Parts of Speech Review
· Nouns
o A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
o There are two kinds of nouns: common and proper.
§ A common noun names someone or something but not a particular someone or something
§ A proper noun names a particular or special person, place or thing.
· Verbs
o A verb shows action, or what something or someone is.
· Adjectives
o An adjective describes or gives more information about a noun.
· Adverbs
o An adverb is used to give more information about verbs. They can tell you how, when, or where an action occurs.
· Pronouns
o Pronouns are words used in place of nouns, often to avoid repeating a noun.
o One type of pronoun you need to know is the personal pronoun:
§ Personal pronoun: I, me, you, she, he, her, him, they etc.
· Prepositions
o Prepositions are joining words. They are “pre-positioned” before nouns and pronouns to join them to the rest of the sentence.
§ Eg/ after, over, under, beside, on, before, below, around, until, within, past, during, among, through, behind etc.
· Conjunctions
o Conjunctions join or connect two or more words in a sentence.
§ Coordinating conjunctions join together words or groups of words that are used the same way
· Eg/ and, but, or
§ Subordinating conjunctions add other ideas to the main idea of a sentence
· Eg/ after, although, as, because, how, if, than, that, though, unless, until, when, before, where, while
· Interjections
o These are easy. An interjection is a word or phrase used to express strong emotion or surprise.
§ Eg/ Wow! Hey!
Plural noun:______
Verb (ending in ING) ______
Verb (ending in ING) ______
Plural noun:______
Plural noun:______
Plural noun:______
Verb (ending in ING) ______
Plural noun:______
My mother had a book she’d brought with her from the apothecary shop. The pages were made of old parchment and covered in ink drawings of plants. Neat handwritten blocks told their names, where to gather them, when they came in bloom, their medical uses. But my father added other entries to the book. Plants for eating, not healing. Dandelions, pokeweed, wild onions, pines. Prim and I spent the rest of the night poring over those pages. Pg 50
Your turn:
Select a paragraph from a section of the Hunger Games and create a mad libs game with them.
1) First copy a paragraph from the text in pencil. Write every other line!
2) Underline the words you want to leave out.
3) Above each word, write what part of speech it is.
4) On the other side of the sheet make a list of the different parts of speech you’ll need.
5) Erase the words you’re leaving out
6) Partner up!
7) Take turns asking for parts of speech to complete your mad libs.
8) Write your partner’s words in the blanks on your sheet.