Owasco Country Club/Cayuga Community College

May 8, 2009

WELCOME: Kathy Flaherty

Chair, Kathy Flaherty, started the meeting at 10:15 by welcoming everyone and thanking Nancy Teodecki for making the arrangements and Cayuga Community College for hosting. Nancy gave some housekeeping tips and then introductions went around the room.


These are the minutes from Exec Council meeting held in April:

Treasurer’s Report – Harewood/Dalton

Wayne and Tom will calculate the amount needed to transfer from Long Term Investments to move into the checking account. A motion was approved in June to allow the Treasurer to do so.

Membership Report – Jacobi

Membership has gone down due to people leaving the industry.

College Access Challenge Grant – Stearns

Two Grants are in progress. The first is the $49,000 approved grant. So far College Goal Sunday and Novice Training have made requests to utilize the grant. CGS requested funding to fulfill CGS requirements (this could pay for t-shirts and to pay the webmaster-- which is the main communication tool used to disseminate information about College Goal Sunday). Novice Training requested some of the funding to publish the training manual. Region 6 asked to use funding to pay for annual tax return workshop. Discussion took place whether the tax return training fulfilled grant specifications. Maria requested that Peg create a grant request form. Requests are due by May 15th to Peg.

We have applied for the second (larger grant). We applied for $380,000 to support the Eastern Region of the state (region 4, 5, 8) to do CGS, Guidance Counselor, FA Nights. We will be notified on 4/28/09 whether we received the grant.

Novice Training – Simpson/Papke

Novice registration is open. So far 23 people are registered (up from last year’s number at this time of the year). Training manual is at the printer. 9 small group leaders are ready to go. Planning is going smoothly.

Conference 2009 – Gorrick/Zasso

Conference has been changed to a three-day event. Tuesday – Thursday, October ??. Novice will not be held, Grad Symposium may not be held Committee hopes for around 350 attendees. First General Session on Tuesday morning will begin at 10am. Vendor area will be set up in a similar format as in the past.

Technology & Innovation Committee


A PROPOSAL written on March 26, 2009

As discussed at council in lieu of the now decommissioned Next Generation Committee many of us were in favor of establishing the Technology and Innovation Committee which would hopefully attract several members from the next generation.

NYSFAAA has many challenges ahead two of which are:

1.  Getting the younger generation more involved

a.  Future leadership

2.  Doing things better, smarter, cheaper and more efficiently

TIC is charged as follows:

• Rethinking the way NYSFAAA operates

•Explore more efficient and less costly ways NYSFAAA may operate

• Provide solutions beyond those at ready access to deliver training and other services through technology

•Work with the Governance committee to examine and assess the infrastructure and leadership roles

• Develop a directory of member institutions that can facilitate podcasts and webinars

Heather reported on behalf of the Nomination/Elections Committee that there is only one viable candidate for Treasurer-Elect and no candidate for President-Elect. We may need to have Executive Council make a motion to postpone the election, a stay of our by-laws. Heather will make a motion on Monday, April 27th if needed.

NYSFAAA should remain neutral in the issue of elimination of FFELP because there are members that utilize both FFELP and DL.

Old Business:

Region 2 is putting a proposal together for 2011 Conference.


·  No transactions so the current balance is still $3,947.98.

·  Pat is helping to put together a budget and it will be submitted to the Exec Council. We have not received the January revenue sharing and the Support Staff workshop will be our next big expense.

STATE UPDATE: Dawn Germano

·  TAP was preserved in the New York State Budget with a new requirement that income from New York State, Federal and local government pensions be included as income when determining TAP eligibility as well as for calculating the TAP award, consistent with private pension income. Students will get a message from TAP if a recalculation is done.

·  The Competitive Loan Auction Pilot Program for PLUS loans was cancelled.

·  The Loan Symposium will be Sept 16 and 17th.


A condolence card was sent to Bill Cheetham on the loss of his mother and a donation to the NYSFAA scholarship will be made in her honor.

Kathy reminded everyone to make sure they are on the Region list serve.

Elections – Annette Broski

Voting is open until May 13th.

Support Staff Workshop - Annette Broski

·  There are 20 reservations so far and we are aiming for 50. Annette will send out another reminder.

College Access Grant – Kathy Flaherty

Kathy is looking for ideas in how to use the grant. It should be aimed low-income students to help them attend college. Some suggestions were: College tours, mentoring, internships, and educating high school freshmen and sophomore parents on FAFSA forecaster. Jackie Darquea, Gina Soliz Annette Broski, and John View volunteered to work on a proposal.

June Meeting

It is scheduled for June 19th but we do not have a host yet. Kathy will send out a notice to the list to see who is interested.


Old Business

John View said a rep from the Attorney General’s office spoke at SUNYFAP. John asked him about the money that they collected in fines. They are having a meeting and NYSFAA representative will be there. John suggested we ask our local representatives if they know where the money is.

Say –Yes to Success – LaSonya said to call Chris Walsh at 315-443-3426 if you have any questions or problems. Seniors have until May 22 to file a FAFSA and pick a school. They will send out a list to the schools.

College Goal Sunday – Chris Walsh is a co-chair and the YMCA will be a sponsor. The tentative date of February 14th, 2010 may be a problem.


“The People Want to Know” – John did a mini reauthorization update and then led a lively discussion on future training topics that would entice more members to attend the region meetings. Some of the idea’s that came up were:

·  New technology training including facebook and twitter

·  Joint training with other regions

·  How to communicate with today’s students

·  New legislation and impact on schools

·  FERPA – clarification

·  NYS demographics and impact on schools

·  Post the training documents on our web site

·  Webinars

The meeting adjourned at 12:50.

P.S. Since the date of the meeting, Ken Kogut has passed away and a NYSFAAA scholarship donation was made in his name.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Rooker

Regional Secretary

Members and guests present:

  1. Ambrose Price, Citizens Bank
  2. Amy Connors, Syracuse University
  3. Annette Broski, Mohawk Valley Community College
  4. Bonnie Rooker, Cayuga Community College
  5. Colleen Conroy, TC3
  6. Colleen Deady, DCMO Boces
  7. Darrin Rooker, NY Chiropractic College
  8. Dawn Germano, HESC
  9. Gina Soliz, SU Law
  10. Jackie Darquea, Cayuga Community College
  11. Jan Klotz, retired
  12. Jerome Moss, Key Bank
  13. John View, SUNY ESF
  14. Judi Miladin, Cayuga Community College
  15. Kathy Flaherty, SUNY Oswego
  16. Katrina Delgrosso, Chase
  17. Laura Helmick, PNC Bank
  18. LaSonya Griggs, SUNY Upsttae
  19. Nancy Teodecki, SUNY Upstate
  20. Pat Johnson, Hobart & William Smith

21.  Rose Hartson, Pratt MWP

  1. Sarah Hicks, TC3
  2. Stephanie Stock, Sallie Mae
  3. Tami Gilbeaux, Edfund
  4. Theresa Gieseke, ASA
  5. Tiffany Sisko, SU Law