Bryant & Stratton College

February 12, 2010

WELCOME: Kathy Flaherty

Chair, Kathy Flaherty, started the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking Bryant & Stratton for hosting.


·  Council met February 9 in Albany.

·  2009 Conference was successful.

·  Kevin Ryan chair of 2010 conference in Buffalo

·  FACEBOOK in the works

·  2011 conference will be at the Turning Stone due to expense of NYSFAAA breaking contract with them; and will be hosted by Region2.

·  Novice dates set for 2010

·  Training at Monroe College (the “Monroe Project”) was successful and now training at Berkley College for Financial Aid & BURSAR offices in progress.

·  College Access Grant: regions need to decide how to spend the funding. Discussion on how to identify low income areas, Region 3 has $1300 to spend by 6/2010.

·  Laura Anglin –President of CICU spoke to group about lobbying and budget process.

·  Discussed Governor Paterson’s state budget cuts.

·  John Austin discussed Financial Aid awareness month.


·  The current balance is $3,069.81.


·  Financial Aid Awareness is underway.

·  Future educational partnerships may be available to assist families with budgeting skills; i.e. when a student gets a refund how is that managed.

·  NYHELPS is underway with 250 applications in progress.

MEMBERSHIP – Darrin Rooker

·  Our region has 158 current members vs. 191 last year, down 17%.

·  Darren will follow up with those who did not renew memberships.


·  There were 85 families at both sites: 37 at Fowler and 48 at Nottingham.

·  There was 100% return on evaluations since there were lots of door prizes.

·  Each site had 8 $250 scholarships to award.

·  Families were given financial aid folders to keep documents.

·  Chris Walsh mentioned that success should not just be measured in numbers who attended.

·  Sonya works with the families both before and after the event. They discovered that the FAFSA worksheet does not match the online form, so Sonya developed her own worksheet for the event.


·  Holly will now be working with Dan Sistarenik, Sue Meade, Christine Horner on this committee. Holly Z. stays in contact witha rep fromNASFAA, Justin.

·  At the end of December Curt sent a letter to legislators to extend ECASLA. . The students will hurt if it is not passed. VT, NJ and VA resent letters regarding SAFRA and ECASLA.

·  Everything in Washington is on hold for health care.


·  Net Price Calculator has to be accessible on our websites as of October 2011.

·  There is a demo pilot available via partnership between USAF and studentaid.com. The first year would be free, then licensing fees would apply.

·  Since no one has exact answers as to what it should represent, the consensus is that it best reflects your school.

·  There are too many unknowns out there.

FAFSA 10/11

·  LaSonya Griggs has developed a FAFSA Worksheet that better match’s what is on the online FAFSA. She is willing to share the document to those requesting it.

·  IRS draws information in if you completed an 09/10 FAFSA . Right now no data comes down from the IRS but it is out there.

·  Skip logic has proven to be beneficial. No more completing sections that do not pertain to the student.

DIRECT LOAN PRESENTATION - John View and Bill Cheetham

Handouts offered great key points:

·  Identify key people (financial aid office, IT folks, student accounts, bursar, etc.)

·  Identify time table with tasks to be completed by key people

·  Choose another school as a mentor

·  Schedule meetings

·  Modify time table when necessary

·  Wrap up all business

·  Announce to all school personnel what might be happening with DL. Educate your students.

·  Get tight with the IT people and another DL schools for assistance or information.

·  Cazenovia College has a great site going right now. Check it out. Look at LeMoyne’s loan section.


·  Nick McCook from Ed America and Ed Financial introduced himself and explained a little of what they offer. He indicated that they continue to support schools.

·  The June meeting is being considered at the New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls. Darrin Rooker said dates that are good are: June 14 -17 or 21 – 23. Thursday would be best.


·  Check your IPEDS data; the numbers might be reversed

·  FAFSA enrollment questions are option which might affect the information you use

·  Skip logic seems to be missing from the SAR correction section for FAFSA

·  On-line help is good

·  Year – Round Pell will be a good topic for future discussion


·  At the time of this posting the March meeting was cancelled. The next meeting will be Friday, May 7 in Auburn. The popular topic of Year Round Pell will be covered.

Also, the Support Staff Workshop will be May 26th at LeMoyne this year. Annette Broski is again heading the committee.

These minutes were comprised of notes from Kathy Flaherty and Rose Hartson.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Rooker

Regional Secretary

Regional Meeting (Feb 12) Attendance

Jackie Darquea – CCC

Chris Walsh – SU/SAYYES

Katrina DelGrosso – SU

Sonya Griggs – SUNY Upstate

William Cheetham – LeMoyne

Eileen Muhlig – USAF

John View – SUNY ESF

John Austin – HESC

Theresa Gieseke – ASA

Sheila Cooley – SUNY Oswego

Diane Barrett – Hamilton

Melissa Rose – Hamilton

MaryAnn Atkinson- Hamilton

Rose Hartson – Pratt MWP

Darrin Rooker – NYCC

Nick McCook – Edamerica

Holly Z

Vince Scalise – Chase

Amy Connors – SU

Pat Johnson – HWS

Kate Bellefeuille – OCC

Steffani Williams – OCC

Lavet Lorenz – Syracuse SAYYES

Peg Stearns – University College of Syr Univ

Sarah Hicks – TC3

Colleen Conroy – TC3

Kathy Flaherty – SUNY Oswego