contributions for ECF 5.0
  2. Tyler submitted proposed extensions

1.  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/documents.php?folder_id=2795

  1. CancelFiling operation
  2. Consider separate return for correction and resubmission message perhaps via capture of original filing ID
  3. Case Assignment (CreateCase, NotifyCaseAssignmentComplete) operations
  4. Philip Baughman provided a revised recommendation based on feedback from Jim P and Gary Graham


  1. Proposal to send payment information to the Court Record MDE
  2. Will require a wrapper/container
  3. Need to discuss containers for other/all ECF 5 messages.
  4. Eric and Tyler team will evaluate Document/Literal wrapped WSDL.

5.  ECF 5.0 Web Services SIP

  1. Pull mode
  2. https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3508
  3. Ryan Roenigk will review this issue and make a recommendation to the TC

No updates (Ryan’s colleague was on the call and said they are still IP)

6.  Action Items


·  New Business

7.  Schedule

Next TC Conference Call: May 10, 2016 11am –noon EDT / 3pm – 4pm UTC

Next TC Face-To-Face Meeting: July 14-15, 2016 in Pittsburgh, PA (in conjunction with NACM Annual Conference)

Jim Cabral: Will send out inquiry regarding availability for the face to face.