NYSAFP Membership Commission Minutes

September 27, 2011; Via Skype and Conference Call

Participants: Dr. Mark Josefski, Chair; Dr. Marianne LaBarbera, Dr. Sarah Nosal, Dr. Charles Francis and Donna Denley, Staff

Absent: Dr. Joseph Caruana

Meeting called to order by Dr. Josefski at 5:15pm

  • Review & approval of minutes from August 6 meeting done prior to the meeting via email exchange and posted on the NYSAFP, Membership Commission webpage.
  • Mission statement not reviewed
  • Old Business
  • Ms. Denley reported no significant changes in membership numbers. 2012 dues invoices will be in the mail from the AAFP shortly. This will have a significant impact on income over the next few months.
  • Ms. Denley reported that the outreach to Resident Program Directors had not yet been done but will be completed in the next week.. Draft letters and a flyer will be approved by Dr. Josefski and mailed/emailed.
  • Members reviewed two member affinity proposals.
  • Bank Card USA – Credit card offer: It is recommended to have counsel review this and have additional board/fiduciary review prior to endorsing.(Notes: This offer came from Dr. Neil Nepola . Mr. Vito Grasso is meeting with another bank next week to discuss a similar proposal.).

BOARD ACTION: Further review; recommend counsel review

  • Energy Plus – energy re-seller: Based on Mr. Grasso’s discussions with MSSNY and a pharmacists’ association, both offering the program to their membership, the commission recommends offering this product to the membership. (Note: Mr. Grasso had previously spoken to these organizations.)
    BOARD ACTION: Recommend endorsement and offer to members
  • Members further discussed the ‘Resident Booth’ at Winter Weekend to encourage general membership and to provide a resource for creating Resident Chapters.
    Internal Action: Bring Resident Chapter forms
    Internal Action: Also have 25 Resident Chapter packets available for the FMEC meeting on October 21 in Danvers, MA. Dr. Josefski will distribute.
  • Members discussed various Town Hall topics. The recent topics of the AAFP Town Hall were considered. Dr. Nosal suggested the Health Insurance Exchange. Members also discussed SGR and the RUC as well as Physician in Distress. Dr. Josefski noted that nothing stands out yet.
    BOARD ACTION: Please offer suggestions as we are soliciting ideas
  • New Business
  • Staff will coordinate outreach to new members including a Welcome Packed/Letter from NYSAFP President and the Membership Commission Chair. It is also recommended that we reach out to current members that may not be engaged to encourage additional participation.
    Internal Action: Create Welcome Letter; include information on commissions, advocacy, recent activity, upcoming CME/calendar, newsletter link. Reach out to local chapter leadership and send them current membership information for their county.

The next meeting of the Membership Commission is scheduled for Sunday, March 4, 2011 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy at 10:00am. This is the Sunday prior to Lobby Day.

It was also agreed to have an informal meeting while all members are in Lake Placid for Winter Weekend in January 2012. Specific times and dates were not made.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:02pm by Dr.Josefski.