2016-17 OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

August 5, 2016

Board member names in BLUE were in attendance.

Board member names with STRIKETHROUGH were not in attendance.

Notes from meeting are in RED.



Haynam-Janero, Emily / Meek, Laura / Reshad, Mary
Henry, Erica / Morrow, Andrea / Short, Carrie
Kannenwischer, Susan / Phillips, Faith / Walton, Lindsay
McCluskey, Carolyn (CC) / Reisinger, Amanda / Weaver, Melanie

Committee Chairperson

Adams, Kirby / Gruber, Ann Marie / Mattison, Emily
Black, Stacey / Eder, Ashley / McDougal, James
Braswell, Tamika / Jackson, Leigh / McGinley, Will
Brown, John / Jenerette, Kim / McMillen, Cody
Call, Kristy / Johnson, Angela / Moore, Matt
Cannon, Mary / Johnson, Betsy / Perri, Mary Lynn
Carlo, Greg / Johnston, Jeff / Shepard, Nancy
Clark, Debra / Jones, Michael / Ulses, Randy
Frey, Alicia / Keller, MorraLee / Wenzel, Claudia
Gardner, Kristy / Toomer, Jennifer / West, Christy
Glass, Erin / Lamp, Renee / Willard, Cheryl
Goller, Stephanie / Lauffer, Scott


I.  Welcome Faith Phillips

• Introductions

• Called to order at 10:13am

II.  Approval of Minutes/Secretary’s Report Erica Henry

• Approval of April 2016 meeting minutes; Erica asked for motion to approve

• Motion to approve: 1st = Amanda Reisinger, 2nd = Emily Haynam-Janero; approved unanimously

III.  Treasurer’s Report Carolyn McCluskey

Nothing to report

Reminders from Faith:

• Reminder to everyone that reimbursements must be submitted to Carolyn within 31 days of the event.

• Critical that those completing the reimbursement forms check their math and make sure it correlates to the amounts on receipts/documentation.

• Be sure to check the budget to make sure the charge is being assigned to the correct budget.

• Delegate should double check the math and budget assigned to before signing and forwarding to the treasurer.

• Betsy clarified that you use the form for the trustee who controls that portion of the budget regardless of if that is the delegate you report to; appropriate delegate still needs to sign off on request.

• Faith: We received a tax bill in June saying that we owed about $2,500 in taxes; our accountant completed our taxes on time, but did not file on time (hence the bill); our accountant agreed to pay fine, but in mean time Ed paid IRS (so IRS was double-paid): IRS is in process of sending check to reimburse OASFAA (plus $5 interest)

• Mary Lynn: Clarified that even though Communications doesn’t have budget line listed, they will work with Faith to figure out what is needed.

IV.  Unfinished Business

A.  CGS Task Force update MorraLee Keller

• Task Force conference call a couple of weeks ago to start pulling things together

• All former site chairs were also invited to participate on conference call this past Tuesday

• Task force put together a brainstorming list of how OASFAA could assist with FAFSA completion this fall

-  need for some version of in person assistance

-  many site coordinators indicated they would be having FAFSA completion event regardless of if OASFAA participated

-  sites would like to choose their own date

-  we need to make sure workshops are available in every region of the state and that workshops in same region do not compete with each other on same dates

-  OASFAA would still need to update website with workshop info for all regions

-  some sites will still need volunteers from OASFAA

-  Faith: webinars will not be pursued as an option since students/parents that need help the most probably wouldn’t utilize that option, but may utilize some sort of “chat line” option to answer questions.

• Betsy: concerned that if we are doing workshops in January and February students may have already missed priority deadlines at some schools if they wait until then to do it; asked that we make sure each region has at least 1 workshop that is held before the earliest priority deadline in that region

• Carrie: Need to consider if we keep ohiocollegegoalsunday.org website, and recognized that it will be a misnomer for sites that don’t hold their workshop on a Sunday

-  October 23rd is date of workshop at Carrie’s school

• John: Will workshops be general and open to the public, so that it will be applicable regardless of which school student is attending?

-  MorraLee clarified that expectation will be that workshops should not be used as recruiting events for the host institution

• Cody: clarified you can access list of HS counselors from OASFAA website

-  Carrie also indicated that a list of OH schools was listed on ODHE website

• Claudia: Need to have something from a promotional perspective to share by Sept since that is when most of HS nights are being held now.

• Laura: suggested we get media involvement to advertise

-  MorraLee confirmed that Angela and Jeff will work with AG’s office to develop a PSA.

• Betsy: Need to have a website that we can direct people to since there will be so many dates/sites

• MorraLee: In conversation with Financial Aid TV about having a good “how to” video for FAFSA completion aimed at audience of new FA counselors/FAFSA volunteers that don’t know how to complete a FAFSA + need to talk about a name replacement for CGS

• CGS name is owned by NCAN and they have hired a PR firm to come up with ideas

-  OASFAA can use OH version of new name once it is decided upon (she will keep us posted)

• Randy: Are we better of focusing on the concepts and information regarding FAFSA completion and how to get that to student instead of focusing on having events?

• Ashley: Maybe consider focusing on more opportunities to spread info but also compliment that with some events; make it a happy medium; maybe consider surveying those that attend FAFSA completion events to see what of our efforts are effective and then use those results to drive what we do for 2017

• Mary Lynn: Considering timing, we need to decide what website we are using, and someone needs to start gathering data of which schools are holding events and when

-  Recommended starting with baby steps; change what we can now (treat this as a transition year), and then focus on making changes throughout the year with the idea to move toward full implementation of a new plan for fall 2017

-  Renee, Amanda, and James all agreed that this is the best idea for moving forward at least more immediately

• Amanda: We need to make a decision today regarding what type of support OASFAA is willing to provide and then go from there

-  Faith recommended that all suggestions for plan for the next year be emailed to her for discussion at the next Task Force meeting this week and then the Task Force can decide how they want to proceed.

Break at 11:44am for lunch

Meeting reconvened at 12:28pm

B.  OASFAA banners—who has them? Faith needs one for MASFAA Conference in October

• Amanda gave banner she used to Angela

• Andrea might have one…will check and f/u with Faith

• Faith asked that if you have one, please let her know

• Cody: He has 1 from Outreach at OACAC articulation and thinks Jeff Johnston has 2

V.  New Business

A.  Final 2016/2017 budget discussion and approval

• Faith: distributed handout of 16/17 budget; reviewed budget by line

-  Some of the existing CGS money had to be returned to Great Lakes for part grant that we didn’t use

-  Membership #’s based on 570 people; income from membership dues from July 2016-June 2017

• MorraLee clarified whether or not anticipated membership income has taken into consideration potential loss of new members/dues being paid in the fall if there is no fall 2017 conference

• Faith indicated those conversations along with possibility of aligning fiscal and calendar year are ongoing

-  NASFAA training income line item is new; based on anticipated participation x $50/person/session; income generated from NASFAA trainings

-  Task force zeroed out based on necessity

-  Treasurer amount lower since we don’t have to pay for an audit this year

-  Leadership will have a class this year so they now have a budget

-  We are asking new member/mentor group to do big efforts to increase membership, so their budget has been increased accordingly

-  Able to give Outreach budget of $8500 they requested, as we can use CGS money to do that

-  Kim Jenerett: Will regulatory get money for a policy day if we do one?

• Faith: we’ll talk about it if

-  $17,200 is projected loss for year based on expenses; a little less than last year

-  Faith asked for motion to approve budget
• Motion made by Carrie Short; 2nd by Amanda Reisinger; approved unanimously

• Faith reminded committee only trustees can vote

B.  OCAN contribution

• OCAN is giving $25,000 to OASFAA as a “parting gift”; funding will be put into CGS line item (use to be determined)

C.  Erica Henry—Update on MASFAA Leadership Symposium

• Held at Illinois State Univ.

• 15 modules over 5 days in June

• Activities included critical thinking and stretch assignments

• Sessions focused on topics such as: recognizing people/places/things that have helped build our foundation for leadership, time mgmt., essential leadership skills, emotional intelligence, working in a diverse/multi-generational workplace, how to have crucial conversations, building a high-performing team, self-awareness, using social media in professional development, influential leadership, leading through change, ethics/ethical decision-making, and developing a vision

• Very rewarding experience; definitely recommend future participation if possible

D.  Spring 2017 Conference dates and hotel information

• Will be held May 17th-19th, Marriott-Dublin NW

• Signed contract

• Faith: will likely be the last contract we sign with them due to new management in charge of conference

• Would have liked to change venues for May but it is hard b/c of what we can get at Marriott based on what we can afford

• Amanda requested an open bar for 1 hour for fall conference and it was granted

VI.  Committee’s Recommended Items (for discussion by Executive Committee)

A.  New member packet + ATAC notification for new registrations Kirby Adams/Renee Lamp

• Is there a way we can be notified when someone becomes a member?

- Andrea: Matt can pull list of people that register for conference as a new member

- Claudia: Will ask Paula for way to pull report

- Kirby mentioned that they want to email a new member packet on behalf of OASFAA to new members as they register

B.  Possible OASFAA website redesign Claudia Wenzel/Mary Lynn Perri

• Had a conference call with Paula from ATAC regarding possible website redesign

• Would cost OASFAA between $800-$1500 to do

• Would like something similar to North Carolina’s state association website (www.ncasfaa.com) for OASFAA

• Will take about 6-8 weeks to redevelop, so Paula suggests making changeover right after fall conference

• Website will be down for about 2 days when changeover takes place

• Faith gave approval from Exec to move forward with Paula with project

• Emily suggests we consider maintenance costs (charges to make future changes) when making decisions with Paula + volunteered to help pair committee up with MASFAA social media protocols already in place to use as a guideline for developing their own protocol

• Committee will work with Paula, tell her what we want to do, and will then get an estimate from her that will be brought before the exec committee for approval.

C.  Dropbox Carrie Short

• www.dropbox.com is website address for product

• is email address for organization

• Will help with transfer of information with Exec Committee members from 1 year to the next

• Can save things right in folder on Desktop and it will automatically be added in online file

• Can also download an app on your phone and make changes from there

• Carrie: Everyone on Exec will be given access to exec folder + everything within folder for appropriate delegate

-  you will get an email when access is granted

-  you will need to login/create an account

-  will be given option to download desktop app

• Faith: will not replace current processes in place, but will act as a repository of information that you can choose to use if you want to use

• Will need to figure out which committee will be responsible for maintaining going forward

D.  General session speaker for fall conference Andrea Morrow

• Andrea has one so no discussion needed

E.  OASFAA “Policy Day” Kim Jenerette/Christy West/Ashley Hood

• KJ: Need to decide if we want to do one again this year

-  OH is 46/50 in terms of state scholarships and grants

• Ashley: clarified that we do not need to do it in concert with a conference; if we plan one for late next summer we can account for it in 17/18 budget and have plenty of time to plan for it;

• KJ: would like to propose that he continue conversation with Senators, committee can brainstorm exactly what we want to accomplish, and then they will f/u with exec committee with recommendation of what they would like OASFAA to do