Nomination form

NZ Herefords Herd of Excellence

Nominated Party:

Contact details:

Herd Size:




Nominated date for a public event:



Contact details:



Reasons for nomination (to be completed by nominator):

* By signing this form you agree to the terms and conditions of entry as outlined over the page.

Terms and conditions of entry;

·  The entrant must be a financial member of the NZHA and an affiliated club and the property must be within the boundaries of the nominating NZHA club.

·  The NZHA reserves the right not to judge an entry if it deems the entrant does not fit the overall objective of the award.

·  The entrant agrees to complete and return the written profile to the best of their ability in the time-frame given and agrees to the use of this information (in part or its entirety) by designated judges and for promotional purposes.

·  The profile includes generic farm details such as stock numbers, management policies, business goals, challenges, marketing strategies, and basic financial figures such as economic farm surplus. Entrants can opt for the financials to be used for judging purposes only.

·  Entrants agree to host visit/s by judges at a time suitable to all parties.

·  The entrant agrees to participate in and assist with publicity, regionally, or nationally as deemed fit by the NZHA, including hosting a field day should they be awarded the Herd of Excellence title. A preferred print partnership has been formed with NZX Agri / Country-Wide Publications and they are to be given priority for promotional purposes.

·  The winning entrant agrees to host an on-farm field day (or similar public event) as soon as logistically possible after the winner is announced and at a date suitable to all parties.

·  Entries must be received by the due date – no late entries will be eligible.

·  The Herd of Excellence brand is available for unlimited use in marketing and promotion of the winners herd and enterprise. The Herd of Excellence title is valid for use for 10 years from the date of winning. Any action or reproduction that is deemed inappropriate by NZHA will see the removal of the status from the herd.

·  Previous winners are eligible for re-entry after 10 years, at which point should the judges decide competition standards are still being met/or exceeded on the property they can be automatically re-allocated the Herd of Excellence stamp for use.

·  The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

·  Prizes are non transferable.

·  Return to the New Zealand Hereford Association office no later than: Friday 28 October 2011.