Oakwood PTA Meeting Tuesday November 6th, 2012

Theme for November: Destined to…Show Gratitude!

Those in attendance:

Jenn Oettli Ramona Bailey Natalie Ball SueEllen Cummings Megan Golightly Kathy Capps Mary Yannias Erika Boardman Wendy Jones Jen Butterfield Elisa Bateman Bonnie Granzin

We would like to give thanks to:

Bonnie Granzin, and to all those that helped with Vision screening.

Tara Covili, and all those that helped with Physical fitness. (this was just practice, next go round is in the spring.)

Tammy VanAmerongen for Books and Bagels.

Kelsey Nichols for Reflections.

Mrs. Hurd, Erika Boardman, Natalie Ball for a wonderful Owl Chorale Halloween performance and all you do for the choir.

Holly Fairbanks for a successful Halloween Parade.

Megan Woodward for a Fabulous Fundraiser!! And to all those that helped. The PTA Earned $12,844.07!! YAY!

We have not yet decided what we as a PTA are going to do with the earnings yet. If you have any ideas, please let the PTA Presidency know. Thank you to everyone for making this a successful Fundraiser, we could not have done it without you and your students help.

**Fundraiser Items will be delivered next Wednesday, November 14th at 1:00ish. If you have ordered Cookie Dough, you will need to come as soon as you can to pick this up. The cookie dough is a refrigerated product and the school has no place cool to store this. More reminders will be going home next week.

Yesterday, November 7th we had the Limo Lunch Ride at Training Table. There were over 80 students, who sold enough items for the fundraiser, who got to go in a limo to training table to lunch. The kids had a blast! Thank you to all the parents who helped with this fun activity!

We would also like to thank Kathy Capps for helping with the Box tops program. The school recently had a competition to see which class could bring the most box tops in the win 15extra minuets for recess. Mrs. Hurd’s 2nd grade class won the extra 15 minutes. Congratulations! Look for more box top competitions in the coming months, so keep saving those box tops!

There is a renewed reminder about school safety, a note was sent home with your student’s report card on Wednesday, about the procedure for checking you student out of school. Please review that note from our Principal Mrs. Phillips. Thank you.

Also, you will need to check in at the office and put on an orange visitors pass when you are in the school. Please do not bypass the office. Thank you.

If you have PTA volunteer hours please log them in at the front office.

There are or may be changes coming to the Band/Orchestra Music Program. There will be a School board meeting on Tuesday, November 13th at 7:00 if you would like to come see what if any changes they are making.

**If you have taken any pictures around the school or in your students class rooms and you would like to have them put in the year book this year, will you please send them to Heather Gay at . Thank you!

Calendar/ upcoming events:

November 12th -16th :Anti-Bully Week This is new to Oakwood this year. It is taking the place of Red Ribbon week. The effects of bulling hurts many kids in our lives. There will be a kickoff meeting for parents on Monday morning at 9:15. More information about the whole week will be sent home with you student.

November 14th :Cookie dough pick up.

November 21st -23rd: Thanksgiving recess, No School. Tuesday the 20th is a short day.

November 27th: Books and Bagels at 8:15

December 3rd-7th: Santa Secret Shop.

December ?? : Owl chorale Holiday Sing…info to come.

December 19th: Holiday Sing for Parents.

December 21st-January 1st: Winter Recess. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

January ??: Oakwood Spelling Bee. This year there will not be a school wide science fair. Each class may do one in the class, but the PTA will be doing a spelling bee this year. More information to come.

There will be no PTA meeting in December. Thanks again for everyone’s help and with all you do for PTA and making our children’s education better.

Next PTA meeting will be on Tuesday January 8th, 2013 at 1:30 in the PTA Room. Hope to see you there!